
in #story6 years ago

I was almost asleep. I woke up from a small ball poke hitting my thigh as I lay down on the beach. When I opened my eyes I saw a naked little boy asking to send him the ball. The sunlight was coming from my body and I felt a heavy pixel; the sound of the wave contributed to the relaxation of my muscles. I tried to send him the ball, but I made a mistake and threw it in a different direction. My three-year-old child mocked me. One is born with all sorts of feelings, but we believe that innocence is the only one born in us.

I got up and was filling my body with sand grains. Even though the heat was so hot, I felt a coldness that settled my chest. My steps were heavy and I felt dizzy and wanting to sit down. The back of a wooden chair is two or three steps away from me. Once I got to him and sat until I closed my eyes. I opened them two seconds later and my sense of cold and heat increased. I found myself in a courtroom. The sound of the waves began to gradually fade and turn into noise. The judge and his four colleagues entered. All those present in the meeting stood in respect of the Court. I do not understand how human beings respect idols more than their respect for man. I was not able to stand up because of circulation and nausea. My old age in the fourth decade reminds me of the need to stop. When I looked at him I saw my pale face forming in the features of his face. He put his hand on my shoulder to hold me in my throat. The older you get, the more you will get rid of ridicule. It is a good thing that the judges and the policeman did not pay attention to me. The judges sat, followed by lawyers, accused and all present. I did not think the number of cases in the courtroom was so huge. My number was 50,000, but my children were not eight. I waited three hours or more. When I heard the number 50983 I knew I meant. I stood very hard and headed toward the pulpit of the accused. The policeman handed over my identity card to the judge. The judge said incomprehensible words. The lawyer she had assigned to defend me answered her, even though I had not made a mistake. The prosecution, then another lawyer, knew from his words that he accused me of indifference. When the judge went to talk to me I was sweating and the nausea had increased. Pambalati recognized her for everything that happened as a result of nausea and dizziness. I almost would say that this life, where I move from the beach to the courtroom in seconds, is nothing but tampering. My lawyer broke my words and mentioned numbers of laws I did not know and asked to delay the case to another hearing. The judge agreed and set another date two months later. It is good to pay money for ignorance, or perhaps for his freedom.

I took my card and walked slowly towards the exit door and my body longed for the outside air. As soon as the door of the meeting hall passed the number five until the bar entered. For my waiter the waiter brought my attention. I asked for two cold beer bottles. The indoor heat was increasing despite the outside cold. I thought of going home to sleep, but the waiter put the bottles and a nice mug in front of me. When I took the cup, I noticed many veins on my hands, and a wrinkled face as if I had become a sheikh in the seventies. . I drank the bottles in less than five minutes; I had been used to it since I was thirty. I asked for a large number of beer bottles. I think I drank 50,983 bottles. I think I was wrong in counting what I drank, but what is important is that I now know the cause of nausea, dizziness and extreme sweating.

I paid my dues to the waiter and added some money. It's good to pay money to understand something. I got up and the waiter took me back. I knew him in all his details: a wooden stick like the one that Moses had swooped on and his sheep had shaken. But Esai touched my thoughts like a hammer. I walked very slowly and reached the door. Once I put my right foot out until I fell and fell on me. I opened my eyes after seconds, or I thought so. I found myself hanging in the air, in a black sky, adorned with beautiful stars. I tried to look at my body, but I could not find a body. I was nothing: just thoughts wandering around my mind. I lost my hands, my legs, my belly, my back, my head, my eyes, my mouth, and my ears. I also lost my mind. I hung without anything. It has become nothing.

Before entering that absolute black space, a monk flew by me and tried to make me laugh before he spoke to me. But, because I lost my body and became nothing, I did not feel any poke.

My sense of cold and heat has ended.

I lost all my senses.

Before the monk left, licks something else, I tried to send a smile to him, but I failed ...


You have stories better than this ,i think your writing level is not that