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RE: When the Towers Fell.

in #story6 years ago

well that certainly speaks of courage @stitchybitch

i don't think hatred was born that day though, just latent and given an opportunity to come out, its standard in people to be afraid of whatever is unknown, as far as i can figure out it dates back to primal instinct , fear of the dark even, the core stem of the brain, everything unknown might be a danger. Sapients are said to have evolved

but i doubt that ... not much beyond iThings really, technology is evolving but humans havent, not for over 100.000 years (the dot is a comma in some places i hear)

I can't say i live in the most worldly town either but on the other hand it takes only a few fanatics to make everyone look bad and those are in ample supply in some places ...
we've had our share here with sharia for belgium , bombing of the airport, the metro, reaching all the way to Paris where they shot up a nightclub full of kids. (bataclan) , six guys with kalashnikovs and what do you get ? every stasi in europe blaming the others because it wasnt "their fault"
even more so i wonder why no one blames the bushes and before because it didnt start at 9/11, it started in afghanistan when they were battling the commies and basically created al qaeda (as an opposing force to the russians) by training and sponsoring them.
vae victis and history is never written by the loser

situation in london isnt making things better either, i sometimes feel muslim should clean out their own a bit so not everyone looks like a terrorist to most people but i think they're just as afraid as everyone else.

i try not to get in the middle, which isnt hard b/c i always stick to myself in the past years but its hard in the middle of people who know it all

its not comparable to the scale of 9/11 but i dont think you can "grade" a tower versus a night club full of kids by number of corpses or something like that

my previous residence i had plenty of all kinds of friends , i should say acquaintances as i went to school there studying socio-cultural work and there was people from everywhere, thats a bit hard here, "us" sticks to themselves and "them" stick to themselves heh

and me, i dont get more social by the day here either

i remember exactly where i was on 9/11, a friend mailed me from work like OMG SEE THIS and i was first like WOAW, ive never seen a hoax that elaborate with special effects, must have watched it ten times before i started believing it was real

its gotta stop somewhere, one way or another but with the growing nudge to the right here in EU i fear it might be the other way first :/