Psychic Contagion - Multidimensional Ladder

in #strangerthanfiction4 years ago (edited)

(Note - I'm not going to make the claim at this stage that my perspective on what I have deciphered has been 100% accurate (for now) .. more investigations need to take place before confirmations can actually be personally made with confidence .. I needed to write this down publicly for now before I get a chance to go over the material once more, and see if anything comes out again once gone over with a more focused mind.,)

EPISODE 373 of the Duncan Trussel Family Hour! .. IMPORTANT/DISTURBING INTERVIEW[[UPDATE 08/15]]

At the beginning of the podcast someone is talking about half a dozen salamis, 8-12 inches .. I'm still just beginning to go over this material again, and retracing my steps, but I'm quite disturbed by this so far .. I will break down the different symbols that I hear, as come to hear them in a section at the end of this report. it appears that there is A LOT of symbolism being used in this broadcast, don't lose it, and my name must be remembered!

The label given to this video has changed as well it now reads:

"Brendon Walsh, operative 46789 and host of Brendon Walsh's World Record Podcast ( , joins the DTFH!"

((( Operative 46789??? .. What is "The world Record Podcast?")))

Over the course of the past 3 days I've been experiencing something that I can only explain as being multi dimensional, and paranormal in nature .. at first I thought I was going through the death experience, but apparently it's something much deeper! .. What I'm about to tell you sounds unbelievable .. but I will tell you what's been going on from my perspective, regardless .. I believe in Transparency and Truth

So it's as if there is a chain of people who are tethered together psychically through karmic/quantum interactions and it appears as if we somehow broke through the matrix collectively. It felt like we all broke through the fourth wall at times, taking on a very "Truman Show Esque - Reveal" vibe to the situation .. it was like we all unanimously broke through the hidden veil of the matrix and it's mind control programming apparatus .. I'm still adjusting to this mindset, as it's somewhat novel and utterly profound.

If I'm not explaining myself well enough, I will be updating this post moment to moment as I'm currently in the crux of this experience and don't have the highest degree of being able to write very well while I'm experiencing the profundity at the moment, and there is a critical and total transcendental experience that is currently unfolding through an apparent collective group of people tethered together through quantum entanglement. I will update this post once my mental faculties have come back to perfect center, but there appears to be a psychic contagion taking place that is carving through the aether, and it appears that even history might be be able to be revised while in this state, subtly somehow .. Trust me, I know how crazy this sounds, but that's the best way I can currently explain it, however this experience has been incredibly lucid, despite the otherworldly nature of what is being experienced by me at this stage.

It seems to be unfolding so far as to be causing some real world, cosmic glitches in the matrix .. I had been listening to a podcast over the course of the past few days, and I was beginning to notice that I was seeing signs and synchronicities coming in that appeared to hold a direct relationship to the podcast I had been listening to at the time. " .. Synchronicity has become morphed into a sort of ongoing confirmation bias glitch that appears to be catching a total mass traction of sorts, carving its way through the aether, rising to the surface.

I also picked up some clear! predictive programming that I literally came to hear the words "Manchurian Candidate", where there were some type of mind control triggering programming attempts that were clearly heard coming through the medium of the ongoing podcast broadcast that I'd been listening to. Quite shocking! .. this is one of the main reasons I felt it was important that I shared this captured reality. "See something, Say something!"

In the first podcast that I'm sharing here, , I eventually remember hearing"Duncan Trussel" plotting some type of "Manchurian Candidate" broadcast to trigger someone, and you can tell that his attempts to steer back the conversation to being about some stupid story involving "Tom Cruise" .. it's INCREDIBLY freaky and bizarre, and this MUST be heard to be believed. The guest "Brendon Walsh" appears to be constantly being led into creating this bizarre narrative with "Tom Cruise" on this broadcast, and his programming breaks down, interfering with his ability to stay with the script he had been given. BIG TIME! Someone mentions something about "infinite Tuesday" and a viral innoculant. Some other key words to look out for: "Neutrasystem" "kill fish" Some apparent entity known as "DX5" and something about crimpt chips. They mention something about "recordings through the eyes".

[ Listen to these podcasts in order to understand just how bizarre the things are that are being said. It appears his Podcasts have grown to be very grim and alarming in their nature. I dearly hope that what I suspect isn't true. I'm open minded to being wrong about this, I'll review this again at another stage. ]

I will update this post moment by moment, as I can. I don't expect many people to even fathom adequately what I'm trying my best to explain, but listen to this completely bizarre podcasts that I managed to capture as a sort of snapshot during the torrent of one of my more recent strange otherworldly experiences .. they are hard to explain.


In Episode 373 Listen for the interview with "Brendon Walsh" .. eventually "Brendon" seems to go rogue in this episode and goes completely off script .. they are clearly overheard making constant cuts over and over again, in what appears to be attempts made that are trying to get him to be programmed .. that is, if they haven't made the cuts already?

[[UPDATE 08/15]] At the beginning of the podcast someone is talking about half a dozen salamis, 8-12 inches .. it appears that there is A LOT of symbolism being used in this broadcast!

Episode 373 - Duncan Trussel Family Hour

and Brendan Walsh has a questionable, disturbing podcast follow up over here .. These Must be shared and heard!,record%20live%20on%20the%20podcast.

[ Different Symbols and messages Heard so far: half a dozen salamis 8.12 inches .. 5 steps (cuts to a horrible, questionable music track) (what in God's name is this in reference to???) ..("what happens when the multidimensional entities come visit me?" .. "What's up my fellow CIA agents"(due to the toxic, alarming nature of this podcast I will only re-listen to, and digest small portions of it at a time, and revisit it later .. the podcast is already saved, and I can revisit it later .. I refuse to have my reality contaminated with the alarming programming coming from this podcast. ]

[ For the record - I posted this with urgency because I felt that there may have been potential for danger. I was quite disturbed by what I had found.

Also for the record - I'm not suicidal, and would never do hard drugs again. I also don't go on outside day trips on my own without informing someone first either. ]

I am ~Thadius Elijah Penner~

[ My Steempeak page can be found here: ]