The perfect murder - An original horror story- Fiction

in #story7 years ago


It was a cool evening. Much too cold to be camping, but the fire was lit, and we all sat around the fire. We needed this weekend.  We needed a break. No technology, just the open fresh air. Nothing could break the silence, and we all sat relaxed in our own thoughts.  

Adult life is not for sissies.  The heat from the fire were sucked in by the frigid air before reaching our frozen hands, but we weren't ready to go to bed. Peter added more wood and John poked the fire. All five of us just sat there, watching the flames dance in the darkness, mesmerized by the flames. We have had quite a lot to drink, and we were all giddy.  

Just chatting and laughing the night away.  John and I had been married for fifteen years. Fifteen long years. Once upon a time we had a good marriage, but I think we lost each other somewhere in the middle of things. We were so used to each other. We never had children.  It was just never the right time, and after a few years I just gave up on this dream.  

It didn't seem to bother John not to have children, as he was traveling quite a lot these days, so it might be a blessing in disguise that we didn't have any kids.  Susan and Peter got married about three years after us, and they had three beautiful children. We stayed close friends and I have always thought of their children as my own.  Janice and Judy the eldest two are in college now, and Jessie the youngest, were always over at our house.   

Catherine was my best friend. Since her divorce a year ago, she hasn't been out on a single date.  I've tried to set her up on a few blind dates, but she lacked interest, and seemed content to be single. 

It was late. Nearly one in the morning when we all decided that it was time to go to bed. We really had a good time and we had to get a good rest before tomorrow. River rafting was on the schedule for tomorrow and something that I especially looked forward to.  It took me months to arrange this trip and we were going to make the most of it.  


Bright and early the next morning, we set off to the river.  Everyone seemed so excited and John acted like a little boy. It made me think of the time when we just met and we still had lots of he was gone almost all the time and I was mostly alone....

Why was money so important? Why did he not take me along on more of his trips? What's the use of even being married if you have to spend most of your time alone?

I sat at the back of the raft and John made sure that everyone's life jackets were tight and that we would all be safe. I've done a lot of research on river rafting and I was relaxed about the trip. Our guide Raymond, had a sense of calm that quieted any nerves about this experience...

Everything went smoothly as planned. We had enough time to experience the real sights as the water was calm. When we hit that first peak everyone screamed with excitement, and we damn nearly fell over. John never even knew what hit him. When we reached the peak I took my chance and tipped the raft a little more than usual.  John fell into the water and hit his head on a rock. 

Everyone was in up and arms and all excited...and when the water finally settled down it was only then that I screamed and everyone noticed that he was gone.  

Gone from my life forever. Gone were the days when I sat home alone, waiting for my husband to come home.  Gone were the days when I would go river rafting alone, because my husband was too busy on his business trips with Catherine, who used to be my best friend....

I figured it out a few months before when John started to stay out later and longer than usual. Catherine was always busy on those nights and weekends, so I spent most of my time alone, except for those weekends when I went river rafting and this is where I met Raymond...

 Please follow me 



Perfect little twist right there. Dang that wife is crafty! She didn't even have to get her hands dirty. Great story. I really enjoyed it.

Ha ha...I couldn't sleep because I had to drop off my husband this morning at 2 o clock at the airport for a business trip...probably where I got this idea

Had a little chuckle at the end there - nice one!

I am glad you enjoyed it! How are you Deb...I am off this week so I will spend some more time on Steemit now in between work that I have to catch up

Oops, missed this earlier in the week. Energy seems to be slowly returning. Still very busy, but aiming to get 2 or 3 posts a week up again. So far so good. Know what you mean about work to catch up on! It's Saturday but I still have quite a list for today.

Oe wicked women....I did not see that twist coming - was waiting for something to jump out of the bushes...well done.

The moral of the story is don't go rafting with the wife. She will kill you...looking at Ray.

Ha ha ha...thanks for this comment. Hoping to reach more people with these stories than with the chilfren moral here. Don't leave your wife alone too much!

Good little short story. You have a real talent. Run with it!

Thank you. I had to drop off my husband this morning at the airport at 2 o clock. He went on a business I live by the ocean and not close to a river...

Great Blog. Followed and enjoyed. I am hoping to try my hand in a short story soon and post it on here. Thanks

River rafting will never be the same now. 😊Great story. Hard, but rewarding work you do. Thank you

hey please follow me i followed you as well :)

Honestly >>> Very good

Thank you glad you enjoyed it.

Keep on writing the adult short stories. I liked it!

Surprising turn of events there. I even caught myself saying "oh and ah!". HeHe!
Great story!

It is nice to see a fellow writer. I hope you get the opportunity to read some of my material, @bigbear