Usamah ra. Supreme Commander of Islam

in #story7 years ago

Asakir had preached from Az-Zuhri from Urwah from Usamah bin Zaid ra. that Rasulullah Saw. ordered him to attack the tribe of the Ubnna in the morning and set fire to his village. Then Rasulullah Saw. said to Usamah, "Go in the name of God!". Then Rasulullah Saw. came out with his battle flag and handed it to Buraidah bin Al-Hashib al-Aslami ra. to be taken to the house of Usama ra. He also ordered Usamah to

making his headquarters on Jaraf outside Madinah while the believers made preparations for jihad out. Then Usamah ra. setting up his tent somewhere near Siqayat Sulaiman today. So, people began to come and gather in that place. Who has finished his work immediately come to the camp, and who is still in the affairs of the business resolved first.

None of the eminent Muhajirin, but he joined in this jihad army, including Umar ibn al-Khatthab, Abu Ubaidah, Sa'ad bin Abu Waqqash, Abul A'war Said bin Zayd ibn Amru bin Nufail radiallahuanhum and many more the participating Muhajirin leaders. Of the Ansar were among them Qatadah bin An-Nu'man and Salamah bin Aslam bin Huraisy ra.huma and others. There are among the Muhajirin who disagree with the leadership of Usama ra. that, because he was still too young (18 years). Among the many who criticize him is Aiyasy bin Abu Rabi'ah ra. he said, "How is the Prophet adopted this inexperienced young man, whereas many other leaders of the Muhajirin have led the war". That is why there are many rumors that minimize Osama's leadership.

Umar bin Al-Khatthab ra. reject the opinion and answer the doubts of the crowd. Then he met the Messenger of Allah. as well as telling about what people say about Usama. He is Saw. very angry, then put on his turban and went out to the mosque. When the crowd gathered there, he went up in the pulpit, praised God and thanked him, and said, "Amma ba'du, O People! There are talks that reached me about the appointment of Usamah? By Allah, if you accused me of my appointment against Usamah, you have also accused me of my appointment to his father Zaid, by Allah the Zaid deserves to be a warlord and his son Usamah also deserves to be a warlord thereafter.If his father of Zaid is very dear to me, then his son is also a beloved son of Usamah, and these two men are good men, then you should look to them both, for they too are among the best of men among you! "

After that, he came down from the pulpit and entered his house on Saturday, 10 Rabi'ul-early. Then came the Muhajirin who want to go together the troops Usamah to the Prophet Muhammad. to say goodbye, among them Umar bin Al-khatthab ra. and Rasulullah Saw. continue to say to them: "Let Usamah leave soon! Immediately Ummi Aiman ​​(Usama's mother) came to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and said:" O Messenger of Allah! Would not it be better if you let Usama wait a while at his camp, so that you feel good, because, if Usama ra. leaving also in this state, surely he will feel hesitant in his journey! "But the Messenger of Allah (SAW) kept saying:" Let Usamah leave soon! ".

Crowds had gathered at the camp of Osama's troops, and they stayed there that night. Usamah came again to the Messenger of Allah. on Sunday and He Saw. too much pain, so they give him medicine. Usama met him while his eyes were streaming tears. At that time Al-Abbas was there, and around him there were some women from his family. Usamah bowed his head and kissed the Holy Prophet. while he said nothing, but raised his hands toward the heavens and wiped them out to Usamah.

Said Usamah, "I know that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) is praying for my success, I then worship to the base of my army". "On the next day, Monday, I moved my army so that all of them were ready to depart, I got the news that the Messenger of Allah had been a little refreshed, so I came once more to say goodbye," Usama said. He said to me, "Usama, leave immediately with a blessing from God!". I see his wives bright with their faces because they are glad to see him a little fresh on that day. Then came Abu Bakr ra. with a happy face, saying: "O Messenger of Allah! You look fresher today, Alhamduillah.Today the day of marriage daughter of Kharijah, let me go". Then Rasulullah Saw. allowing him to go to Sunh (a township outside the city of Medina), Usama ra. returns to his troops waiting for his move to move, and he has ordered who still has not gathered in his base to arrive soon because the time has come to move.

Not far away the troops left Jaraf, where his camp headquarters, came a messenger from Ummi Aiman ​​informed that the Messenger of Allah. has returned to rahmatullah. Usama immediately dismisses the troop movement, and immediately heads to the city of Medina together with Umar ra. and Abu Ubaidah ra. to the house of the Holy Prophet. and they found him dead. He died when the sun sank on Monday night 12 Rabi'ul-early. The Muslims who were based in Jaraf did not go to war, then returned to Medina. Buraidah bin Al-Hashib who carried the flag of Osama, then drove it at the door of the house of the Prophet. After Abu Bakr ra. was appointed Khalifah Rasulullah Saw. he had told Buraidah ra. took the banner of war and handed it to Usamah, and not to be folded so that Usamah led his army to go to the battlefield of Sham. He said: "I took the flag to the house of Usamah, and the army went to Sham." After we finished our work in Sham, we returned to Madinah and the flag kept me in the house of Usamah so that Usamah passed away.

When the news of the death of the Holy Prophet. up to the Arabs, some of them have fallen out of Islam. Abu Bakr ra. summoned Usamah and told him to prepare himself to go to war against the Romans as commanded by the Prophet. before his death first. Islamic forces began to gather again at Jaraf at their camp. Buraidah ra. which was mandated to hold the banner of war had been at his headquarters there. But the leaders of the main Muhajirins, such as Umar, Usman, Abu Ubaidah, Sa'ad bin Abu Waqqash, Said bin Zaid and others they had come to Caliph Abu Bakr ra. saying, "O Khalifah of the Messenger of Allah, the Arabs have begun to rebel, and it is unnatural that you will let these Islamic forces leave us at this time.What if you break this army in two, one for you to send to an apostate Arab that is to return them to Islam, and the rest you keep in Medina to guard it, who knows if anyone came to attack us from them.If not, then only the little ones and women live here they can defend it? If you suspend the fight against the Romans, so that our situation in the country is safe, and the apostate Arabs return to our laps, or we defeat them first, then we send our troops to fight the Romans, is not that better ?! We do not feel hesitant about the Romans to come to attack us in my time ni !. Abu Bakr ra. heard only the various views of the leaders of the Muhajirin.

When they finished saying, then Abu Bakr ra. ask again: Would anyone give her opinion again, or have you all given your opinion ?! they said: "We have given what we have to say!". "Well, then, I have heard all that you are about to say," Abu Bakr said. For the sake of my soul in his hands! If I knew that I would be eaten by a wild animal, I would still send this army to its destination, and I am sure that he will return safely. Imagine, while the Messenger of Allah. who has been given the revelation from heaven has said: "Departure immediately the troops of Usamah". But there is something I will tell Usama as commander of the army. I ask him to let Umar stay in Medina to help me here, because I really need his help. By Allah, I do not know whether Osama agreed or not. By Allah, if he is reluctant to justify though, I will not force him! Now the leaders of the Muhajirin know that their new caliphs have been full-fledged to send the army of Islam, as commanded by the Messenger of Allah. previous.

Abu Bakr ra. then went to Usama's house, and asked him to let him. living in Medina to help him. Usama ra. agree. To convince himself, then Abu Bakr ra. said again: "Do you really allow it with a willing heart?" Answer Usama: "yes!". Khalifah Abu Bakr ra. then issued a command that no one should dash himself from accompanying the troops of Osama in accordance with the orders of the Prophet before his death. He said again: "Anybody who passes himself out, I will tell him to chase the troops on foot". Then Abu Bakr ra. summoned those who had minimized the appointment of Usamah as warlord, and scolded them and told them to go out with the army so that no one would dare to separate him. When the army has begun to move, Abu Bakr ra. came to say goodbye to them.

Usamah precedes his companions from Jaraf, and they are approximately 3,000 people, of whom 1,000 are on horseback. Abu Bakr ra. walking on the side of Usama ra. to say good-bye to him: "I leave it to God your religion, your message and the end of your charity! In fact, the Messenger of Allah has ordered you, then carry out all his messages, and I do not want to add anything, will not tell you anything or forbid you whatever I do, I just do what the Apostle of God commanded. "

Usama ra. and his troops advanced rapidly. He has gone through several lands that continue to obey Medina and not come out of Islam, like Juhainah and others from the tribe of Qudha'ah. When he arrived at Wadilqura, Usamah sent a spy from the tribe of Hani Adzrah, known by the name of Huraits. He left the army until he arrived at LThna and he tried to get the news there, then he came back as soon as possible and only met Usamah's troops after the two-night walk from Ubna. Huraits then told Usamah, that the people there still had not done anything. They have not gathered to oppose the troops they are, and propose that the troops of Osama immediately pound before they can gather troops.

(Ibn Asakir: At-Tarikh 1: 120, Kanzul Ummal 5: 312 Fathul Bari 8: 107)


making his headquarters on Jaraf outside Madinah while the believers made preparations for jihad out. Then Usamah ra. setting up his tent somewhere near Siqayat Sulaiman today. So, people began to come and gather in that place. Who has finished his work immediately come to the camp, and who is still in the affairs of the business resolved first.