Four Main Reason Why Students Can’t Get Enough Sleep Nowadays

in #students7 years ago

A number of researches show that students perform better when they are not sleep deprived. To support that, we all know that psychology has proved a billion times that sleep is one of the essential elements to achieve a healthier life. And to be healthy means to perform better in every activity we do.

In a study conducted by Chegg, an educational organization that specializes in helping students to perform better in school by providing affordable textbooks and online tutorial, the results showed that most students want to get the sleep they need, but only a few of them are able to. Likewise, most of the surveyed students agree that having a good night sleep positively affects their academic performance. Still, the question is, why do some of them find it hard to get enough rest and sleep?
To answer these questions, the team at provides some of the reasons of why students do not get the right amount of sleep and rest they need.

  1. Movie and TV Shows Marathon
    In the early days, getting enough sleep was hardly a problem for anyone. It was just something you do after a long day. It was just something you naturally do when you feel tired and weary from what had happened in the last long hours that you’ve been awake. But with the technology we have today, admittedly, this practice has become a little less practicable.
    Many people today, especially students, choose to spend their time doing stuff they find enjoyable like watching movies or TV shows rather than to sleep. Sometimes, they even prioritize these enjoyable activities over more important workloads, not realizing that the deadline for a paper or a project is getting near as days go by. Little do they notice that this stuff would eventually have a domino effect on their time management – leading them to procrastination, and in the end, depriving them the sleep they deserve.

  2. Social Media
    Obviously, social media is playing a big role in our lives today. We may not want to admit it, but we do know that it’s taking a lot of our time. What is unfortunate, more significantly, is that a large percent of our population that is being hooked on what these online platforms are offering is the youth – our students. What is even more devastating is that the time they spend online is not even for school-related activities; rather, their time online is spent by posting and browsing through social media platforms. And just like watching movies or TV shows, they find it enjoyable; hence, they find it okay and acceptable to take for granted sleeping. More so, a large percent of these students even admit that they take their gadgets and devices to bed with them not for research purposes, but for non-school related stuff.

  3. Procrastination
    And so because of this internet addiction, movie and TV shows binge-watching, and other non-related school stuff students waste their time with, their schedule messes as up as well as time management. Since they are too preoccupied with their TVs and other gadgets, they lose track of time and become unaware that their deadline for a certain project or paper is getting near. Once they realize that they have only one or two days left, they procrastinate.
    So, instead of being able to distribute the workload from the day the project was given up to the deadline, they do it rush and overnight, resulting into lack of sleep for almost eight hours or more. Further so, with the belief that there is always coffee to keep them awake, they do it anyway. And when the next day comes, they feel groggy and tired and sleepy. But they have to be in school, so what happens? Their performance becomes poor.

  4. Two Words: "I`m busy."
    Busy – this word has actually lost its meaning through time. The sudden effect of modernization has swiftly changed our concepts of hectic and multi-tasking. But what makes you busy, really? If you are a student, then the answer would probably be the school works and assignments. This is true, but is it also true that just because you are required to pass tons of papers and projects, you are also required to deprive yourself the sleep you deserve? Of course, not. No matter how busy you are, no matter how many assignments you have, and no matter how much time you have left, you still need to get enough sleep. Maybe you are indeed busy, but you have to keep in mind that everybody also is. Therefore, it wouldn’t hurt to sleep if you have the chance.

Final notes
Studying has never been easy. No one walks into the university on the first day of the first semester of his first year saying, “This is going to be a piece of cake!” This is true and almost everyone would agree. Surviving college is indeed a mixture of blood, sweat, and tears. But while it is a survival of the fittest and a scuffle of the fiercest, there are things that when in the midst of the battle, you should not take for granted – like sleep.


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