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RE: Defect in the system / healthy and unhealthy mind, does such a thing exist?

in #story8 years ago

I agree with everythimg you said in the text, took my time to read it and very well made. 1 thing that I am facing right now is the chance of me failing 3 year of high school because of subjects I couldnt care 1 bit about it yet they force these subjects because "we will need them in life" which is bullshit at the end


True, i wish i'd been born a few hundred years in the future when stupid problems like this, which selfish egos create would no longer be, and humanity could move to something bigger, more exciting. Yet when i read the news and see what's going on in this world sickens me.

But even if you would fail, don't let the fear consume you like it did me. Like George Carlin said: "It's important in life if you don't give a shit. It can help you alot" This makes you invincible to all the bullshit fearmongering people who lead institutions like schools and such make to scare you, so you would blindly follow like a sheep, so they can control you.

I'm not scared about the situation at school, the thing I'm worried about is how do I adress this to my parents since they believe I am doing well in school which im not

Sorry for the late reply. But my opinion is to just tell them what you feel, if you don't want to get nuked with words when and if you fail. Communication is important. If they do love you which i'm sure they do, they will understand. Maybe not immediately but with time they will see where you're comming from. Maybe that day, in a month, or 20 years. Just prove them they're wrong. Even the greatest geniouses can fail at school.