Day 13 - A voice in my head

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Hello Nerd Fox here!.

Good day to those who take interest in thing casual thought of my mind with my random word that is put together to form this boring post. I welcome you.

Day 13 of being away from every people I knew. Living alone and tired. Many things comes to mind when I'm at home alone and maybe you too right?. But most of the time my brain is dead, I think nothing. It just blank.

Then out of nowhere I hear a voice inside my head, Bill Burr start talking shit at me . "(Bill Burr): Hey buddy! Got nothing to think about?.. Well there nothing in here bud!. Oh my god your this old but nothings in here!. What the hell are you doing with your life?" And I'm like reply to him in my head "To hell with you Bill! Give me some break!"

I listen too much of Bill Burr at youtube. The special shows he performs in it some how influence my mind especially his voice...

His voice is like a narrator in my head. For example I get my breakfast at a somewhat looks like restaurant,
"(Bill Burr) : Here we go again. What are you gonna eat now? Let me guess Hotdog with egg, right!?. For the ninth time dude it's not healthy! You're killing yourself." I agree but.. I still buy it. Why!? Because it's cheap. But I will change, when I receive my good money from my hard work maybe, just maybe I can cook myself some vegetables, buy those electric stove and other things needed to cook. Maybe I'll start exercising daily starting tomorrow morning.

Why the hell I'm writing this? Don't know..
I wonder who will read this?. Did you enjoy reading this??.. anyfeed back will do. Thank you!.
