One day, when Muhammad (peace be upon him) called Bibi Ayesha (R) and asked, 'O Aisha, I am very happy today, you will give me whatever you want, say, what do you want?' Hadrat A'isha (R) fell on anxiety and suddenly she

in #story6 years ago

One day, when Muhammad (peace be upon him) called Bibi Ayesha (R) and asked, 'O Aisha, I am very happy today, you will give me whatever you want, say, what do you want?'
Hadrat A'isha (R) fell in anxiety, suddenly she would like to ask, and she can not even ask for what she wants! If something goes wrong, if the Prophet gets hurt? Many such questions started to wake up! Aisha (R) said to the prophet, can I take some advice from my father? The Prophet said, okay, you ask me with advice. Ayesha (ra) asked for advice from Umar Abu Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra). Abu Bakr said, "Whenever you want something, then you want to know about any secret that has been with Muhammad (pbuh), on the night of Miraz, Allah Pak Rabul al-'Alamin. Let me tell you what the Prophet said. Aisha (R) approached the Prophet (pbuh) and asked for a secret of the night of Miraz, which has not yet told anyone. Muhammad smiled smile, said to tell, and what is secret! Only Abubakar can do such a smart question.
Muhammad (pbuh) said, "O Ayesha Allah said to me in the night of Miraz," O Muhammad (peace be upon him), if someone in your Ummah sticks to a broken mind, then I will bring him to Paradise without any help.
(Subahnahallah) As the antithesis, Ayesha (R) came to Inaar Abu Hazrat Abu Bakar (ra) and said these words of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Abubakar (R) started crying. Ayesha (R) was surprised and asked, "My father is you
So how many broken minds have been attached, why are you crying just to go to heaven?
Abu Bakr said, 'Look at Ayesha's reverse, think, if someone breaks the broken mind like Allah will give it in Paradise, if someone breaks the mind, and if Allah gives it directly to Hell, I do not know how many people broke their mind without knowing themselves. If Allah gives me a hell, then I am crying. (Subahnahallah) This is our Islam, and after thinking about the good news of Paradise from the world, think about this way. Thus Islam teaches us, not to hurt anyone, to stand beside people. Muhammad (pbuh) further said, if you want to cook well, then give more than one glass of water so that you can give your poor neighbor a little. If you do not want to, then cook it at a time, when a neighbor's child is asleep, without taking a dog's sleep, parents will not be able to afford them, because they do not want to eat healthy, they can get very much trouble. In this way Islam has taught us, Muhammad (pbuh) has taught us. Do not break the minds of people, do not hurt people. Allaah Pak Rabul al-'Alamin give us the opportunity to stand beside the misery of man, to hurt the people, to add to the broken heart of people, to share the suffering of others. Amin.