Slossie Gogem, Short Fantasy story, part1, The soul of Oramasis.

in #story8 years ago

It all started when i was young, around the age of 10, with my mom and dad livin in the mountains. We had to support our self so we had fields of veggies, goats and chickens. the view was amazing, blue sky lots of flowers and we even found a big cave system, which my parent forbid me to go too.

My mom teached me everything she know in the morning and my dad worked the land. I very soon felled kinda alone because the next place where people lived was around 10km away. Of course my mom noticed that and asked me whats wrong? Well i don't have any friends and i am bored, i said. 

Aah i see, my mom responded. Well let me show you something called mediation. My mom was a healer brought over from Africa, and possessed very much knowledge of nature. I didn't know what it was at my age then, so mom teached me to sit still, be still and dont think anything. 

of course my reaction was, how am i getting friends from this? Just do it she said.

So i practiced this everyday with my mom, after the lessons in the morning. Years pasted by, i started helping dad on the land, and learned myself all kind of knife skills. by then i was around 20 years old, still meditating everyday.

On a very shiny day i went out to find me some nice herbs in the woods. Went to a lush piece of the forest, where also the forbidden cave is. My personality was very curios and so i decided to go check that cave out.  The entry was very small, almost like it was carved out by hand. i noticed some drawings  on the stone, but it was not really clear to make up what it was. 

As i continued it became very dark, there was this long tunnel with just a little bit of light on the end. The walls where cut out and clearly this cave has been made by someone. As i walked down the corridor i entered a room.

This room had 1 very big red candle in the middle and writings on the wall in a unknown language for me. No door, no nothing, just the candle in the room. As i was turning around to go back home i feel a very cold wind blowing past me. That really scared me, but as curios as i am, i didn't leave. I thought let just sit here for a little and see what happens.

After 10 min nothing, i went back home, and packed some stuff for tomorrow. I was going to make me that, my man cave. So the next day after working on the land, i went there again and made it myself comfortable, and started to meditate. 

And then i begun, instead of being able to clear my mind, there was this big blue skinned figure, right in front of me. 3 legs i could see and a normal body mixed up with a horse. There was this huge glowing colorful show of light around it, and as i was completely focused on that creature, it came closer and much more clear. It spoke to me, without saying a word. Like it put the words right in my mind. First thing it made clear, Welcome brave One.


At that moment i really was all in the moment, could't feel myself, didn't remember i was meditating, it was real. It introduced himself as Oramisis, the protector of the light. He started telling me about his planet and the coalition of many races, all the dimensions and possibilities. It all felted very strange and could not comprehend the lessons, Yet.

End of Part 1,
Thanks all for joining the journey.

Best Wises,
Slossie Gogem

PS, Part 2 is comming up soon