Traveling through the Multiverse. The storyboard for the pilot-episode of a series-idea.
Hi Guys!
Today I am presenting you the storyboard I made for the pilot-episode of a series-idea i came up with. I made the pictures in photoshop. They are mushups out of photos i made in front of a greenscreen and photos of different sceneries. The coloration of the pictures show when he is in a different universe.
Here is the plot in extra short:
The main character is jumping through different universes without noticing it because in the beginning the differences between those universes are too small to recognize.
-A Pilotepisode-The Maincharacter Siyah is a highly intelligent scatterbrain who is a computer science professor on a university. Thanks to his intelligence he manages to easily grasp his chaos and he always looks like he´s prepared.
The Story begins on a seemingly normal monday, he´s driving to the university in his brown 1985 VW Passat and, as always, he is listening to the same Radiochannel.

When he arrives he is going to his lecture room but there is already another professor holding a course. Siyah is confused for a moment so he checks the rooms scedule, which is confirming that he´s in the wrong room. As he checks his own diary the scedule there is not the one he was expecting but he thinks: "Well, seemingly something changed and i guess somehow it slipped my mind."

After Work is done he is meeting with an old friend from middleschool to just hang around and talk about everything and anything. They meet at the same place as always and Tobi, his mentioned friend, is handing siyah a cigarette. The branding on the packet says "Stuyvesant".

Siyah is taking a cigarette and lighting it up. "Since, when are you smoking this brand? I´ve never seen you smoking those." he is asking Tobi. He replies by asking him how bad his memory was and adds that they smoked these a whole summer long a few years ago. Siyah trys to remember, and he usally has good memory, but he can´t. Both could swear that they are right and after discussing about it for a few minutes Siyah says that Tobi is mistaking him with someone and they close the case.
As it gets darker they are saying goodbye and everyone´s heading home. As Siyah arrives he´s sitting down on his couch watching TV. He falls asleep.

Siyah opens his eyes and wakes up in a psychiatry, bounded on a bed. He´s scared and confused. As he was shouting for help a person with a white coat entered his room and asked him to be quite or otherwise he will tranqualize him as he did before. Siyah did not understand anything, he could not calm down himself and kept shouting and fidging. The doctor injected a tranqualizer and Siyah lost his consciousness.

The moment he lost his consciousness, he saw the ceiling of his sleeping room. He is very confused but slowly got out of his bed while putting on his slippers. While walking to his balcony he also put on his coat. He stood there, smoked a cigarette and thought:"I can remember every single detail of this dream, i still feel the pain from the needle... Was that really just a dream?"

Looking forward to read more about it, very interesting. And very nice made up pictures. keep it on!
Thank you =D