The 'Come To Jesus' Principle

in #story7 years ago

John Newton - Amazing Grace.jpg

You have the authority to change your mind...⠀
And in the process, change your life. ⠀

Take John Newton, for example. He's the man that wrote Amazing Grace. This man is responsible for approximately 280 gospel songs, but here's some startling facts to consider about his life: ⠀

  1. Most Negro-spiritual songs are written on the pentatonic scale (5 black keys of the keyboard). ⠀
  2. John Newton was a minister...but he also was once the captain of a slave ship. ⠀
  3. Amazing Grace, most famous in Christian religions, is the most widely recognized spiritual song, regardless of faith. ⠀
  4. Amazing Grace was written on the pentatonic scale....the same as every Negro-spiritual song. ⠀

    So did John Newton change his mind about black slavery? Or did he merely take the Negro-spiritual concept of using the pentatonic scale and use it to create the the most influential and life-changing song of faith that this world has ever known? ⠀

    John Newton actually wrote the song to describe his feelings about surviving a dangerous storm on his slave ship. ⠀
    He did, indeed, abandon the slave trade years later. ⠀

    And in the process, he left a lasting impression on the world. ⠀

    The power of the mind...⠀
    The power to change it...⠀
    And the power to follow through! ⠀

    What have you changed your mind about recently?