Cruel and Unusual - Episode List 1-30 plus 31-52 - Just a list of episodes and a little background on publishing the book.

in #story7 years ago

Again, the list is getting ungainly so I'll post them all here and send any newcomers that want to catch up on the story over to this link.

I'm not going to do a 'round-up' of the episodes like I did in the first list. I figure if readers want to read the story, they will read it, if not, their loss :p

I had the idea to write about Jack the Ripper soon after I finished and published my first novel, Deadlier Than The Male. I enjoy researching and I know there's an awful lot of material to sift through on what is arguably the most infamous serial killer.

Cruel and Unusual was finished in time for our daughter's birthday and just happened to coincide with the deadline for the Orange Prize for Fiction - Wiki

My book didn't make the prestigious short-list - Hell! it didn't even make the long-list! @s0u1 and I had a serious discussion about it in case it did make the lists.

(From memory...) If the book had made the long-list, we would have had to find £5k (Five thousand pounds) to help with promotion costs etc.

Then, if it made the short-list, I believe the cost for promotion was around £30k (Please don't take this as gospel, I could very well be wrong with the figures, it was a LONG time ago). We decided we'd go for it (nothing ventured, nothing gained) and if we needed to find the money, re-mortgaging the house would be one option. (Organ trafficking was another... we have two kidneys, yes?)

However, if Cruel and Unusual had made the short-list, I would have been rocketed to fame because that list was a sure-fire way of selling hundreds of thousands of books (possibly millions).

Ah well... I don't think my horror novel was exactly what they were looking for - Literary Fiction is usually more up their alley.

This is the year I entered the competition

From Google

For the full list of episodes, please see this post: Episode List

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52



For late night reading. };-)>

Thank you very much! Appreciated!

Hm interesting

Good post
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