Why Should We Set Goals?

in #success7 years ago

What is a life without goals and ambitions? It is like living a life without meaning or purpose. When was the last time you felt that you were living your life to the fullest?

The reason we set goals is so we can achieve our truly unique purpose in life. In every generation, we have found meanings of our lives in our different goals when we possess the desire to achieve a certain purpose in life. These achievements inspire the next generation to improve and achieve more than our previous ancestors.

Are you still desperately trying to figure how you can live the life you want to the fullest? You are not alone and many people live their life without experiencing what life has to offer.

Industry experts, business people, motivational speakers, entrepreneurs have all shared their knowledge, methods and skills with us to achieve our targets or emulate their success. Despite that, many have often overlooked the importance of setting their goals clear enough to utilize the information and skills they possess effectively.

Regardless of your business, career, life or relationship, it is crucial to set goals and be ambitious about them. Setting goals has always been the most fundamental step to take in order to achieve success. They are the road maps that show us the direction we should take and what is possible for us in our lives.

Setting goals is not a difficult task but it requires persistence, determination, and clarity. Some qualities many people seem to not want to complete. It may sound overwhelming but it is actually quite simple to perform these habits.

Without a clear pathway of where you want or need to go, it will be very difficult for your brain to to take the necessary steps in order to figure them out. Our mind is very computerized in a way, if we do not set the right programs in our brain, it will not spit out the answers or data we need.

You saying, thinking, or writing something down creates a massive response to your brain and mind. It now ignites the intelligence to figure out what you just put out in the world. This is where the law of attraction comes into play and why people say often, showing up is 90% of success. These first steps are what allows the mind to find the next steps to achieve whatever you put out in the world.

This is why goal setting is SO important!! Without clearly stating what you want to achieve, your brain/mind will not be able to figure out where you need to go, what information you need next. We are highly intelligent if we just perform these simple tasks to turn on those brain waves. It is why some people achieve things with ease. They are performing these simple little tasks that make it so easy for any of us to achieve anything we want in life. Without it we become very still and lost.



My recent trip to Guatemala


Very good article, my friend!
I can't imagine going through life just wandering. I suppose it may have some benefits. Goals certainly are important. Having goals and planning how to get to them or even near to them is a big part of our success as a race!
Thanks for sharing.

...upvoted and resteemed

It sure is a huge part of success. It is the only way to achieve what we want and to continue to push forward to create massive amounts! Thanks so much for your support @acwood!

Setting goals, working towards the end result and succeeding are steps I take every day.
I am constantly writing down my/our goals. I feel if I see them in black and white staring at me, then I am more likely to push forward and succeed.

That is exactly it! When we write down out goals we can actually get the first steps to take and so on. Without being clear on what we want, it is difficult to find the correct steps to achieve them. Thanks so much @goldendawne! Have a great Valentines! :)

Here I go with another life experience story. This is one of the tools I used when training my team of fundraisers to achieve goals. I would get them to set short term goals (daily their shift) and long term goals (2 months the length of the entire campaign).
It is a system called S.M.A.R.T. Not sure if you had heard of it.

S.M.A.R.T. Goaling Setting

What exactly do you want to achieve? The more specific your description, the bigger the chance you'll get exactly that. I like using visualization so if you want find a picture related to your goal in a magazine for an example and put it on your fridge so it stares you in the face everytime you eat or drink...that works for me.....I like to also write on the picture......THIS IS DONE....showing intention.
Measurable goals means that you identify exactly what it is you will see, hear and feel when you reach your goal. It means breaking your goal down into measurable elements. I am a big believer in an Accountability Partner this someone that you trust and respect and you agree with them to check in with them on an agreed timeframe (day, week) to make sure you are on target and have clear focus you have to give them permission to be brutally honest with you to help you obtain your goal.
Describe your goals using action verbs, and outline the exact steps you will take to accomplish your goal. Get a few of your friends to text or voice mail you a action goal affirmation and save these so when you feel yourself off focus use read or listen to these affirmations this is a quick fix that I use al the time.
Give your the opportunity to succeed by setting goals you will actually be able to accomplish. Consider obstacles that may come your way.
How much time do you have to complete the task that will lead to the goal. Establish a timeline. This is where your Accounting Partner will come in hand
Your posst are always great but they always remind me of tools I used while doing motivational training in days gone by.

Yes you are ahead of my thoughts as I was going to do a post relating to this in the coming days!! We are truly aligned @donnab! :):)

Very good article, my friend! And very very important and pawaarfull and useful for all people
I can't imagine going through life just wandering. I suppose it may have some benefits. Goals certainly are important. Having goals and planning how to get to them or even near to them is a big part of our success as a race!
Thanks for sharing.

...upvoted and resteemed

They sure are pawaarful! :D Thanks so much for your support @tanweeralam!

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Perfectly put!

Great post! I've been trying to get more into a goal setting habit!

One step at a time. Before you know it you'll be right into it! :)

Thanks for your brilliant overcome and achived success of your life. Really me inspired for your achivement seen.....

Thanks @muktamoni, glad you are being inspired! :)

Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 2.03% vote... I was summoned by @bitdollar! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh