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RE: street photography | siblings

in #streetphotography7 years ago (edited)

@thelearningman, I respect your opinion about this, they have different government programs . Some govt. programs aim to motivate and assist the children or families on the streets, we have so many programs here, I can’t say that it is a sign of not having good programs they offer, we can’t be one-sided only, we can’t blame also the government because there are these government organizations and non government organization which offers them help. Field workers, volunteers, street educators conduct alternative education with the children, to understand their situation or simply offer protection, temporary drop-in centers or residential care. Yet, they manage to stay on streets. I myself was a member of a Non Government Organization, helping children on the streets when I was in college. And this I can’t blame the government or children/families why. We just need to help them in a way they will understand why government are doing these kinds of programs.

Thank you for bringing this up, Sir EJ


You're welcome. This was a good exchange of opinion. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the matter.

@thelearningman, thank you too. Indeed it was a good exchange of your interesting opinion, something that I learned. Thank you for that Sir.