Slavic evil spirits " that it is forbidden to do in the bath"

in #story8 years ago

  1. After midnight, or foot.
    If you think that the bath as the island is uninhabited, is mistaken. For centuries it lives-bath - bath master. Being it loves to him in every way catered to, leave the soap, for example, or water from a jug is not splashed - Bannik, too, need to wash. And he prefers to bathe strictly after midnight. If you come to mind such "happy" thought, beware - you swab "crush". Simply put, intoxication unleash your desperate little head.
  2. A woman is forbidden!
    Even women bath expect continuous discrimination, and all because they were considered unclean for centuries. They and the church is not always allowed to enter, to say nothing about the bath. It was believed that if a woman will go to the bath first, then all of it washed away the sins of the disease and pass to someone who will bathe afterwards. Therefore, the first, of course, went to wash the "holy" men, and only then their "impure" wife.
  3. The third stage will not happen!
    In addition, it prefers to steam-bath after midnight, he still likes to bathe in the third place, in the so-called "third pair". Note swab will not forgive, if you try to still break the sequence and enter the bath in the third set. Bannik Actions are gentle and timid: it is either doused boiling water you so that the skin will come down, or just strangle. Purity is, of course, the guarantee of health, but if you really do not have time, you'd better go to bed, dirty - will be more whole.
    4)Do not raise the degrees
    It seems that the swab is still a female, because he can not tolerate alcohol. Enhance degrees, of course, in the bath can be, but only the temperature. With fans of "overturn" in the bath, but not by one-bath, it was thought, could flay ... and pull it to the ceiling. However, this superstition has understandable explanations. Drunk man can such "miracles" in the bath do: oblitsya boiling water to fall on hot coals or at all "leave out cold." Then, of course, we can say that this case Bannik hands, but from this explanation burns less will not hurt.
    5)Do not spit on the rocks
    The situation here is not as in the saying from the well. Everything is much simpler: spit on the stones, and the one-bath spits back, so much so, that will not find it. Comrade He is very touchy, and any hint of disrespect punishes mercilessly. And yet it is believed that those who spits on the stones in the sauna, herpes begins. it is necessary to you? That's the same ... What could be more amenable couple, splashed some water on the stones clean, and please Bannik.
    6)Everyone - by phoenix
    Veniks - attribute so serious that their choice should be approached with particular trepidation and excitement. Knit brooms only during a full moon, it should be considered, not whether you are charred wood burns twigs and does not grow if from the root of the tree and Two Smoking Barrels. And when will mercilessly break branches of oak or birch, always pray for forgiveness from the tree. And in any case it is impossible to use a broom in the bath after someone. It is believed that a stranger broom you move over all ailments, worries and troubles of its owner. So every soaring - from personal broom!
    7)Not bath day
    Its rules are there and on days in which to visit the baths. In no case on Monday - the day room is fully at the disposal of Bannik, and you have already realized that it is not necessary to joke with him. The best day for a hike in the bath always considered Thursday or Saturday. Those who are particularly prone to clean, can add and Tuesday. These days even the swab is ready to kindly look after the evil spirits, so that she will not plagued.

I really enjoyed this, probably more than if it made any sense.