๐Ÿบ Love like skulls โ€™n bones - Finale

in #story โ€ข 6 years ago (edited)


this is the final part in my love like skulls 'n bones series.
For the other parts look here: part 1 | part 2

She woke up with the sun burning on her skin... that was a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time... Did it work? Was she alive again?
Looking around she noticed that the world had more color and was more vibrant than she was used to.... She was alive! The short moment of happiness was abruptly stopped when she remembered how she was to late to save him... Sadness struck. All she could do was just stare at the wall in front of her.

What would she do now? She wanted to go back to him. She knew where he was... She knew how to get to him...
To orientate herself she went outside. Struck by the fresh air she paused a moment... This air... this sun... she missed this so much! Had she really been dead so long that she had completely forgotten all about this? What bliss was this!


She walked around a bit just amazed... She recognized where she was... this was his neighborhood. She could see all the places he went to. This made her sad and happy at the same time. She visited a couple of his favorite spots, ate some of his favorite things. JOH! His taste was awful! She laughed. It was nice to be able to taste real food again... but he clearly had quite a different taste. Being able to laugh at things like this helped her cheer up a little. She strolled around the neighborhood some more and before she knew she stood in front of his apartment building. Just being here filled her with emotions. She saw his window... she saw the grumpy old lady Tamala, who she couldn't help but give a big hug and whisper

"Thank you for all you did for him! and I am so sorry"

"Young lady... let me go this instance... or my phalanx of ninjas will feed you to the fishes" old lady Tamala crammed out.

She just laughed. "Old lady Tamala you are so incorrigible "

Before Old lady Tamala could make anymore grumpy remarks she had already walked on.
She noticed it had gotten quite late already... Maybe it would be a better idea to sleep on it one night, maybe he would appear in her dream like she did in his. She went back to what apparently was her home and fell asleep after a lot of tossing and turning.
However she woke up without having dreamed anything at all... Where was he? Did he not pass yet? He must not have gotten the gift... This was quite the punch in the guts... she had so hoped to see him...


Ah well in the end... it didn't really matter she'd be joining him soon anyhow. She got up, took one last look at the apartment and headed out. She had decided to get a last cup of coffee, there is no decent coffee in the afterlife, drink it on the ledge and than follow him. She walked into his favorite coffee shop.

She ordered her coffee and told the barista she would go to the toilet, toilets... in the afterlife this was not an issue, and come back to pick it up when it's done. As she walked to the toilet she heard someone ordering chocolate pie, but getting told it was just sold out if maybe he wanted to order something else. As she entered the toilet she heard the first person reply in a familiar voice

โ€œsighโ€ฆ one last coffee thenโ€ฆ Black, just like everything elseโ€

Wait what!? She turned around and saw him... he was ordering his coffee... like he did on his last day... How!? The demon must have send her back a day before he jumped...
Just when she tried to call out to him someone exited the toilet hitting her with the door. She fell to the ground still in shock... When she got up he had already left. She ran outside to see if she could still catch him

"Hey lady! Your coffee!!?"

He was nowhere to be found. Luckily she knew where he was going. She just didn't know how to get there...


She ran around the area trying to find his office building. It took her a while but she found his building! There was no crowd outside so she was not to late! She ran to the door and in the reflection of the door she saw him!

As she crashed to her knees realizing she was to late.. Slowly she crawled towards him grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes... WHY! She was so close! WHY!? WHY WHY WHY! She cried

He woke up in what looked like a waiting room, a very grim vague waiting room. Not vague in the sense of it not making sense, vague as in the sense of it being almost blurry.
Looking around he saw that what he had mistaken for other people were empty chairs and plants. In his hand he held a small piece of paper with a number on it. It looked blurry but he vaguely could make the number out to be 78.
He started to notice a buzzing sound and when looking up he saw a huge tv.
How did he miss that one before?... was it even there before? What was this place?

On the tv some movie? was playing and at the top right corner it said "Nr. 34 - Window 1"
Nr. 34? He looked around again.... there was no one else... He looked at his ticket again... it still said 78. He sat back down and waited a while. For some reason it was incredibly hard to tell time in this place, the movie? was still playing but he wasn't really paying attention to it, even though it looked familiar, as he was still trying to make sense of things.


After an uncertain long amount of time a beep sounded and the top right of the tv changed to "Nr. 35 - Window 1". Jeez.... al that time for just 1 number?... This was going to take a while. He patiently waited and frustratingly slowly he saw the numbers creep up. 36... 37... 38... 39.... When the number hit 53 after an eternity he had had it, he got up and started to search for Window 1 as after following the numbers window 1 was all the windows there were...

He wandered around a while until he noticed a sign pointing him in the right direction. He started to follow the signs and eventually ended up at what seemed to be the famous Window 1 it seemed vacant... He walked up to it, it really seemed vacant... Yet again he waited a while, no one showed up...
He called out

"HEY! Anyone out there? I have been out here for a while? I am not sure where I am. Could someone assist please?"

"Please step back sir"

WHAT THE!? out of nowhere a familiar demon appeared.

"Sir please step back and wait for your turn, we'll get to you in a bit"

The demon disappeared again just as quickly. What was that? he looked so confused, he called the demon back a couple of times but without an answer.... He decided to sit back down and have a nap until his number was up.


A decent amount of beeps later finally the 78 popped up. The movie was still on... Why was the movie so familiar?
He proceeded to window 1 where the familiar demon was waiting for him.

"Good day sir my name is Dreem and I'll be your transition professional, I can imagine you having a lot of questions. But before we start we've to verify your id. Could you please state your name?"

A bit bewildered he obliged.

"That checks out, thank you sir. Let me start by answering the most asked questions just to get them out of the way. Yes you are dead. You are in processing before entering the afterlife. The reason you had to wait so long before your turn is because even though it might have looked like you were alone in the waiting room, there actually were more people waiting to enter for privacy reasons they are just slightly out of sync making them invisible to others. As a side effect the whole room turns slightly vague."

He just stood there trying to take it all in.

"What we do here is evaluate a person's life to assess where best to place him/her. For this we use a movie about their life as you might have seen in the waiting area. The movies starts at birth and ends a while after death"

That's why the movie seemed so familiar! It was just too blurry to see.

"As for most the movie is to blurry to see, we'll go over it together again"

The movie showed his life in a view he never saw himself before.
It showed how he would go out of his way to help others, how he was the kind of guy that would stop his car to help the elderly cross the street. The one that supported every charity he could find. and would stop and take a detour in the blazing rain, just to help out a drifter stuck on the road.

Was this really a movie about him? He didn't recognize himself at all...


"That concludes the movie of your life. What follows are the moments after your dead, events that are currently happening. This usually helps people to process what happened and helps them to give it all a place."

The movie continued. Showing him lying on the floor. With a figure bend over him crying... A very familiar figure... He could see the pain in her eyes... HER eyes! IT WAS HER! How did she get there!? NO! She was supposed to be here waiting...
All of a sudden she looked up, she looked him in the eyes not his body him, but him him... No... not him... she looked past him. She was staring at the ledge he jumped off.
Her face changed... It became determined... It was not hard to see what she was thinking... She was going to jump...

Fuck! NO! NO ! NO!

"Please! I need to get back. I can't let her do this. Please!" he begged the demon.

"I'm sorry sir... You are dead..."



"please..." he pleaded while helplessly looking at her. She had made up her mind....

Filled with grief she looked up to the ledge where he was a minute ago. She was still in shock... If she only wouldn't have spend a day just wandering around... If she would just have knocked on his door... She felt so stupid.
She was broken... and more determined than ever to join him. She let go of his hand, look at his face on last time and then back at the ledge. She knew what she had to do.

When she tried to get up a hand grabbed her wrist... and a struggling voice whispered


She froze... that voice....

"No, I'm here now. Don't"

Her eyes filled with tears, she turned around... He was still here! She wasn't to late! His blue eyes stared at hers... in pain. But he was here!

"Finnaly!!! But how!?"

With a twinkle in his eye told her.

"A demon offered me the same deal that was offered to you"

Her eyes widened...

"You gave half your soul for me...! Why!?"

He just looked at her and smiled.

"I gave no more than you would give for me. Now we are no longer two separate souls, instead together we are one"

For progress pictures see here: part 1 | part 2

As always! Let me know what you think!

๐Ÿบ @wolv

Sort: ย 

Thank you for your post. :) I have voted for you: ๐ŸŽ! To call me just write @contentvoter in a comment.

Well, @wolv.. thank you for obliging us with the final chapter and an awesome conclusion! I love how you incorporated Dreemie as a demon... I love that woman, and she is an angel but she has another side Wolvie... I've seen it... Scary! Ask @andysantics48... she will verify.. but please don't tell her I told you because I really don't wanna get the hose again. And Wolv... dear.. listen to me... good job on incorporating Tamala too, I suggest you keep this behavior up because then maybe you can keep the ninjas at bay. You're my family and its too soon and you are too young for us to have to bury you. And um.. those little skeleton separator thingies... did you make that???

Good job Wolv!! Loved the story, loved the art, you are so very talented and I'm so glad your sharing with us.

Proud Momma moment

Momma mon! Thank you for your kind words! Well I was forced to write one more... Seems like people don't like grim endings... But this will do.

Ohw I believe you.... Dreem is one scary mother.... Haha well had to include Tam, it just fitted perfectly :P contemplated including you too... but Dreem just scared me more haha.

And the separators are mine indeed B-) they felt right for a post like this. Awesome that you noticed!

Thank you so much monmon!

You are very welcome! And .. um.. about the separator thingies... I absolutely love them!! I would like to commission you to make a little something like that for me. Please and thank you?

Well what would you like? :D
No need for commission tho :)

FINE @dreemsteem ! FINE >:( Please note the "Finale" part in the title XP

Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell unfroze!!!!!!! โ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ Love wins!!!!!!!
And I'm a ....... Demon.
Wait. What the....


I loved it!!!! They were the other half to each other's soul.

Thank you for finishing the story for us.... It was an amazing concept and I really enjoyed reading it. Now I'm looking forward to MORE of your writing!!!!


I'm on my phone and I can't move my slider up past 38%... When I get on my computer... I'll change the upvote to 100% ๐Ÿ˜Š

Those damn phones! Steemit needs a serious mobile overhaul :P

Changed to 100% ๐Ÿ˜‡

Ahem... Notice the correct emoji

not seeing a demon? so not sure what you are on about?

Maybe you just need glasses!!!

Even with glasses on I don't see no demon emoji :O

Yes damn you demon woman >.> !

Ha good! It is done now! :P no more! Now wolv can have some peace! xD

I think you meant angel....

And peace???

When I get my daily dose of writing from my new favorite writer...... THEN there shall be peace.


The end!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

I get what your saying, an angel indeed yes. But then like completely the oposite.

Well... Who is this writer and I'll approach him/her so I can have my peace :P

Right!!!!! Opposite meaning.... They're in heaven!

You get it now!!!!!! I knew you were a smart cookie! Hehehehe

I will show you the writer. But first... Find a mirror

Yes exactly! So the oposite of an angel... a demon.
So you are a demon.

In the mirror I only see myself :O I'm more an artist than a writer

Right so opposite.... Would be..... ANGEL!

CORRECT!!!! gold star for you sir. Gold star!!!

You can be more of an artist. I'll allow this.

But...... Wriiiiiiterrrrrr toooooooo.

Me likes it.

Can't wait for more!

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

First of all, I like your use of the word Finale in the title in an attempt to get @Dreemsteem off your case. I also like the way it DIDN'T WORK AT ALL!

The use of your two new vocabulary words I taught you were deftly woven into the story, very well done little wolvie.

I was happy to have another cameo in this story and applaud you for bringing Dreemie in as a demon.

You see, me as a grumpy old woman and Dreemie as a demon just solidifies the notion that our characters are based on the exact opposite of what we really are. A brilliant use of unfettered irony.

As for the story.... I was getting very, very worried there in the middle. I was going to have a complete conniption if there was no happy ending. But thankfully you saved me a seizure and true love triumphed in the end.

Excellent work Wolvie - Dreemie and I will be waiting for your next story....impatiently waiting.....hurry up.


Well said @tamala! I agree, your cameos were the exact opposite representation of who you are in real life!!

I really did like the phrase he used in there! Hahaha. What a tribute. :p

Such a beautiful ending isn't it!

hahahahahaha I'm glad you also could see the irony of it!!! our poor little confused wolvie ;)

living in his opposite world. where he is not a writer, you are old, and i'm a demon.

hmmmm one day he'll see the light. ;)

and i'm working on a special something for the (Talia) story - it's out of order... so its making me a bit crazy - but it's going to take time to do.... so i have to have it ready for the ending.

i hope you'll like it!!!

Haha xD I had to try at least okay! It was worth a shot >.> But that demon is a tough one to statisfy >.>

I knew it would make you proud! :P
And nope I'm pretty sure I nailed both of you spot on!

Haha well that was as planned! Now stop with those made up confusing words >.> I'm but a simple man!

Give me a break already :'( I already gave you an extra chapter :'(

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I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 19 SBD worth and should receive 138 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Huh? Seems like I already voted on this post, thanks for calling anyway!

You told me to call you for an explanation darn pink pig robot thing! XD

You got Curied again!!!!!!!!! Nice :)

haha YES :D but only a small one this time :P can't take in the big ones all the time...

Hehehehe and you got a visit from my favorite little pink bot!!!! I LOVE YOU @TRUFFLEPIG!!!!!

I don't know what trufflepig is :'( or how he judges :'( he won't tell me

I would tell you......


I don't want to.

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

. >.> Do you want me to bite you? this is how you get me to bite you

Come and try, little wolvie. ๐Ÿ˜
I invite you......


See the other comment

@monchhichi23 and @wolv....

I will find you even when you don't tag me!!!!!
Now where did I put that hose?


I highly doubt that. unless you're still living in your opposite world .

in that case. you're as "innocent" as they come.

just look at my blue eyes! that is sheer innocence right there

i'm watching you!!!! LOL



Sick mind, you!!!! ๐Ÿคฃ

don't try to get out of this now creeper! :O

oh my goodness @wolv, you're such an amazing artist, why haven't i seen your work until now!

Thank you kindly! Haha I don't know Steemit keeps a lot of good work under the radar by whales pumping quite random posts of their friends. But I'll keep soldiering on don't worry there will be more posts coming :)

I'm so glad I found this today. It was just like yesterday that I read the "last" part.....thank you so much for creating this beautiful ending.

Hahaha @dreemsteem was the monster, that's why hell unfroze!

I just love it!

Been too long @wolv since we spoke, trust your world is turning in wonderful rhythmns!

Sorry for the late drop in, but such a worthwhile one nevertheless!