The turbulence in the flight of victory

in #story6 years ago

The life of a victorious man is always a medium that everyone wish to station their lives on and make them a role model, but they refuse to look into the story behind their success race.

I was born into the family of four kids as the second child and the second son of the family.
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My father was a hardworking auto-enginer, it was a pity that he was unable to attain a standard education while he was with his parent because he happens to live his life in a polygamous family which made his mother never care about them.

He strived extremely hard to attain a senior secondary school certificate because he had to skip school, go into the forest to gather firewood, just to finance his academics,
My father stopped school at age 16 when he finally decide that he would acquire auto-enginering skill because his hustling was not enough to finance his tertiary education.
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He fought this battle hard until he married my mum and was unable to get back to school, this made him vowed that all his offsprings must attain the best level of education so that we can be his pride.

At age four, I discovered my kindness and how help peaple grow no matter the situation,

I continued living my life as a very special kid, as I was extremely brilliant and excellent with my studies as I represent my school at every available competition and it was always a great honor for my school as I return with the trophy of honor.

I became the pride of my school when I was in class 1 but it was a pity that my stature was my pain because I was the shortest in my class back then, though thank God am now very tall.

My life of excellence continue to grow until I finished my primary school education with merit and an excellent honor role. When I was going to the secondary school, I did entrance examinations in five different school and the whole five gave me admission because of my good result and performance during the entrance examination.

I chose to go to one of the schools and at the same school I also flew my flag of excellence but along the line, my father had a heavy financial challenge which led to my last time in a private owned school.

I was taken to a government secondary school, and this was the beginning of my agony. I was taken back to Junior class one which they know that my intelligence was way beyond that class. I managed to hide my excellent identity because I want to understand the school settings.

When I got to the junior class three, I was busy studying hard to attain a record breaking result in the history of junior secondary school certificate examination but along the line, I fell into a trap, as I had crush on a classmate of mine who was taller, fatter and older than me.

This was the beginning of my trouble as I lost my track but I managed to fight hard to get a good grade at the junior school certificate examination.

The chronicle of my hardship started when I got to the senior class one, as I found myself amidst bad friends who derailed me from the track of excellence and I was unable to pick myself back because I was totally lost

They influenced me into gambling and drinking but it was only grace that saved me from been initiated into an evil confraternity.

It was an advantage to me as my dance talent diverted their attention away from initiating me into their evil confraternity, but I was still their boss boy as I carry all weapons along with them whenever they are on a hit against another school.

From my first term in the senior secondary school, I cannot do class exercise alone without cheating and this was how I became a master of cheats as I became the saviour of other unserious students who do not read their books and prepare for academical success.

At this time of my life, people no longer identify me as the 'excellent one' anymore, but saw me to be a good entertainer in dance.

My parents also got carried away with my dance talent but when I got to the senior class two, I performed woefully that I repeated the class. My father was sensitive enough and he threatened me that he will stop my education if I repeat the class again.

This prompt me to buckle up, but instead of me working hard and getting back on my track of excellence, I chose to multiply my cheating skill to become an invisible cheat as I commit examination mal-practice and was never caught. I did this and got promoted to the senior secondary class three, which is the last grade of secondary school.
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I still continue cheating till I wrote all my west african senior secondary certificate examination.

It was a pity that my excellent self came back to me after leaving the senior secondary school as I chose to hustle and work to become a man of my own. I forgot to tell you that all through my life I was the favorite child of the family among my other siblings that my father bought me a cellphone when I was in senior secondary class one thank you very much for listening to the little part of my life.

Secondly One day, when I went to work at a metal production company as a casual worker, my father felt it and called me through the phone, asking me where I was, but the fact that we were trained not to lie, I was unable to speak clearly which made my father know that I was not at home, and he ordered me to go home immediately.

After he returned from work, he summoned me and asked why I chose to leave the house without his context.

I apologized to him and revealed my plight for what I did with my reason for doing so, and told me his story and his promise to ensure that all his children must attain that academic level that he was unable to attain.

Few months later, my heavy mother fell into labour, it was a pity that she had to begat the child through ceasarean section.
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The expenses really shook my father financially, and exactly one month later,honey he fell sick. This sickness seized my father from going to work, but his previous good deeds was our saviour during this period.

We spent a lot to ensure that we get the cause of his illness but all our efforts medically was to no avail.

One day, as the entire family excluding my father went for an early morning prayer gathering in the mosque, my father's elder brother came to take him away and we lost contact with my father.

Four days later, we were able to contact him, as we got to know that he was at Badagry which happens to be the border of Nigeria, at a traditionalist abode. We were so perplexed and disappointed that a clergy man like my father's elder brother could also patronize traditionalist for help. Behold, this was the beginning of my father's agony, as his numbered days on earth start counting.

When I saw my father in his present health state, I burst into silent heartbreak because he was as thin as a hungry hyena. I endured all the discomfort at this unconducive place and also my faith made way for me as my light disturbs the traditionalist and made her always seize to meet me face-to-face.

Four days after I got to where my father was hidden, we took him away from hence and was taken back to the state hospital for proper medical treatment for speedy recovery.

Exactly fifteen days after we brought back to the city of Lagos, was when I got my first job as a ticketer with Lagbus.
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On my third day at work, I spoke with father over the phone between the hour of 3:47am and 4:30am before I left for work. By 9:29am.

Along the line, I took the responsibility of catering for my family because my poor parents are jobless and down that there blood pressure rise everyday.
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And since i started making some little cash i started developing on how to help the poor no matter how much i have in my pocket.

I am a kind of person that normally feel sad whenever i see poor people suffering even though am part of the poor peaple also, you will be thinking how is that possible but to me it's possible because have used my school fees in school to pay for another student before and i was like what did i just do.

It's so complicated that i can't even figure out why i did so
All i can just reason is that i did it because of been kind.

As a man, I forgot about my personal self and fight for the survival of my family and the poors.
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It was a pity that in a blessed country like Nigeria, we do not understand the mystery and secret behind multiplication, instead all wealthy individuals prefer to multiply the suffering of other with their wealth.

One day, my mother decided to also work hard to make a living for us as her children, which made her go for a business loan from corporative, in order to set herself up business-wise but it was a sad experience as my mother's case got worse and the loan became a burden upon her.

She got entangled with more debts as the corporative loan never gave her the chance to make her profit at all, instead she had to pay up the debt of the loan she collected with all her savings, This is the true definition of Nigeria.

I asked myself, why should this be happening in a country like Nigeria? I was partly happy when my mother paid up her loan, as I sat to look into the situation of my nation's economy. Despite our wealth in natural resources and natural skills, yet we seize to recognize all opportunities that lies around us.

I was practically unemployed but I had to open myself to be observant to discover all opportunities around me. Firstly, in 2013 I suddenly ignited the spirit of adventure and decide to acquire more skills which will help me through the storm of hardship.

In November, I had a vision of 'Wise Men Dynasty International' with the drive of making great difference in the world as I help all unemployed and zealous individuals, train them to make their talent a professional one, likewise for those who have not discovered their talents yet, I will train them with entertainment production skills in order to eradicate unemployment and poverty in the world.

All the skills, most people thought that I was wasting my time to learn and acquire them, but the truth is that it was the solution to all problems.

In 2015 i continue my education tournament and ensure that I win to get the trophy that my father have always want, I also started this vision on campus, with my talented coursemates.

In 2016 i came across steemit and since then have been trying my possible best to survive.

This mentality unlock an amazing feature in me as I became a better person professionally than my boss, as I decide to study further online to get better knowledge about all the skills I learnt and my born talents too.

In a nutshell, I was more preferable than my boss when it comes to working as an audio engineer, at this moment I earned more than my boss.

I was partly working in different occasions as an audio engineer, as most people prefer my engineering service than that of my boss. I was hoping that all things would continue to go smoothly as I imagined but unfortunately I fell into the deep sea of challenges as I lost my job in January 2016, this was how my rosy story ended.

The storm became so unbearable that I almost lose hope in myself but I just keep on encouraging myself with a positive believe.
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Along the line, my faith got weaken that I almost decide to go into illegal means of business such as fraud and other illegal deals, just because I want to make meets for all my needs. I smile in the day and weep at night because what our government promised was a free and convenient education but instead only the rich enjoy the wealth of the nation, while the poor suffer all the pain.

This suffering continued but no sign of a greener pasture.

Things went worse that I lost my mind and never believe that my vision could ever see the light of the day, but it was the help of the people who I found myself among that kept me going.

I was so intelligent that I tutor my coursemates during examination season but yet I suffered so much that I ended up having an extra year at school due to my inability to pay my school fee and was not allowed to write some examinations.
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One day, I took it upon myself that since I have great talents and skills, I will not relent from telling the world about my vision, even though things were not going fine.

My believe and positive mindset grew stronger day-after-day as I know that the talents and skills that I acquire are like recipes for a worldwide meal, all I need is someone who will see my exotic recipe and view what the outcome would be as they volunteer to finance the preparation of this vision for it to become a reality.

All my life, from birth till date, I have always learnt a lesson and the funny part of my story is that people see my story as a sad one but I see it as the ladder of a Chief Executive Officer of Wise Men Dynasty International in the making.

All my experience and hardship as a helpless Nigerian youth, taught me that whatever you pass through is not meant to kill you but it is meant to make you stronger as it disguise itself. Only a wise person will understand that challenges and circumstances in life is the secret of success in disguise.

Do not give yourself to defeat and end up becoming an object of ridicule among your peers, stand tall and prove to the world that there is ability in your disability and not that you are lazy.


  1. When unemployment seems to stand like a giant before you, pretend like you are dancing to its tune but follow the back door to re-equip yourself for a re-match as you acquire a handiwork or any physical and money making skill of your choice, because someday unemployment will remember you on its slavery list and when it will revisit for a re-match, only your success can beat him down.

  2. In every challenge you encounter, do not accept defeat, instead see the seed in your need and learn to be patient enough to plant, and nurture your seed until it grows to become a giant buttress tree.

  3. Even in your disappointment, learn to identify the opportunity opened in the bad situation.

  4. Always aim high and ensure that you set S.M.A.R.T plans, i.e. set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bounded plans so that all your efforts will not be a waste.

  5. Whenever you try to make things work and it is not bringing positive result, do not give up on yourself, instead map another possible and more resultful strategy which would crown your efforts with success.
    You are really working hard but the storm around you is the veil covering your ship from sailing peacefully, they see my disability but i see my ability.

My name is Tijani olamide qudus popularly known as @softboy112


Upvoting for transparently sharing your story. Thank you.

If it was me, I'd include more in the lessons learned section about how choices to cheat, defraud, hang with "bad" actors, shut out the world via drugs and drinking, and such is what leads to failure and destruction. Adding value to humanity doesn't require permission or a certificate from an educational facility. It just requires character, integrity, determination, and consistency.

Thanks very much for this great visit and also for the contribution towards the article.
Am really grateful, thanks so so much sir.

You work very hard for this content i really like this you tell us the reality

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