in #storychicks7 years ago


DI tahun 1997-2001 sireal film anak TELETUBBIES muncul dilayar kaca televisi Indonesia. Dengan karakter Tinky Wingky, Dipsy, Laalaa, dan Poo. Sangat booming dimasanya, sampai-sampai lupa mandi sore demi menunggu film itu muncul, dan gak ingin melewatkan sedikitpun ceritanya. Karena ketenaran itu, beberapa pelaku industry membidik warna favorit teletubis sebagai warna tren tertentu. Dari warna pakaian, makanan, sampai ayam turut di warnai menyerupai warna Teletubbies. Nah kali ini Ayam Teletubis kembali booming disepanjang sudut Kota Panton Labu hingga keteras rumah kami.

In 1997-2001, the sereal film of TELETUBBIES children appeared in Indonesian television . With the characters Tinky Wingky, Dipsy, Laalaa, and Poo. Very booming time, to the point of forgetting an afternoon shower to wait for the film to appear, and do not want to miss a bit of the story. Because of that fame, some industry players aim for teletubbies favorite color as the color of certain trends. From the color of clothing, food, until the chicken also resembles the color of Teletubbies. Well this time Teletubis Chicken back booming along the corner of Panton City Pumpkin until our home.

Siang tadi penjual Ayam Teletubbis itu menawarkan Ayam-Ayam lucu itu. Spontan Zabran, anak Saya merengek minta beli. Di jual persatuannya Lima Ribu Rupiah. Tidak tinggal diam, Saya pun langsung membelinya. Berharap agar nantinya Zabran menjadi penyayang binatang, hingga menjadi businessmen unggas, hahhaaha. Untuk nilai dasar saat ini, ada edukasi tak terhingga, yaitu pengenalan warna. Itu yang saya senangi dari varian Ayam Teletubis ini.

This afternoon the Teletubbis Chicken seller offered the funny Chicken. Spontaneous Zabran, son I whine ask to buy. On sale unity Five Thousand Rupiah. Do not stay silent, I immediately bought it. Hope that Zabran will become an animal lover, to become a businessmen poultry, hahhaaha. For the current basic value, there is infinite education, which is the introduction of color. That's what I love from this Teletubis Chicken variant.

Saya berharap, masuknya kembali warna Teletubbies ini tidak menjadi Representasi terhadap kasus LGBT yang sempat HEBOH banget se INDONESIA RAYA. Saya beli Ayam ini bukan karena mendukung LGBT, tapi untuk EDUKASI si buah hati, My Lovely Zabran.


“Ungu, Hijau, Kuning, Merah, Oren, dibungkus ya bang LIMA”, Sahut Saya.
Kebetulan warna yang tersedia hanya itu, berharap ada banyak warna yang di jual. Tapi Lima Ayam itu saja sungguh merepotkan ternyata. Bukan repot ngurus Ayamnya, tapi repot liat Zabrannya. Semua Ayamnya di pegang dengan sangat erat. Entah karena GEMES atau memang bingung bagaimana cara mengekspresikan mainan barunya, hihihiiiii… Hanya Zabranlah yang TAU.

I hope, the re-entry of the color of Teletubbies is not a Representation of LGBT case that was booming really INDONESIA RAYA. I bought this chicken not because it supports LGBT, but for EDUKASI baby, My Lovely Zabran.
"Purple, Green, Yellow, Red, Oren, wrapped FIVE", I replied.Incidentally available colors are just that, hoping there are many colors that are on sale. But the Five Chickens were really troublesome. Not bother Chicken, but bother tough Zabrannya. All His Chickens are held very tightly. Either because indeed confused how to express his new toy, hihihiiiii ... Only Zabranlah is understand

Daaan akhirnya satu MATI dalam beberapa menit saja, saat Saya baru tiga menit tidak disamping Zabran.
“UMI… Ayamnya Muntah !”, teriak Zabran.
Saya langsung berlari, di Kepala Saya berkecamuk takut ada penyakit apa, kok baru dibeli sudah MUNTAH. Pemandangan yang menakutkan dan rasa iba menyertai perasaan Saya. Kaki kanan Zabran masih diatas perut Ayam berwarna Kuning. Kasus PEMBUNUHAN terjadi sekejap. Hanya bergumam dalam hati “ Kasian kamu LAaLAa>>> harus Mati menggenaskan. MAAFKAN ZABRAN YAAAAH …
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ends one OFF in a few minutes, when I'm only three minutes away from Zabran.
"UMI ... Chickens Vomit!", Shouted Zabran.
I immediately ran, in the Head I was racing afraid of any illness, really just bought already Vomit. Scary scenery and compassion accompany my feelings. Zabran's right leg is still above the Yellow Chicken's stomach. The case of MURDER took place overnight. Just mumble in my heart "sO SORRY LAALAA >>> Should be Dead Tummy. MAILING ZABRAN YEAAAAH ...

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