HardFork Series Begins… The Backstory Needs Your Feedback!

in #story7 years ago (edited)

If you could see into the future, would it look like this?

In 2022 chaos was everywhere. Shattered glass, fire and debris all conspired with the blood of injured protesters to paint streets red.

It’s now 2029. The shattered glass and debris have been cleared and Augmented Reality is now used to cover any leftover bloodstains. The CFS would have us believe that our existence has once again regained some sense of normalcy.

But... the Blank Canvas Initiative is blinding us. AR overlays pacify populations who would otherwise be rioting in the streets. Instead they are literally blind to the desperate scavengers from our neighboring fallen states.

Uncertainty and disbelief predominate, infused with the glossy memories of an era gone by.

How did we get here?

Amidst the chaos and confusion of a crippling financial depression, the Phoenix Act of 2022 was quickly passed by the U.N. The Act permanently suspended many of the civil rights global citizens held dear in the name of order, stability, and the danger represented by “extremists” on both sides of the aisle who had become embroiled in a modern day feud--constantly blaming one another for escalating violence all the while fueling that very escalation.

As a part of the Phoenix Act, the Central Finance Service was formed by dominant members of the former United Nations, which could now wield global and unprecedented power. The CFS, and their operations center in New York City, still operates with impunity, despite widespread proof of their corruption. America’s trifecta of three letter agencies, the FBI/CIA/IRS of yesteryear has been superseded by this amalgam of global military might. And their stranglehold on The Overwatched through their fiat Liberty dollar. They’re ripe for the overthrow.

But in order to move forward with sanity and precision, and combine our efforts, we must understand how we got here. How did we let this happen? Is 2029 really any better than 2028? How did we find ourselves in this world of struggle, surveillance, danger, and division?
In decades past it was a commonly held belief that our politicians and the agencies our taxes funded were looking out for our best interests, but the hard truth was they were not. The list was long of those who failed us miserably – our governments, banks, insurance companies, our public education systems, even the mainstream media who reported a bastardized version of reality dictated entirely by either corporate or governmental interests. After a while there was no denying this, we began to feel it in our souls, in our daily struggles, and definitely in our wallets.

(Yet more proof of the targeted CFS propaganda campaign to erase our history)


Upon the widespread use of the internet, evidence of runaway greed and corruption in the corporate world and every layer of government was no longer as easy to hide. In fact the truth became so easy to find that if you didn’t see it, it was merely because you choose to remain blissfully ignorant. But we refused to be ignorant. Content creators, artists, crypto enthusiasts, poets, musicians, writers, this community of likeminded souls we took up arms because we simply could not find the bottom of the rabbit hole.

Many of us looked back with reverence and naively thought past generations had a better life but did they really? As a student of history you see that, although pain points have shifted, from generation to generation there has always been a prickly underlying baseline of suffering. Who have been the harvesters of the sorrow and struggle? None of this is new to Generation Alpha, as it won’t be for the Betas arriving on this damaged planet today. For centuries our world has been controlled by a small handful of very powerful people who use any and all tools at their disposal to place their hands tightly around our necks. These people are gatekeepers who determine everything from the price of health insurance co-pay to how much is needed to borrow for that next semester of college.

The true conundrum we found ourselves faced with is how do we solve problems as epic and as deep rooted as this?

The US Democratic primaries thirteen years back were a turning point when the curtain was pulled and the malignant inner workings of the corrupt electoral process were revealed. This election showed us that if a political candidate demonstrated the wish to fight against the establishment for the good of the people and truly spark meaningful change the election would simply be manipulated by the elite to insure this candidate wouldn’t win.


Origin of Our Redemption

The Housing Crisis of the late Octies happened and shortly after this came our answer. January 3, 2009 was the origin of our redemption, a digital currency called Bitcoin was born. “Nerd money” they called it. What people soon realized was that the technology that made cryptocurrency possible, blockchain, had many more applications than anyone could have predicted. This technology gave us a choice to say goodbye to our lives of modern day serfdom. Blockchain offered us a way to divorce ourselves from an archaic and corrupt world and the gatekeepers who profited from it.

Of course the gatekeepers wouldn’t give up their power and immense wealth without a fight. And fight we did. That’s when The Table was born. When the crypto factions finally began at least trying to see each other’s point of view. To find solutions to the economic carnage sweeping The Overseen rank and file.

2029 and there’s still so much to fight for. This is a world of danger and insecurity, a global society distinctly split between two warring factions who each believe wholeheartedly in their cause. And the plebs blindly toiling at the company store in between. The Centralized faction, still loyal to the old establishment and the Decentralized faction who, if they prevail, promise to usher in a new age for humanity.

It’s time to hack the AR. To set the minds of the Overseen free.

If you haven’t already, decommission your own corneals. Tear away the Blank Canvas. Stop the Overwatchers in their tracks.

And keep your nature-eyes peeled for the next missive.

The Revolution will be DECENTralized.

This is our introduction.

Yours in the chain,

There’s 2 days left to enter the first @HardFork-Series competition (deadline extended till Friday). For details on how to win $100 Steem in prizes, check out THE COMPETITION RULES HERE

(SPECIAL THANKS TO: @opheliafu for her ideas for The12 logo)

@HardFork-Series is an upcoming narrative mini-series with a decentralized filmmaking approach to be produced in New York City and around the world, the team includes writer @ericvancewalton, writer/director @dougkarr, star and writer @bakerchristopher, writer @the-alien, executive producer @andrarchy, growth hacker @nickytothenines, the amazing HardFork-Universe crew, and the entire Steemit community. Please reach out to any and all of us to get involved, or simply reply below and we'll reach out!

We'd also love it if people posted about their ideas on Steemit using the#hardforkseries tag, we just want to point out that in order to avoid any liability that we will be assuming everything posted within that tag is intended to be a derivative work of the HardFork series and so the HardFork team cannot be liable for any apparent similarities between the content and the final product.


Fighting the discomfort and corneal reflex to decommission and see clearly.

this is excellent @opheliafu!

This is awesome!

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Fantastic @opheliafu!! So cool.

I love this! What incredible talent you have.

excellent writing! this inspired me to try my hand at something other than my normal.
thanks for the inspiration mates!
Steem on!

Fantastic! Feel free to tag #hardforkseries so we can check it out and upvote!

I am gonna... do this. Not so long ago (only a few decades), I wrote 'The Wasteland', only to lose the storyline to 'The Matrix'. Your resurrection of this matter at a time when @corbettreport is pointing out that Canada is making an app to 'guide and reward' us, and Pokemon Go captured 75 million 'trainers' in short order impels me... to comply.


I suggest that you start writing your blog with #hardforkseries tag, these guys are serious about this series and will entertain your writings.

I wrote a chapter of a story I think might fit into the #hardforkseries. It's from the hip, with practically no editing, except for basic grammar, but you might like it.

Criticism is welcome!

I love the language and articulation, you describe it very vividly!
I believe you have that gift of storytelling that only a few can express.
I would follow that wherever it leads!

Well, then, here's Chapter II.

This is all new writing, BTW, and not from the story I wrote long ago, although I resurrected the title. It's been so long I really have no recollection of the characters or plot from the old one.

I hope ya'll like this bit. It's not quite so action packed as the beginning. But then, what is?

Edit: if anyone finds that I am splintering off the storyline too far, do not be shy about pointing me in the right direction. Earlier is better as far as that goes, cuz I am trying to build a plotline in my head, and the sooner I am able to get corrections incorporated, the smoother it will go.

I LIKE IT ! ..."the 12"... Let "The Table" Be Born !!

Beware of everlasting pain, for of all earthly knights I have most pity of thee, for I know well thou hast not thy peer on any earthy sinful man.

- A recluse to Launcelot, 713

Haha, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you're clairvoyant @clumsysilverdad! This is one of the references for the logo that we used...

This image is great!

Amazing introduction, but it gave me the chills because it feels like a very possible future. The logo is amazing, i love the fact that it looks so chaotic:)

Chaotic?!? You ain't seen nothin' yet! Have you decommissioned your corneals yet @georgeboya? Take a look. The real world is about to get a whole lot more chaotic than you can imagine.

Bring on the Chaos.
I know what will come.
I am ready.
I know we can WIN.

Whoah @georgeboya! Looks like you got the12's attention!

Oh yes and it looks like quite the badass:)

I have a vivid imagination @the12, indulge me:)

chilling....and yes let's choose a different reality, one that doesn't have this lie of underlying suffering!

Amen, @natureofbeing! You are going to love this new world. : )

In my quest to help those less fortunate souls decommission their corneals, I found the anagram of corneals is "Lorance".
So, I make it known that we can introduce ourselves as Mr. Or Ms. Lorance when dealing with the CFS. A big family!

Cheers Eric! Fractal thinking I suppose 😎


Amazing introduction and thanks for information. Dont forget visit my post @abib and follback :

Great introduction! Really takes the modern day into proportion.

Thanks so much @droucil!