Caught in Bali Part 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 months ago

One of the main reasons that I dissapeared for a few years was due to losing my private keys for steemit among a few other apps I was using at the time.. Here is what happened =

Expensive Holiday in Bali Part 1 = CAUGHT


It's October 2018 and I have been busy travelling the globe in style thanks to my crypto holdings, I find myself in Bangkok and as I am a long time Cannabis user I normally try to find a few grams in my travels. I had been visiting a friend and we where trying to decide which destination would be next, Bali or Nepal. After much discussing we decided that the Indonesian island known for it's lush forests and volcanoes would be the place to go next. I booked 2 business class tickets and a nice resort to stay in for our 5 nights that we had planned.

I wanted to try Malasian airlines so we opted for a Kuala lumpur stop over flight. The night before our flight I bought about 12 grams of decent marijuana and started to mix it with rolling tabacco and roll a few joints I would disguise in a pack of cigarettes.

The next morning we arrived at the airport only to find that my friend could not travel as her passport did not have the necesary validity time in order to be able to enter Bali, so we decided that she would travel the following day after getting new travel documents. So I went ahead and boarded the flight Bangkok-Kuala lumpur with my cannadis stashed away and feeling quite safe about everything. I really had no idea what the drug laws where like in Asian countried, I figured that if I got caught I would just bribe my way out with a couple thousand max.

About to land in Kuala Lumpur I hear the captain speking and he mensions that Malasia has capital punishment for people carrying drugs and nearly shit my pants. My luggage was checked all the way to Bali so even if I wanted to at this point there was little I could do but continue on my trip.

Landing in Bali I found a huge amount of people waiting in long lines for passport control and to proceed to baggage claim, I was exhausted and stressed and just wanted to check into my presumably amazing hotel room and have a few hoots from one of the joints that I had prepared the night before. When a small man aproaches me and asks me if I want vip passport service ( I cant remember exactly how he worded it ) I paid 20 usd and was able to quickly go through another line after which I went ahead and collected my suitcases and marched on to the exit door.

A young Indonesian man instructed me to go to one of the inspection stations and open up my bags for him, after which he started to search as if he knew that there was something to find. Once I quickly realized that he was going to find my things which included about 30 grams of mixed cannabis and tobacco ( this was a big issue in the trial later on ) my grinder, papers and filters. So I basically owned up to having it and asked him what we could do about this.

He quickly called his superior and I was handcuffed and taken to a small room where I was searched and had my phone confiscated which they then went on to search extensively for proof that I was some drug smuggler. Then came the questions again and again trying to trick me into saying something to incriminate myself. I was in shock, my throat dry after realizing that I was not going to be able to buy myself out of this shitshow ( weeks later I realized that if I had gotten a lawyer at this point I actually might have been able to bribe my way at the airport ) the problem became bigger once the Balinese police arrived, as now I would be locked up and forced to face trial.

I remember the 2 detectives that came, they were in plain clothes and had very expensive shoes and watches, something I did not think of much at the time. They were very friendly and actually made me feel comfortable, now came a long wait of about 8 hours until I would be taken to the main police station for processing.

To be continued.....


Hi, welcome back. I was here when you last posted, so I'm glad to see you back, and curious to read part 2.

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