New Story – With new ideas and directions to hand. I’m writing this and posting it straight onto Steemit – You can’t get more exclusive than that! Episode 10

in #story7 years ago

“Yeah, I suppose I did,” Ash said.

Robin got Justin sorted while Ash emptied and cleaned the piss bucket. She had to allow herself a little smile as she realised the bucket had not been filled once since she used his glass to part-empty it.

She took the bucket back and washed her hands and put the kettle on to make Justin his morning cuppa.

Robin came back down the stairs and by the sound of his voice, he was pissed-off.

“You’ve got to stop letting them come round!”

A mumbled response from Justin that Ash couldn’t hear.

“Right, I’ll get that sorted out for tomorrow. I’ll stick around and deal with them tonight, too.”

Ash took Justin’s cuppa in. She didn’t say anything, it wasn’t her business.

“Ash, can you come here tomorrow lunchtime? I need you to bring Brenda a new key,” Robin said.

‘There’s no need to go that far,” Justin protested.

“I found needles in the bathroom! The bastards are shooting-up in your fucking house!” Robin yelled. “If my dad finds out, he’ll stop me coming round and then where will you be?”

Justin sighed and looked at the television’s blank screen.

“Justin, don’t ignore me. I know you like the company, but they’ve got the key to your fucking house, I have to change the locks, who knows how many copies they’ve made. You’re in no position to do anything if they decide to walk in and rob you blind!” Robin’s frustration came pouring out and Ash could do nothing but watch in silence.

“I fucking KNOW I can’t do anything! Don’t you think I’m abso-fucking-lutely well aware of that fucking fact?” Justin screamed at Robin but started with a coughing fit and in further frustration, he launched the remote at the television.

“Well fuck you! I’m changing the fucking locks tonight and you can fucking sort yourself out after that! I’m done!” Robin picked up the remote and tossed it onto Justin’s lap. He stormed out of the house, leaving Ash with the mug of tea, bemused at what just happened.

Justin looked up at Ash. “What are you fucking looking at?” he snarled.

“Don’t start on me because you know he’s right. He’s only upset because he cares for you, you daft twat,” she said and put the tea next to him on the table. She went and fetched a glass of water.

Justin heard her rise out the glass and fill it.

He took the glass of water from her and had a sip. “I know you’re right. I know he’s right. I had a good time last night, most of the lads were chatty and friendly. Only a couple of them went upstairs.”

“I agree with Rob, it’s not safe for you if they’re shooting up. What happens if one of them ODs here? Do you think his friends will deal with it so you don’t get any of the hassle?”

Justin looked at Ash. “No…” he said in a small, contrite voice.

“Look, it’s your house, your rules, but maybe one of those rules should be no drugs?”

Justin pursed his lips as though clamping down on something he was about to say.

“Yeah, I know… none of my business,” Ash said. “Good job I have a key now, I’ll lock up behind me. I’ll call round at mid-day.”

Ash caught up with Robin at the bus stop.

“You didn’t mean that you’re done, did you? I can’t do this on my own.”

“Why not? I fucking did!”

“No you didn’t. He was a lot better then. He’s seen a bit of sense, he got frustrated with how his body’s breaking down, that’s all,” Ash said.

“Yeah well there’s no need to take it all out on me,” Robin folded his arms and turned away from Ash.

“Yeah, I was right, it is because you care,” she said. “See you this afternoon. I guess you’ll be a bit late cos you have to go and buy a new lock barrel?”

“Fucking smart-arse,” Robin mumbled.

When Ash got to Justin’s at lunchtime, she heard mumbled voices as she let herself in.

She paused in the kitchen, annoyed with herself because she didn’t look in the window; if she had, she’d know what to expect.

“Justin?” she called. “I’m making you a cuppa and some soup.” She walked into the living room as though she didn’t know anyone was visiting.

“Oh hello,” she said. “Do you want a cuppa too? There’s not enough soup though.”

The older lad glared at her. “No, I’m just goin’,” he said. “Seeya later, man,” he said to Justin.

“Later,” Justin said and nodded to him.

Ash didn’t say a word, until she knew he was out of earshot.

“He scares you, doesn’t he?”

“A bit.”

“He’s going to come back when I’ve gone back to school, isn’t he?”

Justin nodded.

“Has Brenda been?”

“Yeah… why?”

“No reason, but he’s not going to get in when he comes back.”

“He’s got a key,” Justin said, pointing out the futility of it all.

“Yeah, but I have a trick up my sleeve. You’ve got double-glazed windows, he’d really have to make a noise if he wanted to break in,”

“He has a key, he can get in any time he likes.”

“Not through the front door.”

Ash left the house by the front door when she went back to school. She locked the back door and left her key in the lock, slightly turned so another key couldn’t be put in from the other side of the door.

She had to move a bit of junk and furniture from the front door, but it didn’t matter if she was a little late. This was more important. Justin’s safety was more important.

She’d be back in time to meet Robin because as she’d already pointed out, he was going to be a bit late. Ash was a bit more street-wise than she gave herself credit for.

On the way back to school, she decided she’d also wait for Robin away from Justin’s house, just in case that lad was waiting for her coming back later.

Images from google


Very fun to read your post
This is an incredible debate. But not that I am happy with the act of mutual argument. But I love to read stories like that.
This is seen there is ajrum injections contained in the bathroom. Is it a tool to consume narcotics?

Hi @abudar :)

Unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to write anything but what the characters of my story dictate. Arguments and all have to be written down, otherwise it's not a story that means anything.

I think the needles are for heroin - at least, they are in this story.

Yes i understand what you mean
And I understand at least the contents of the story you write. Thanks and great hard work. Oo yes, I have resteem your posting this, please to give permission

That's very kind of you to resteem, I appreciate it :)

Thank you very much
I think you are a good friend

i like to read your story in this post. i will be waiting for next post...thank you

Love your posts michelle!! Keep them great stories coming!! Followed you!!

I'm so glad you like them. Thank you :)

Wow it's always wonderful to get such a quick reply from the author!! Upvote!!

LOL I'm sometimes hovering, but not always :)

Gotta love that Ash. Gutsy and with street smarts to boot. Good show.

Yeah, she's getting there! :)

You write so tersely. I like that :)