RE: Costa Rica Chronicles… The Food Processor
You had me laughing and also somewhat cringing at the same time!! Kind of like a few comedies where the main character just keeps getting into uncomfortable situations? Yeah, except in real life. I suppose that's appropriate as most entertainment is at least loosely based on reality. 🤣
The nut bag part had me giggling especially loud. That one is tough enough to explain in your native tongue, let alone in a second language. With all of those wellness retreats down there I'm sure the locals have come up with some good nicknames for us crunchy gringos. 😜
Thank you for sharing some fun sides of the adventure down there! I very much appreciate the time it took to craft this experience into a post for us all to consume with such pleasure. I can only imagine how many other stories you will be able to share with us as you continue to blend right in!
Hahaha… the nut bag was great! You should’ve seen Alejandro’s face when he said “just buy it in the store”, in Spanish of course. It certainly does take a lot of effort to write down a story rather than a recipe. I mean, usually I make my recipe while taking photos, then a few days later I write up a post and I’m done. With an event like this I have to remember all of the funny details and try to convey how Dandays and I were feeling and what we think on lookers were thinking. A lot of work. It was fun though.
Crunchy gringos is a good nickname. I’m definitely going to use that from here on out. You should see us every time we walk out of our house or out of our car. It’s non stop, the scenes we aren’t causing. Haha… more to come soon 😉
Writing well really is an art form, and you are definitely an artist. 😉 Though my challenge in writing up recipes is that if I take a few days to finally record it I often forget ingredients, haha. I try to be good about at least putting the basics to paper quickly, but that doesn't always happen. I do enjoy some non-food posts on occasion, though. It's just nice to connect with people you enjoy on all levels. I will for sure be excited to here some more of your "adventures".
You’re spot on with forgetting ingredients. I often am constantly tweaking recipes too so sometimes I don’t remember I did something different until I go through my progress pictures and see the ingredients. Haha… Chef life can be rough :).