An Attitude of Gratitude

in #story7 years ago

This is the first of a two-part Birthday series of posts. Yes, it's my birthday today, so I'm out and won't be able to respond to your comments for a few days. This is a scheduled post, so I aplogize for the delay in my replies.


Let's just get this out of the way. Yes, you read that correctly. It's my birthday today :D I'm not very fond of announcing it to the world, but I think it's relevant for this topic. With regard to Steemit, this is also the one year anniversary of my introduction post. It's a weird anniversary to celebrate, especially since I celebrated my one-year anniversary on Steemit last month. But, it's relevant to me because it was previously my last post on Steemit.

A lot can happen in one year

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For the purpose of not being redundant, I won't repeat the lessons I've learned in my anniversary post. If you're interested in reading about it, you can click the earlier link to have a look see. Since I've already taken a look back, it's time to push forward. This time around, I hope to experience Steemit during the early Ber months.


I'm glad you asked! By acknowledging your past and learning from them, of course! A year ago, right before I started to publish my fiction on Steemit, the posts I made centered around life lessons or self-help tips that were brought upon by my past experiences. Suffice to say, that positively bombed. In the weeks that followed, I asked myself why it was the case. I felt resentful especially when I saw other people's posts were doing significantly better even though I felt my output was far more superior. I was wrong, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

I'm relatively young, so I hadn't experienced as much as other people. Who was I to impart lessons? I was no expert, but I can definitely speak from experience. Sure, I was under the premise that I want people to not suffer through what I went through by giving them a sort of heads up. It was simple, and it had a clear purpose. But, it wasn't received well, or at least, not how I expected it to be received.

I don't care about rank or fame. For me, as long as you actively interact and vote on my posts, I will return the favor and be supportive of you whether you're a minnow, a dolphin or a whale. I assumed that it was what others felt, and therein lies where my argument breaks down. I get that now, a year and @lukestokes' constant reminders have taught me that. Why would anyone even listen to my ramblings? No one should be obligated to do that. I could blame a lot of my sense of entitlement on a number of different factors, but instead I'll just blame the one thing that I can do something about—me.

We are the captains of our souls

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You might be wondering, after the realization that lessons I impart don't get read as much, why am I choosing to write something similar to celebrate my birthday and the anniversary of my (previously) last article on Steemit? Isn't it ironic that I haven't learned my lesson about writing life lesson posts? Haha!

Don't get me wrong, I'm in a good place right now. Please don't mistake the tone of this post as a reflection of my current state. I've been posting my catharseries during Thursdays, so this might be a spill over from that. I guess my current mood can be depicted by one of my favorite poems of all time.

Out of the night that covers me,
      Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
      For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
      I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
      My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
      Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
      Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
      How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
      I am the captain of my soul.

~ Invictus by William Ernest Henley

As I stated earlier, the purpose of this post is to help me (and hopefully others) propel myself (or ouselves) forward. You could consider it a lightening of the load, an unstrapping of the ballasts or an unchaining of an anchor. One post isn't enough to discuss everything, but I want this to be a step in the right direction. Since life lessons from my experience don't truly make a dent, might as well relay the ones that experts have already written about.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with turning on the ignition

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Laozi had it right about taking a single step, and even though it's still widely applicable today, there have been centuries worth of lessons that we can use as stepping stones so that we don't have to reinvent the wheel or start from scratch, or any square one cliche quotes. I mean, there is no shame in standing in the shoulders of giants after all. I've tackled @lukestokes' lesson about adjusting expectations in my Steem anniversary post, and even though I want to continually exalt him with praises, I feel like a next topic is warranted.

As I said earlier, even though I feel happy for others' success, I can't help but feel saddened about the lack of it on my end. I once wrote posts about the love being shared around, and while I still hope for it to be true, I'm now leaning towards the realization that it might never be achieved. While there are efforts to uplift others, there are still a portion of the community that remains ignored—myself included. But, this is not a plea, or even a post to make others feel sorry about users like me.

Resentment still kicks in from time to time, and after reading The Headwinds/Tailwinds Asymmetry by Gilovich and Davidai I've learned that there is a simple way to limit resentment and fuel gratitude.

Invisible force, visible results

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

~ traditional Gaelic blessing

Gratitude is one of those things that's easy to say but hard to truly feel, isn't it? That's not to demean anyone who has ever been grateful about anything. It's just really hard to remain grateful, and that's not anyone's fault. That phenomena is called the hedonic treadmill which is the tendency of humans to a relatively stable level of happiness. With regard to Steemit, if a person routinely receives hundreds of votes and tons of earnings, expectations and desires rise in tandem. So, don't ever fault yourself for feeling negative. The best thing that you could do is to acknowledge it and conquer it.

I don't think chastising others for their negativity is the way to go. As someone who often feels that life is out to get me, I don't ever appreciate being called out for doing something "wrong." Instead, what we can do to help is to remind others of the good things going for them. Life is hard, and it's often easy to think that others have it easier. This is where the headwinds/tailwinds asymmetry comes into play.

Since this isn't my original work, I don't want to copy and paste their work and earn from it. Instead, I'm going to provide a cliff notes/TLDR version based on my understanding of it. Basically, the names were derived from the concept in running and cycling of "running/cycling into the wind" and "running/cycling with the wind at your back."

As it stands, we're aware of our headwinds, those things that retard our progress but we can't do anything much about. The only thing we can do is to mitigate their effects and hope that the course of the winds change to favor us. When the course eventually changes, and we have the wind on our back, that's what is called the tailwinds, which is something we're grateful for. Although, as evidenced in their studies, humans often feel grateful for them for only a short amount of time before we fail to notice that very same wind that carries us along. In a way, I guess this is where the hashtag First World Problem stems from. People often complain about stuff that others already consider a luxury.

Now that we know that we're taking things for granted, how does this relate to increasing our gratitude? It's simple really, once we tally all of the little things we should be grateful for, we would feel much better about our lot in life, and not think that we're getting the shorter end of the stick.

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Just to sidetrack for a bit, since we're on the part about comparing our lives to others. Why do we do that? I mean, there are tons of psychological studies that tackles it, but I'm asking those of you who are guilty of it. Why? Are we unhappy about what we have? Does comparing our lives to others make us feel any better? I'm not washing my hands clean of this, because I, too, compare my life to others from time to time.

Greed and envy only contribute to fueling resentment, which is one of the main opponents of gratitude. We don't need to compare ourselves to others, because we're all fighting our own battles. Once we're aware of this fact, we should take it upon ourselves to battle our own pathological tendencies and rise above that. It's easier said than done, but this is one step in our thousand-mile journey.

The wind beneath my wings

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Increased well-being, a calmer mind, a more generous orientation toward others, greater overall satisfaction—these are but some of the benefits of being grateful. Knowing all of this, it's hard to figure out why we would ever choose the opposite. But, it's ingrained in us, that's why we have to go, well, against the grain and fight our negative tendencies. Just by taking note of all your tailwinds (all your advantages, the ways your life had been made easier), you're already heading in the right direction. It could be as simple as you're still living and breathing, or you have internet that you're able to communicate with others across the globe.

Since it's my birthday allow me to list some of my tailwinds here on Steemit. Now, I'll inevitably miss some tailwinds, but this is just a starter list, and I'm just listing things from the top of my head.

It goes without saying that I'm thankful for the constant companionship of my fiancée @randomli, and even though she doesn't spend much time on Steemit, she is truly my rock in the real world. The wedding preps have hit a rather unlucky rough patch because of some suppliers, but we're working through it together. She has been a sponge that absorbs most of my anxiety, and I know it must be hard, that's why I'm thankful for her every day.

I'm grateful for @lukestokes and his co-founder Brett Florio for taking a chance on a young(ish) Filipino kid to man their support. Even though the contract was brief, I'm still thankful for everything I have learned and experienced. I haven't fully realized it yet, but I know it had opened a lot of doors for me.

Thank you to my constant supporters @dreemit, @ezzy, @meesterboom, @naquoya, @ryivhnn, @therealpaul and @finleyexp for all of the encouragement that you all provide.

@dreemit for being the ever-inclusive older sister I never had, you constantly push me to become better here on this platform and you always make it a point to make me feel remembered.

@ezzy my brother from another mother, your tireless words of encouragement uplift me to no end, even though you've already reached new heights you still take the time to visit me in the shallows.

@meesterboom my comrade from a different continent, our interaction in the comments is a highlight of my day and one which I believe is the stuff of legend. You're an example to be followed, and even if you didn't mean to be, you have become quite a mentor for me.

@naquoya you have one of the most inquisitive minds I have ever known, and while your writing is above and beyond my level, I appreciate how you place my writing side by side with yours. I completely feel humbled by it, and I'll forever feel undeserving.

@ryivhnn your post-long comments are always so entertaining and engaging, it's always a treat getting the chance to interact with you. Always so insightful and full of energy.

@therealpaul I know we haven't had that much interactions yet, but I know we'll make up for lost time. I've always admired your work, be it art or fiction, or others, and I truly wish that I could emulate it even to some extent.

@finleyexp I'm glad you came back when you did. While you had your personal reasons for taking a break, I'm sure you'll be able to make up for the time you have lost in no time.

I'm thankful for my screwy internet, even if it peaks at 2 mbps on a 5 mbps plan, and it gets disconnected every few minutes. Other people don't even have access to the internet, so I'm grateful for what I have.

I'm thankful for services like @randowhale who gives everyone an equal opportunity to earn.

I'm thankful for everyone who reads my post, even if they don't leave a comment. I'm even more thankful for those who take the time to leave a comment after reading at least half of my posts. I'm not thankful for people who comment Nice post, but I don't have that many of those because I am but a humble veteran minnow.

I'm thankful for Steemit for giving us the opportunity to express ourselves and communicate like this. While I'm not always its biggest fan, I appreciate its existence and I thank the people who work hard to keep it running. Thank you to @ned and @dan (to Dan also for giving me my highest earning post ever during my infancy on Steemit).

I'm thankful for the electricity that powers my computer and phone. Not many people have the luxury to have it, so I'm grateful that it's able to provide light and other comforts.

I'm thankful for clean-ish air, and that it doesn't force me to wear a mask every time I go out. I want to thank the sun for shining, even though it took a break for a few seconds the other day (even if I didn't get to see it).

I'm thankful for my parents and my family for all of the help they have given me. I'm most especially thankful for the education I was afforded. While I didn't live up to my full potential, knowing that I was able to reach the heights I did is truly a blessing.

Most especially, I want to thank you for reaching the end of this post. Whew! Just by writing all of those, I feel better already! Try it out for yourself :D You can create a post of your own and link it in the comments section below (along with some thoughts regarding this post, of course), or you can list what you are thankful for as a comment below. I promise to vote 100% as thanks :D

If you want, you can take it a step further and create a gratitude journal. Don't think of this post as something similar to my life lesson posts, because I never meant it to be. As I mentioned, I often fall prey to negativity. Do you have some hacks to increase positivity? Let's help each other out by letting me know in the comments section.

I should've really spent my time talking about how great it is to be a year older, but there's just too many things to be grateful about :D

I'm grateful for the work our witnessess do.

Vote for @lukestokes.mhth and @surpassinggoogle's @steemgigs witnesses for the betterment of Steemit! ;D


Beautiful post, my young brother! Such a gem of a guy, Steemit is so blessed by your presence! And a very Happy Birthday to you, man! I can only wish that I still had your youth, lol!

But my bro. Please please PLEASE do not put me on a pedestal when discussing you and I. Man, if only I could replay to you the times I was running out of steam(!), trying to find out what to write next and looking for some much-needed inspiration. Then I'd run to find solace in one of your latest posts and the cogs would start turning again. THAT's who are you, man. And that's why we all love @jedau so much! Always so happy, exuberant and selfless when attempting to make our day with your heartfelt words. You hit the bullseye every time, man.

Hope you have a great day. Enjoy and celebrate this wonderful occasion! I wish you nothing but the very, very best, my brother.

To the @jedau-meister! :)

Less young now than I was days ago haha! I think you that you think of me younger than I am. It might turn out that you're even younger than I am haha Thank you all the same, my bro! :D

It's why I do what I do, brother ;') You know I'm all about helping other people, and I find genuine happiness when I see my friends succeed. It's icing when I discover that I helped make that success possible.

The day, and the day after was indeed filled with happiness! I'm stumped catching up with all of the wonderful comments. What a wonderful problem to have! Thank you for having my back this whole time :D

Lol! I'm pretty sure I'm older than you, my bro. Wish I had some of that youth on my side, but alas, "time and tide wait for no man".

When you say you are genuine, I consider you one of the very few people I've met who I can wholehearted believe 100%. Selfless and incredibly sincere. Now all we gotta do is build your account up on this platform. You know you'll always have my full support for your awesome and well deserved posts, my brother!

Much love and respect to you, man! Bless...

And I am forever grateful for that support, my bro! I just have to paddle as hard as I can so I don't get swept up by the waves. With more and more writers coming to the fore, it would get incredibly hard to gain readers. So, I'm blessed having people like you in my corner, brother!

I ain't going nowhere, man! I've said it before and I'll say it again... You're a gem on this platform. Let's build you up on Steemit, my bro! :)

I appreciate all your support, bro! And while I'm still hopeful for it, realistically I don't think it's that probable. The best I could hope for is to just make a few more stable bucks haha I missed my window the first time I went on a hiatus and this is the price I pay. Or, I may not have ever been afforded a window at all hahaha! Either way, I'm just grateful for friends who think of me as such :'D

Ahh you're a sweetie. Love the rhyming post title, has a nice ring to it :) When you write it out like that there is a huge volume of things that we can be grateful for.

I don't really consider my mindset hacks hacks as such but I suppose they could be. Most of the time I just think of how much things could be worse, and the worse I feel the more extreme bad things I think of. Then you get to a point of going well things are bad/I'm pretty upset about this (because sometimes it's not that things are bad as such, you're just annoyed with a situation) but I'm not in [this hypothetical and much, much worse scenario].

Glad writing it all out helped, seeing as you're a longform writer maybe that's all you need to do every time you're feeling too down, whether you choose to publish it or not is another thing ;D

Have fun doing whatever it is you're doing, tell us about as much as you want to about it when you get back :D

Thanks for the virtual cake, mate! :D Often times, I just think of a cool sounding title and I try to build a post around it. This is one of those times haha! I'm glad it turned out well.

That's actually good advice, maybe I should just write write write no matter if it's crap just to somehow vent. I'll try my best to follow that. We went to this place called Camp N and with did all these stuff like rappelling and free falling and wall climbing. I'm afraid of heights, so it should've been hell for me. But, it was loads of fun! Didn't even stumble in the elevated obstacle course. I might not write a post about it, that's why I'm including it in the reply haha!

Well that's one way to do things!

That Camp N thing sounds like a whole pile of fun. Perhaps you were enjoying yourself too much to be scared :)

Perhaps! Or, I have this tendency to be able to do something I wouldn't have otherwise have done if I am with someone. It's a bonus I was with my fiancee, so I had to act tough even though she kept teasing me about how high we were. Maybe it helped when she herself became nervous haha!

Happy Birthday to my fellow Virgo. First up thank you for your heartfelt words (wow, this gratitude thing is contagious). You have expressed a lot of my own thoughts here. I don't normally verbalise them, but I certainly think them. And verbalising them is fine. It's honest. Things here, and in life in general can appear screwy. Unfair even. Not just to us, but in society as a whole. Why is that? (my inquisitive mind at work again).

I woke up this morning with such a similar mindset. Reflecting back on my own post from yesterday and the comments I received. Thinking about different emotional states, and where they come from, and how to interact with them. This post of yours helped coalesce these nebulous ideas and I am already conjuring up a post in my head right now (picture witches around a cauldron, wicked laugh, etc).

Gratitude has its place. Its hard to fake, but when it greets us it serves us well to embrace it, even if just for a moment. And even if it has a touch of the sardonic to it.

And my gratitude to you to, my friend :)

Oh wow! First it's our Steemiversary that's close to each other, now our birthdays! No wonder we get along haha! I'm glad this post helped you verbalize it. Not just with a few words, but by making an entire post! Catharsis all around!

I agree with you that it can't be fake. It's easy to smell schmoozing up when you see it. Even though I think about this a lot as well, I don't wear it out by including it unnaturally.

Thank you for taking the time to support my endeavors. Always nice to have friends :D

Your post came in at the right time, and it did contribute to helping communicate ideas that were floating around in me head. So credit where its deserved. Nice little moment of synchronicity.

Hope you guys had great birthdays, and time away.

Man, when wavelengths sync it's just pure magic. I expect a lot of those in the future, so I'm not at all surprised with it happening now :D

We did have a great celebration! It rained during those days, but it always rains during our birthday, so we just consider it a sign of good things to come :)

It was a nice bit of magic. My favourite kind.

Is there any other kind? Except, you know, time travel or fireballs or throwing lightning bolts or, you know what, yeah, it's my favorite kind of magic too :D

I'm sorry for not replying yesterday. I Happy birthday'd you in chat, lol, but the fact is that when it comes to certain people's posts, like yours, Paul's and Ezzy's, they often take time to read and I never want to skim them just because I'm pressed for time. In fact I have two posts of Paul's to still read and one of Ezzy's! Though meester's posts are generally quicker to read, I also like to have time so that I can write a comment that could inspire a conversation :)

I adore you, so that you think of me as the older sister you never had is actually making me a little teary. It is so amazing how a few people I've met on steemit have become so dear to my heart even though we've never met face to face. I truly think of some of you as family, and I now completely understand my son who has internet friends that he feels closer to then some of the friends he sees on a daily basis.

I love that you take so much time for self-reflection. It's yet another thing we have in common, and it truly is the only way that we can ever improve.


I totally get what you mean. I'm the same way! I have tons of posts in my queue and I don't want to rush them because I want to give all of them the attention they deserve. That's why sometimes I leave delayed comments as well haha

It's funny how your son led the way, and then you developed a tight knit online group of your own. "You were right son, this internet thing really brings the feels," she said.

We truly have a lot of things in common, that's why we famously get along! Thank you for everything, sis! :D

This is full of thoughtful ideas, and lots of things that I think about as well. First, though, I'm thankful for being included in your list of gratitudes, and it's an honor for me to read your kind words. We will definitely get caught up-- I'm getting faster at typing every minute, so I manage whole groups of sentences now instead of short phrases that used to take five minutes to peck out. Now I can respond with more clarity, sometimes.

When I did my year anniversary post, I scrolled down my page to the very beginning, and there were sections of perfectly good posts with $0.00 showing, and I remembered the feeling of frustration at that time. It really took a while for me to see the real value of spending so much time creating stuff here, and in fact I still need reassurance from time to time, but this post is a fine example of what I am grateful for in this steemosphere-- just the interest and warmth that you show in your communication is a blessing to me, and your presence, along with my other friends that I've met here, makes it a very valuable part of my life, well beyond that ever-present $ symbol which lured many of us here initially. Thanks for the great compliments and well thought-out, genuine encouragement that you offer here, you are high on my list of gratitudes in steemit world and in my life wholly.

Oh happy birthday to you, I nearly forgot that you are also a year older now, but I somehow missed this post earlier, so by the time you read this it may not really be your birthday anymore.

I think we're our harshest critics, that's why it's great to have friends to provide reassurance whenever we feel down. For me, I abide by that "do unto others" mentality, so I do things the way I want them done to me. Leaving thoughtful comments is my main priority here because I want to honor the author by acknowledging the effort put into the post. Since my votes aren't worth tens of dollars, it's the best I could do for now. I'm just glad to be part of your gratitude list as well. Warms my heart to know that :)

Thanks for the greeting, man! I saw the comments late as well so no worries about it :D

Back when I started here and was typing Fictionarium chapters every day, I had zero time to hang out or meet many people-- now I make sure to do both creating and hanging out as much as possible, it's more rewarding in more ways. I definitely appreciate the thoughtful comments on my stuff.

I remember back then when kept commenting on your posts and you don't comment on mine hahaha! I'm just happy that you were able to branch out and divvy up your time. Extremely glad that my posts are fortunate enough to be considered a stop during your treks :)

I was overwhelmed for a while, and I wondered sometimes why it seemed so lonely- oh this also reminds me I have some new names to add to my list- people who have been commenting on my posts and I haven't had time to check their pages out... I'm getting better!

No worries, brother. I keep telling Dreemit that I'm the same way. It's really hard to expose yourself socially, huh? That dilemma is the same exact thing I go through. I'm glad that you're reaping the benefits of opening up! Do let me know if you stumble upon another like-minded individual in that list so we could grow our group :D

Yea for years I remained pretty private and secretive online, but now that we are well into the great revealing, or Unveiling, there's no point in trying to hide anymore. Steemit seems to be the place to store all of what's real now. 'Hi, I'm Paul, for real.' ;)

Once you're seen, you can't be unseen. Welcome to the light, Paul. For real real this time. Which is ironic given your name haha!

really interesting written this topic really well with
the practical life feelings.Actually these are those things which define us and set our mindset at a point to do something more good ...i really like it,keep it up....GOOD POST FRIEND and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, so keep enjoying....!!!!UPVOTED AND FOLLOWED!

Thank you for the greeting and the compliment! :D I appreciate you taking the time to leave your thoughts as well :D

I am eternally grateful to have hooked up with you on here dude!! You are a great guy despite me fiscally owing you millions through some complicated commenting apparatus which caught me unawares. I think you are too hard on yourself at times but at others you rise like a gull in full flight and see things for what they are.. of course, also the perfect time to shit on those below.

Oh wait, you were the recipient of the shit. Aw damn this is all messed up.



ah, that's better

Oh yes and happy birthday man!!!

Although as this is scheduled and you are not about for a few days it will be a belated one!

No, I'm eternally grateful that the stars aligned to have us meet on here. The first contest I ever participated in, and it was a picture of you. If that's not the origin story of a lasting friendship, I don't know what is!

I'm calling on psychology to defend me there. I guess it's a pretty well known phenomenon, talking about the person being hard on oneself, but unbiased with regard to others haha That's a monkey on my back that I might never learn to shake. That's why I'm grateful I have people like you around to unburden me whenever I get into that mode.

Thank you, dude! For the greeting and for everything! I shall reserve my


for the people that read and didn't greet haha!

Well if there is a monkey on your back I will be glad to take the foul fecal eating monster off for a time. Perhaps even set him and another cohort of his cronies to work at a number of typewriters!

Was that the papa-pepper one? My memory is so rubbish. I will claim that as being a result of many many sleepless nights!

I commented that even before I read your Monkey Business post hahaha! It's always freaky when that happens haha!

It is indeed! And our friendship has blossomed from the seed that was planted there!

Ha, I love a bit of coincidental reply content action!! What a fantastic seed it was that was sown!!

I don't want to get too ahead of myself, but our comment threads since then have been the stuff of legend!

Oh they have!! A joyous and reckless journey of commenting!!!

As we speak, I am writing my part of our acceptance speech for when we win the coveted Best Comment Thread Eva' Award!

I read somewhere that just having an attitude of gratitude about the little things in life can make you happier. It doesn't matter if our lives aren't perfect, we live in a world where we have so much to be grateful for. Happy birthday! And I hope this new year goes really well for you as well. :)

Thank you for the greeting and the well wishes! I agree with that as well. There are so many things to be grateful for indeed :D I'm grateful for you taking the time to leave your thoughts here :D

Awww thank you! Have a great day.

Have a great day as well!

Increased well-being, a calmer mind, a more generous orientation toward others, greater overall satisfaction—these are but some of the benefits of being grateful.

This sounds like a fantastic plan.

You'll find yourself and your path. Your default doesn't have to be discouragement which needs fighting against. You can find joy, peace, and awesomeness.

I'm glad you can post your stream of consciousness thoughts here on Steemit. I look forward to the future where they will be refined down to your main points and focus. Happy birthday, Jed (and yeah, I know I'm a day late).

Yes! As a Stokian, I will do my best to fight against the negative aspects of my nature :) I look forward to that day as well. If anything, that might get at least a few more people to read instead of being intimidated by the length haha

Thanks again for the greeting, Luke! Oh, and, you're a day late :D

Good luck and steem on. I consider you a friend.

Cheers, man! I consider you a friend as well, and a dependable comrade in any war we might face.