Prickled Dream

in #story3 years ago

I have never been a fan of anything horror. I think my best is romance. With all the fantasy and the kind of feeling you get, like you are in a total different world.


Elsa, who is my bestfriend recommended a horror book. I couldn't pass on it, because she told me I'd love it.

'Prickle, that's the name of the book' she added

'Who on earth gives a title like...?'

'Just read the book, Yewande' she cut me off

We both giggle

The next day after my classes, I stopped by a book store close to my house to get the book. Having searched for the book tirelessly, I finally found it on the shelf, dusty. At first glance, the book didn't look like what she told me.

Who reads a book like this ?

I scanned through with disdain and was in a total dilemma. I didn't know if I should just pay the book seller for the book or just leave. I decided to give it a try at least and paid the man at the counter for the book. The price tag was 600 naira which was surprisingly cheap.

Little rascal stood with a knife in his chest. Blood gushing out of his mouth. He slowly falls to the ground, as he is in great pain.

I read from the book in my hand, petrified. My anxiety to know the next action triggered me to flip further. I paused for a moment to gather my thoughts.

I heard something. A loud noise like thunder. I continued reading the book, unconcerned.

Chills run through my spines like someone or something were watching me. I suddenly dropped the book, to ease the tension inside of me.

'Yewande' my mum calls out

'I'm coming' I retorted

I quickly looked for the page I stopped in the book, which seem to have covered, then folded it in, when I finally saw it. The power went out, shortly.

'Yewande! The generator'

I mimicked, as my Mum calls out my name for the second time.

' I'm coming'

I took my cell phone to turn on the flash light, but it wasn't coming up.

Shiiii, I haven't been charging

I dashed out of my room, that wasn't even locked and made my way to the staircase.

'Yewande, what are you still doing?' My mum calls out again, upset

I thought I was close to where she was, I missed a step.

'Mummy!' I shouted

I had collapsed on the ground, unable to move. The last thing I saw, was my Mum running towards me, scared.

'What happened!'

I remember muttering few words to her, then blacked out.

'Yewande, wake up'

'ouch' I sighed

The voice sounded familiar, but I was too lazy to open my eyes.

'Yewande, wake up nau'

I jerked, then slowly open my eyes to see Elsa sitting next to me.

I managed to sit up, resting my back on the pillow behind me. I couldn't feel an ounce of pain coming from any part of my body, just a slight headache.

'Did something happen to me, I mean, did my Mum mention anything to you about last night?' I blurted

'No. Did something happen?' she inquired

'I wouldn't be asking if I knew something had happened' I said, holding my head. I took my duvet off my body, wore my flipflops.

'I had a night mare' I blandly told her

Apparently, everything that happened from last night was a phantom and I wasn't ready to explain anything to her. I needed time to clear my head and reorganize myself after all the drama. I checked the clock, almost 8am.

'I need to bathe before we miss the 8am class'

I told her .

I went straight to the bathroom, took my toothbrush and doused a little amount of tooth paste on it, then I started brushing my teeth. When I was done brushing, I quickly showered.

I wandered around the thoughts of losing me, I mean dying.

Well, I'm alive, that's enough to be grateful for.

I hadn't even opened the Prickle book I got. I don't know, maybe I would read it next time.

But, what will I tell Elsa when she asks about the book?

I'd figure it out

'Yewande, come out' Elsa shouted.

She keeps doing this

'In a minute'
