Inner Strength

in #strength7 years ago

Inner strength comes not from believing in an external force for guidance or counsel, but instead it arises when we choose to believe in ourselves as individuals. We are limited in that we see the world through our minds. Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, pressure receptors, heat receptors, etc are all tools for receiving information. We perceive that information through our brains. The information is filtered and always biased. All of our thoughts, feelings, and memories are only fragments of an uncertain truth. The only truth that we can ascertain is that we know no truths. But in knowing and accepting our limitations as Homo sapiens we can surpass those limits! I know it sounds contradictory, but imagine yourself as a machine. You are essentially a biological machine. If you know and understand how the machine works, if you discover all of its weaknesses and faults, you can use that information to your advantage. Failing to understand how the machine works can lead to a machine trapped in an endless cycle with no improvement to the overall system. As machines we have positive and negative feedback systems in place. For example; someone hurts you through words, violence, or just through their very existence. When you are hurt the Ego can be damaged. The Ego gives rise to our individuality but also protects us from the chaos of the universe. A hurt Ego seeks to hurt others in an attempt to repair itself. The Ego hates that it was hurt, but instead of repairing itself the Ego attempts to damage another Ego. The endless cycle of hatred is born. It is a positive feedback system. Fuelled by hate it creates more hate, and unregulated it can have catastrophic effects as seen around the world globally. So next time you get angry, or feel hatred rising up inside of yourself you should think to yourself “why do I hate?” “Is my body stressed through poor nutrition?” “Is my Ego damaged?” “Is my hate unfounded?” “What is its source?” Hatred is not bad. It is a useful tool that can be misused. It should be used constructively. If you hate something, change something.

Irish Writer, Poet, & Lover


Good article, but dividing it in sections would improve readability a lot.

The information is filtered and always biased.


inner strength is very much important to build up your confidence, that bost up your performance and as well as assume the drawback.

good post thank for sharing @riskdebonair..I am waiting for your next post ..