'Your Story' - Steemit Story Chain #21 Where You Write the Story and 100 Whaleshares for the Winner

in #story7 years ago (edited)


Welcome to the Steemit Story Chain

Good evening fellow Steemers, I hope you're doing well. It's time for another Steemit Story Chain where I normally ask you to continue writing a story that I start. However, for the past couple of weeks I have been asking you to also start the story so you have complete ownership of the story chain from start to finish. The first time I adopted this new format I had a fantastic response, but last week's story chain didn't go so well.

It's really important that everyone sticks to the rules and only writes a short paragraph or two. No one wants to be met with a wall of text for just one story part, and the first part of the story this week while superbly written was incredibly long and probably dissuaded others from taking part. We have had long parts before, later on in the chain it becomes less of a problem and so it has not really been an issue. But as I say please bear in mind you only need to write a couple of paragraphs at most.

I would still like to say thank you to those that took part in last week's story chain, particularly @komaat and @dreamingirwin who demonstrated some great writing talent. The quality of writing from both of you was very impressive to say the least. However, after some deliberation I have determined a winner.



You completely immersed yourself in the story that @komaat had created and developed it beautifully. You captured the essence of the narrative and through your writing style painted the imagery of the scenes in my mind very effectively, giving us a mild but suspenseful conclusion of the piece with the police officer's expression of curiosity.

You have won 100 Whaleshares. Please reply with your Bitshares account information and I will send the Whaleshares to your account immediately. Enjoy! If you don't have an account don't worry it's very simple and completely free to set one up here - https://bitshares.openledger.info/?r=akrid-1.

A reminder of the winning part is detailed below:

Part 2

Sarah just stared at the piece of paper in utter bewilderment. Droplets of rain began to fall onto it at a faster pace. She quickly glanced around, hoping to see someone she could ask for help. "Damn it", she thought, remembering that she had left her phone at home on the charger. Issuing the command to stay towards Joey, and after verifying that he was listening. Sarah slowly walk towards the mound of dirt. As she got closer to it, it was clear to her that there was more then just a skull underneath the mound. Having watched more than her share of investigated shows, she was not regretting having picked up a piece of paper. The falling rain and slowly increasing it's pace. Carefully folding the paper, she sighed realizing that she had no pockets.

As she pondered the situation, Joey let out a sigh. Looking over at Joey, who was staring at her pleadingly while beginning to whimper. Sarah walked over to Joey, and said, "come on boy" as should begin to run back towards business district. The police station was not too far from where she was now standing. Though she had not originally intended to run the distance back, at this point it was all she could do. Her legs tremble as she ran down the hill, though she was impressed by their resilience. She paid little attention to the sites around her, as she ran to the police station. Even the smell of the bakery was but a fleeting impression.

Her mind was filled with thoughts of what had just occurred. Different scenarios were now streaming through her thoughts, occasionally interrupted by the discomfort of having water drip into her eyes. Both her and Joey we're completely soaked, though Joey did not seem to mind as much. She did her best to shake off the streams of water flowing down her wrist and through her fingertips. There was little she could do to keep the note grasped tightly in her hands from getting wet. She could even feel the moisture squishing between her toes, as water drip down her yoga pants and into her sneakers.

As she made her way through the business district, she conscious glanced the streets. Hoping to find someone that could help. Yet there was no one, it was just her and Joey. A sense of relief came over her as the police station came within view. Though she had seen the classic stone building, with the large stone steps, an tall stone pillars before. This was probably the first time she felt so much joy in seeing it. Running up the stairs, and holding the door open for Joey. She made her way towards the reception desk. Sitting at the desk was an older man, with a neatly trimmed beard, thick brown glasses, and wearing the standard police uniform.

His eyes widened as he saw Sarah approaching. " Are you okay!", he exclaimed. Sarah was now leaning forward with both hands on the desk, trying to catch your breath. The moisture from her hands dripping onto the desktop surface. Slightly panting Sarah begin to recount her story. Starting with her run, describing the skull in the mound of dirt, handing over the now soaked note, an ending with her run to the police station. The officer then looked questioningly at the note, and back at Sarah.

Now moving on to this week's story chain. As I previously mentioned I am going to let you guys start the story again, but please remember the rules of the contest. So instead of me starting the story again this week you will. If you wish to enter the contest please ensure you upvote and resteem this post. Then all you need to do is use the comment box to start and continue the story. Remember to keep it reasonably short and only one entry per Steemer. Make sure you number the part of the story you are writing. You can adopt any genre and style you wish. Be as ambitious and original as you can, and have fun with it!


This contest is sponsored by Whaleshares and I owe a big thank you to @akrid and @officialfuzzy. There are 100 Whaleshares for the winning entry. If you would like to learn more about Whaleshares and how they can increase your post rewards please visit https://steemit.com/whaleshares/@eirik/guide-on-how-to-use-whaleshares-updated-version where @eirik will gladly explain more to you.

What I am looking for in order to determine the winning entry is as follows:

  • A strong sense of imagination
  • Creative intelligence
  • Originality
  • Narrative fluidity (ensuring the story chain links smoothly)
  • Use of language, grammar and syntax (we need to understand what you're saying!)

The winner will be announced in a week's time. A new post will be published then announcing the winner along with a new story chain.

Part One of Your Story

Please begin writing the story.



We were told by the instructor, yesterday, that today would solely involve us being finger printed. After which we could leave. I was looking forward to a short day, and as "luck" would have it. I was the second person called, out of a class of 30. The fingerprinting took only a few minutes. I then filled out the required 8 Hour log sheet, and was soon sitting in my car smiling with satisfaction.

Feeling the need to brag, and possibly make plans for the rest of the day. I sat in the parking lot and called my brother. While relating the story to him and his wife, who was listening via speakerphone. My train of thought was interrupted by the sound of three gunshots, resounding somewhere in the neighborhood behind me. " Do you see what I mean!", I told my brother still on the phone. " The neighborhood they picked for the training absolutely ghetto!", I continued. They laughed. Suddenly I heard my back door open, and someone jump in. Something was now being pushed against the back of my head, and someone was now frantically yelling, "Drive! Drive!" The item being pushed against the back of my neck, was pressed even harder now. Followed by and even more frantic command, "Hurry up, or I'll shoot you!"

@dreamingirwin, you definitely have a talent for writing! The suspense! Love it.

Congrats @dreamingirwin for winning. And, for @freedomexists to promote such a wonderful contest. Looking forward to the next submissions! Resteemed.

Part 2

For a second I froze.
Suddenly all my synapses jumped into over drive and I swear I could have won an Oscar in driving. I literally hightailed it out of that neighborhood. After driving for 30minutes I assume, I finally picked up the courage to ask "where to". I received no answer so I followed my instincts and drove towards a park in a safer neighbourhood. I parked the car and asked if it was okay to step out because I obviously didn't want to be shot. To my greatest surprise, I heard sobbing in the backseat.

I unhooked my seat belt and stepped cautiously out of the car with my hands in the air but when I turned around, no gun was pointing at me. I don't know how else to explain what I saw but I was shocked to my bone marrow. There was absolutely no one in the back seat. And to top it all, the doors were still closed. Oh my goodness. I basically deflated. I just sat on the side walk and tried to get myself together. What had just happened??

I remembered after a while that I had been on the phone with my brother. So I called him back to tell him what had just happened. I needed someone to convince me that I wasn't crazy. While the phone was ringing, I got back in my car after checking every single nook and cranny of the car. Of course I didn't find anyone. All I found was a tube of lipstick and a......

Good job @thot2word! I see we have a hard fork. 🤣

Oh my. I don't know how to sort this out. I think the post didn't load completely because if I had seen your entry, I would have started from there. I'm sorry about the oversight.

But this story has the makings of a goose bump series....those types where the choice you make takes you down a different turn. 😉

@freedomexists please is it possible for me to write another entry.... A part 3 continuing from @karencarrens part 2.

@thot2word, your version is perfect the way it is! People can now choose which path to take. 😁

Hmmm. I like to twist very cool. :)



It's not very often a gun is pointed at my head. I glance up at my rearview mirror and see that the other guy is possibly more scared than me. The only thing I can do at this time is to follow along and drive. I acknowledge his demands with a slight nod, move my car into drive and hit the gas. The cold, rigid pressure is immediately lifted as the gun is lowered.

As I look up again, I connect with his eyes. He's telling me something with his eyes which really pisses me off since I can't read minds. "So, what's up? Where are we going?" I ask.

"Just drive. I have to think," he huffed.

I think to myself, as long as I'm driving, I should be safe. I look to see how much gas I have and see that I have almost a full tank. According to my display, I have exactly 434 miles to work this out. "Okay, think away," I replied.

"Can I trust you?" he asked, "I kinda need a friend right now."

@moneyinfant has added your contest to the list Steemit Writing Contests: Issue #12. The list is updated on a daily basis and your contest will remain on the list until its expiration - there's nothing you need to do.

The list was created to save writers the excessive amount of time spent searching through the #contest tag for writing contests. Now they can just come to the list each day, see new contests and use their time doing what they love - writing.

If you'd like to help spread the word about the Steemit Writing Contest list I'd really appreciate a resteem, but it certainly isn't necessary. The project is simply meant to help writers save time and contest creators attract more contestants.

P.S. If you know of any contests I've missed I'd love to hear about them. Thanks!

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
The resteem was paid by @dreamingirwin
Curious? Read @resteembot's introduction post
Check out the great posts I already resteemed.


part 2

So the officer request for a towel to dry the water dripping from her clothes and a cup of coffee for both Sarah and Joey, then the officer told her to narrate what happened again after he had written down her story, a patrol car was dispatch to the scene to investigate