in #story4 years ago (edited)

She was a runner. Just like him. Instead of confronting issues, avoiding them. Putting as much physical and emotional distance between them and him, as he could. It seemed obvious this was why he was attracted to her. Even when he'd attacked her, now he looked back. The things about her which annoyed him were traits he possessed. Jay had always known he was a hypocrite, but now he understood how big of one he'd been. Good lord it was enormous. In his own mind he'd always been the good guy. Finding out he wasn't caused a lot of reflection. It didn't matter how you looked at it, he was responsible for how things were between Tianni and Leilani. Not directly. Not intentionally. That didn't excuse him. In some ways it made his transgressions far worse., as he saw it.

Slipping back into his position as Tianni's bodyguard wasn't easy either. He still wasn't back up to full strength. This limited the things he could do. Which in turn limited the things Tianni could do. That she did this voluntarily for him exacerbated the situation. Wouldn't she rather be off with Miss Boyle or surfing on the beach? The two of them had explored many parts of the main island together. It was what she loved to do after hitting the books for hours on end.

After sorting out some final technicalities Palau departed for Beijing, several days after Jay had been declared fit. Keeping to a schedule on an isolated island in the southern Pacific wasn't possible. A storm or typhoon could wreck everything, both figuratively and literally. Although the last typhoon to hit Tuvah had been over 20 years ago, the storms were frequent enough to delay about a third of the sailings to and from the islands. That wasn't good for the plans Palau had for his people. Plans that required the assistance of other countries, some of whom either didn't like each other or had conflicting requirements. As a parting gift the king informed Jay he was now acting head of security.

His mouth was still opening and closing long after the travel party had left. This had all the hallmarks of being responsibility. It had been hard enough being in charge of a section of his platoon. Jay wasn't suited to command or management. He had enough on his hands commanding and managing himself. Hence his trepidation when he eventually plucked up enough courage to check out his office. The temptation to kneel in prayer for the swift return of Miles or Lev, becoming overwhelming at times. There was paperwork and rosters. Tianni was able to do the things she wished to do, but didn't because of his injured leg. That had nothing to do with this, but it represented another burden he didn't want to deal with. The runner in him suggested he pretend to have a relapse. Fake some symptoms of something he could look up on the internet. A brain aneurysm for example.

It was nowhere near as bad as he'd expected, Jay discovered. Miles had everything organised in such a way it could run itself most of the time. The scheduling software provided him with notifications of what had to be done, when it had to be done. By the end of his work day, he'd got a handle on what needed doing. Meaning when he screwed up, as he would, Miles would chew his ass for days. Everything had to be triple checked. Alibi's and excuses would come in handy in the not so distant future, unless the real managers returned. All in all he was satisfied with the work he'd done. More relieved to be leaving though.

"Could I have a quick word with you Mr Livingston?"
Her voice did things to his hairs and spine and other stuff. The last thing he'd expected was occuring. Not the last, it hadn't even been on the long list, nevermind the short list. Leilani was there. She was cool and aloof. Completely composed, while he was a mess emotionally.
"Of course..." Shit. He couldn't recall her surname. "Princess Leilani, how can I help you?"
As he congratulated himself she sniffed, raising her chin in what he could only interpret as disapproval.
"In private."
No please or thank you. Jay unlocked the office door, holding it for her, before stepping inside. He'd need to be detached and professional here. This was a security issue after all. The thing he was now temporarily in charge of. In name only.
"If it's something to do with..."
She cut him off.
"Are we okay?" She burbled enthusiastically.
"Ahhhhh... Ummmmm. Sorry I don't know what you mean."
"Dinner tonight? The one I had to cancel when other things came up. Too complicated to explain. I'll tell you about it later. I'll be there at seven."
Before he could marshall a response she was out the door.

Panic mode engaged. Everything he'd bought for the meal had to be spoiled. Being both delighted and devastated was slowing his thought processes down. The two of them finding out who she was, was back on. Could he cope with that, knowing there was nothing more to it? A tentative yes, based on the blessing of being in close proximity to a woman he'd fallen in love with. This was going to hurt a lot. Apparently he'd become a masochist. What could he cook though? This was an emergency. He was a fucking lunatic. Racing back to his suite he booted up his computer to contact Sophie immediately. She didn't respond as quickly as usual. A minute had passed already. Her tardiness might be useful. Jay quickly inspected the contents of his fridge and cupboards, making a list of what he had available. It wasn't much. His mother always said; If you've got eggs, you've got a meal. He didn't have any eggs. One of the few things in good supply on the island.

"Shit Jay what's happening."
Rushing back to the webcam, he wasn't paying much attention. Only noting Sophie looked dishevelled.
"The dinner's back on."
"What the fuck are you on about?"
"The dinner? You know. With the woman. She cancelled and now she's uncancelled."
Tearing his eyes away from the kitchen, which stubbornly refused to refresh and respawn food, he saw Sophie for the first time. Oh dear, she looked furious.
"It's 3 o'clock in the frigging morning here you know." Sophie blasted him.
"Oh. Sorry. I only now found out. It's a bit of an emergency, because I haven't got much in to cook. I was hoping you could help."
A bitterly sarcastic smile oozed its way onto her face.
"Sure I can. Google it. Bye." Bad enough. She wouldn't be answering any further calls. But there was another ax to fall. "Make sure she doesn't have any special dietary requirements."
"She might be a vegetarian or vegan."

Sophie hung up. He was done for. Jay didn't know anything about Leilani's dietary foibles. It hadn't come up. However he could check with the kitchen staff. Time being of the essence Jay headed to the kitchens where he asked the general question of whether anyone they prepared meals for had unusual tastes. This produced a whole lot of crap about Lev and MIles. Nothing he was interested in. He refined the inquiry. Was anyone a vegetarian? No they weren't. He needed to get back. He also needed ingredients. So he did what any rational man would do in the circumstances. He stole things. Things he thought would make a meal. Chicken was coincidentally going to be the meat. No eggs though. He couldn't find where they were stored. It was six already. She was due at seven. He headed back.

Google wasn't much help, preparation times were against him. If he substituted rice for pasta and forgot about the cheese sauce he could make something distantly related to food. The preparation times assumed you could cook. Damn them. Why was this so important? It wasn't going to lead to anything. This rice didn't want to get cooked. The chicken was frozen. The vegetables weren't the same as he was kind of used to. There wasn't going to be any dessert. The knives were too blunt for him to slit his wrists and throat. Why was this so important? She'd been dressed to the nines. Heels and pushed up hair. Not frosty towards him, close though. Colder than he'd thought they were to one another. Which could be seen as indicating he had to make something spectacular. Had he told her it was casual? It was in his memory he had. Only vaguely. That might only have been an intent. That didn't matter now, because there was a knock at his door as something caught fire. He'd yelled to enter before his addled brain got into gear.

"That's quite a blaze you've got going there."
Jay swallowed his tongue. She was perfection. From the ponytail right down to the ballet pumps. Those were pedal pushers or capri pants, clinging tightly to every curve. Other close fitting kashmir sweaters had never had it as good as this one did. He doused the flames. It was only oil, but now he had to confess.
"I can't cook really. Chances are we'll both die of food poisoning."
"Let's see what the two of us can do together."
This was not the woman who'd buttonholed him at the office. This was Leilani. Making this so much better and so much worse.

It soon became evident this would be a team disaster. Leilani confessing she couldn't really cook either, but how hard could it be? Man had been cooking for tens of thousands of years. It was fun though. The two of them blundering around the small kitchen. Reaching for the same utensils at the same time. Stirring things that probably didn't need stirring. Laughing at their shared ineptitude. Leilani suggested they put the call into Shania in advance. That way they could have their stomachs pumped before the vomiting and diarrhea set in. They cooked the chicken slowly, it being the most deadly of the ingredients at this point. He couldn't find the spatula to stir the rice. Leilani held it up then put it behind her back. They tusselled, Jay reaching around her trying to grab it. She kissed him So soft, yet so hot he could feel his body melting.

Stop now. This couldn't go anywhere. Stop holding her. Stop feeling her body in your arms. It will only make the inevitable more painful than you can bear. He couldn't stop though. Although both broke the kiss at the same time, standing there suddenly bashful. Both of them mumbling insincere apologies. Until they kissed again. Who needed oxygen anyway?