My Experience With DMT & What Is DMT #2 - Vision Of Every Period Of My Life And Possibility To Go There
Hello everybody!
I already shared with you my first story and experience about DMT.
Today I want to share with you my story and experience after I took DMT second time.

I already wrote about what it is a DMT, but if you have not seen, I will repeat:
DMT is trytpamine which naturally occurring in the human body as a neurotransmitter.
DMT is similar to the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is also the nature of tryptamine.
DMT is a powerful psychoactive substance. If DMT used by smoking, inhalation, injection, or orally can cause particularly strong entheogenic experience, including real hallucinations (experience that there is no way differs from reality).
DMT is also called spirit molecule or the hormone of death, becaouse he release in the body only once in lifetime - when we die.
Pure DMT at room temperature looks like a colorless wax or crystal.
In addition to its activity is also known for being situated in a number of plants that are commonly used in the South American shamanic practices. DMT is the main active ingredient of powder yopo and drink ayahuasca.

My second experience with DMT
After my first experience ever, where I (let's say) saw my future, I decided to try again. This time I went to a nice, quiet place. I filled my pipe and took a few pokes. After 2 smoke, I tried to breathe one more, but I could not ... I just lay down and sank into a "dream".
This time, I saw literally coming out of my body and moves to the sky.
When I arrived at the sky I saw some cubes placed in row.
I approached the cubes and in each cube I seen one part of my life. It was very strange, In every cube I've seen some things from my past, but also some things that have not happened yet. I figured that this was my future.
It was wonderful, the feeling is unimaginable. Like I was in another dimension!
To make things even stranger, in each of these cubes I could come in, and literally live in that period of life.
After some time, I woke up and again had the same feeling - like I was born again.
It was really strange and beautiful experience!
So as not to turned out to I encourage readers to self-destruction, I am absolutely for the complete decriminalization of narcotics in the natural form or absolute criminalization of narcotics (prohibition of alcohol, tobacco, etc.).
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