Eyes of The Devil. ||Horror Story||

in #story7 years ago

There was a man named Mr. "Georges" is a teacher in a government school. He wasn't married, and spends most of his free time reading the antique books on art and architecture. He passes his time by taking trips to visit ancient churches and other buildings.


One day, while browsing one of his books, found by accident chapter talks about an old church is 60 kilometres from the city and her very proficiency painted Panel on the wall. Apparently, this painting dates back to the 13th century, depicting hell in detail, with some complexity.

Early the next morning, riding his "Georges", and led sixty kilometres to the Church that he was reading them. He had to walk across a muddy field, and climb into the rugged hillside, but ultimately follow a long route, and arrived in the small church, which was hidden under the shade of many pines.
When our friend arrived at the entrance of the Church, old wooden doors opened and rendered the kraken then initiated in.. The Church was too small, and covered the entire rear wall mural. Besides, there was a sign saying "don't touch the painting". With the approach of Mr Georges ", he realized that she was actually a fresco. The artist had applied colors directly on the plaster wall.

Draw a remarkable frescoes and remarkable. Hell was represented by a series of concentric circles, which moved down into the roaring flames lined deep chasm. At the top, stopping a group of people, their faces contorted, and shows them alarm. They were throwing themselves from the brink of genome, burdened dug (any land quickly) in the depths of hell. And lower level circuit was full of giant demons with angry faces, and malicious, each of them carrying a spear, and a Pitchfork in his hands with the claws. And challenging the insurgents dying on his weapons to his stag, and thrown into a boiling cauldron full of blood and bones.
She faces demons Erotica drawn in detail and marked. Their horns were growing from your scalp symptom of cutting their tongues hanging out of their mouths, and covers their bodies furs Kitt (thick), and long ears head Spire (prominent), and huge hoofed intertwined feet (hooves), and Their eyes were almntaeh (bulging) color colored blood.

"You see that?!", "Mr Georges mumbled to himself. "Whoever draw this painting it with a colorful fiction".

"Georges" determination to study painting carefully. Some diabolical personalities was less special than others. One of them was vague and blurred vision. This demon who holds some sort of weapon in his hand. And the thing was WITRI (odd) that his eyes were red sparkling with glitter, and she seems to glow with beacon is abnormal. Mr. "Georges" 2members stare (staring) and is intrigued, staring into the eyes of the devil.
Remarked Mr. "Georges" part of plaster which draw Devil ugly it was unstable and corrupt. Looked like it was about to fall from the wall. And without thinking, approached Mr "Georges" from him and touch him. And all of a sudden, that part was lost and fell to the ground, then leave a small hole in the Panel.
"Georges" felt panic. He ruined unwittingly part of an old art work is priceless. He felt, like a child molester might accidentally broke his mother's favorite vase. He's worried that someone discovers that damage, and then accuse him and fine him the loss, and then quickly left Mr Georges ' Church, and went to a circuit.
And later that evening, the old boy was twelve years back into his own when he fears for his life. He was walking along the road in front of the old church. And the road to clump (bushes) on both sides. And with the long road is getting dark, and suddenly, I heard a rustle in the trees noisy tangled behind him. The boy picked up a stone and threw it in the direction of the sound. Then, black everything feel of bushes, and soon set off at lightning speed, and climbed into the trees. Dumbfounded boy than Ray, and took staring into Rivulets (twigs) for a while. Until he saw two eyes looking at his face, and red eyes are glowing (it feels), and terrifying. Couldn't the kid that completes the look askance at and then released the boy's leg to the wind, and ran as fast as he could, and did not dare stop till he reached his mother's cottage.

That night, while Mr sleep "Georges" on his bed, Attah horrific nightmare. Where he found himself borne (standing) in a field in the middle of nowhere. The light was dimming (faded) quickly, and had a big slab of stone, like the altar. Then a number of people wearing strange masks and black robes, and they caught him. Resisting fiercely but was unable to escape from their clutches. Then they dragged to the altar, and they had a Silver Cup color, and forced him to drink from it. And surprise, one of them grabbed his mask, revealing the devil leering at plaster painting.

Wake up Mr "Georges" and race infused with. His heart rate was fast, and it took a long time to calm the magnificence, and reassure himself that it was just a dream. The next morning, and why he was having breakfast, wondered why his fear of such strange and disturbing nightmare. Maybe he's feeling guilty who suffered because of the destruction of part of the mural in the Church.

After he had finished breakfast, "Mr Roshan to old church again. Leaving his car in a parking lot, and across the muddy field, and climbed up the Hill then walked all the way until he came to the old building. When he arrived, he found a priest sitting on the cabin (a long wooden seat), and in his hand a Rosary of prayers.
"Georges" went to the plate, then take a look at the damaged spot. The light was too Dim for him to distinguish the details of the painting. Then go to the priest, then shook his shoulder gently, and asked him, "can I talk to you for a second, Dad?"
Then the priest looked up and said, "Yes? How can I help you? "

Mr Georges replied: "it comes to mural, I was in church yesterday, something happened. There was an accident. "
"Accident?" repeated the pastor in amazement.

"I don't know why I did it, but I touched the painting."

"What?" Did you touch her? Firm "pastor, angrily. And then leaping to his feet, saying, "you want to tell me that you didn't see the sign that warns you not to touch it?"

"I'm very sorry," said Mr "Georges", is with your head down.

"What harm caused?" the priest asked him, in an attempt to suppress outrage (the same one). Then went to the plate and take their crave apprehensively.

And he said "Georges": "have you seen? There were pieces of the mural she seems detached from the wall. " Then he resumes "was a piece with her demon. It's there ".
He noted the gap in the Panel where the plaster had fallen. Then discharged with a look into a piece of plaster that was lying on the floor. Where was the devil? He was part of plaster blank in every sense of the word.

"I've gone," shouted Mr. "Georges" in astonishment. Then pick up the piece and take delights between his palms, but there was nothing on any of its sides.
Reverend grabbed the portion of plaster and yell, "don't touch it, you idiot! Will bring us more than just destruction! "
He was tossed, and is furious, and he looks like he's about to hit Mr Georges. ".
"The cursed softy!"Exclaimed Pastor having tantrums, and did not stop even when the pastor said to him," get out of here! How dare you destroy this artwork that is priceless! "

However, the priest grabbed cervix Mr "Georges" and pushed him outside the Church. Then the church door slammed behind him."Georges" turned on his heels (back backwards) and take walking slowly along the road, and down the Hill and across the field, until he got to the parking lot. Then he sat in his car, and put his head in his hands. He feels he's not well. His head was pounding, and I feel your stomach, like foamy (volatile).

And later on this afternoon (PM), "Georges" woke up to find himself lying in a muddy field. I remember how hurt feelings over this. It is mentioned that he got up off the floor, try cleaning the dried mud on his clothes to the fullest. Then made his way to his car and returned to his home.
For the rest of that evening, and all the next day, the walking bed, barely able to move. He felt that he was recovering from a serious illness. However, he went to work on Monday, and has taught students in his school. And of course, he hasn't said a Word to anyone about his experiences during the weekend.
But in the Reichstag Tuesday, when he was reading his journal, he's having breakfast, was shocked to see the address.
As he read that "one of the priests was killed outside the Church under mysterious circumstances.

And in examining the article, Mr felt "Georges" that his heart leaped into his chest. The priest who met him only a few days ago in the old church was found dead under mysterious circumstances. The body was discovered lying on a slab of stone. And police believed he was attacked by a wild animal because his body mmeza (ripped) and was devouring his internal organs partially. And the article referred to in the body signs of anxiety and phobias.

"Georges" sat staring at his newspaper, while cool breakfast. And when he looked down his hands, he noticed that there was something dark, coagulated in red under his nails.


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well done mate. interesting story

This post has received a 34.37 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @mahmod.

Hey @mahmod,

I feel like you have the bones to make a really good story here, but I found it a little difficult to finish reading your story. There were points where the sentences failed to make sense and left me wondering what exactly was going on.

I might suggest a bit of advice and try proofreading your work once or twice after writing, then have someone else read it over, just to have an unbiased eye look at it.

Keep writing, you'll only get better as you continue to do so and with great story ideas you're sure to create something really captivating someday!!

I have a feeling that this work was translated from another language, just put into an online translator perhaps? I might be wrong, but while I got the general idea of the story, some sentenced are as you said a bit hard to understand.

True, but maybe that's all the more reason to get a second opinion?

I guess if he's really into writing he could go on the Discord channel for writers and get some pointers, provided that's what he wants to do.

https://discord.gg/T3SVT9 If you are looking for a community of writers. :)

tremendous story! I love it.

I invite you to go through my post, I would like to know what you think of the



wow! very horrifying and creepy. nice

Thats was horrifying.....

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