Multiple Sclerosis / Paralysis / Emphysema Stroke & More

in #stroke6 years ago

This is a combination of Nature's most powerful stone, Tourmaline - specifically Rubellite, Watermelon and Pink Tourmalines with Rhodonite - together they are powerful for resolving many ailments.

What they do when worn against the skin.

Removes blockages in the meridians and facilitates the flow of healing energies throughout the body. Strengthens the immune system, heart, nervous system and bones. Stimulates the thyroid gland, the regeneration of nerves, nerve tissue, and is particularly effective in the treatment of paralysis and multiple sclerosis. Enhances functions of the respiratory tract, lungs, treats emphysema and increases the oxygenation capacity of the lungs. Treats inflammation of the joints and alleviates arthritis, helps with spinal alignments, stomach ulcers, and allergies. Repairs hearing loss and enhances auditory vibrations. Stimulates fertility. Heals wounds, reduces scarring and relieves itching and stings from insect bites. Improves hand to eye co-ordination and balance.


Balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain, helps in the treatment of paranoia, dyslexia, depressions, emotional dysfunctions, breaks negative thought patterns and self-destructive tendencies. Resolves internal conflicts, clears confusion and helps to overcome primal fears, phobias, trauma, shocks and panic attacks. Facilitates acceptance of the past, removing feelings of guilt, resentment and anger from abuse, abandonment, jealousy or betrayal by releasing pain and healing the emotional scars. Brings joy to the situations we are in and promotes reconciliation and forgiveness. Instills the qualities of patience, tolerance, compassion, inspiration, tact and diplomacy. And attracts prosperity. Improves confidence, objectivity, enhances self-esteem, enables better understanding of our situations and allows us to clearly state our intentions. Calms the mind and helps in finding solutions to problems. Strengthens the resolve to complete tasks, inspires creativity and is particularly beneficial for writers, actors, musicians and artists preventing mental blockages during work or examinations. Helps in coping with upheavals or changing circumstances in life, such as career moves, unexpected journeys and separations from family and friends. Provides a strong protective shield for the body, cleanses the aura of negativity and removes blockages.

Tourmaline has a strong connection to the earth and is a natural pesticide when placed in the garden, when buried in the soil it enhances the growth and health of plants and crops. I would recommend using black tourmaline chunks for this, as gem quality would be a waste.

Rhodonite can be used as a shield from unwanted intrusions If you desire peace to work, or sleep and do not wish to have any physical or astral visitors such as spirit guides or teachers place a piece of Rhodonite by your phone, door, or beside your bed to avert any unwanted intrusions.