From loser to a winner, life and luck always standing on his side

in #success6 years ago

hello steemians>>>
plz Read this story and give your view..
A child badly caught by Whooping Cough in childhood seeing his father reciting Kalma on each stroke of pertussis that used to last for minutes without breath, was an ordinary guy born with Heart Valve Disease (HVD) and later in his childhood caught by whooping cough.

All medications went useless and he could barely recover after weeks going through hard times not only for him but for his parents as well who used to stay awake days and nights and recite 'La ilaha illallaho Muhammad ur Rasool Lullah' everytime he went through whooping cough stroke so that their child may die reciting kalma if his breath didn't recover.

He somehow survived luckily but doctors told his father that your child's heart may be healing itself during his youth otherwise he won't be able to reach his 30s.

That child brought up with intense care by utilizing best available resources in his childhood, this is why he performed well in school and was famous as a creative and shining student.

During his matriculation or even earlier than that, he fell in love with his 2nd cousin and decided to marry her. He kept on utilizing anything that could get him his love.

Now the issue was, he's youngest of his siblings and the one he wants to get married with is eldest of her siblings that means her parents wants to get her married sooner while boy's parents have absolutely no idea if he wants to get married early too :P

Story gets many ups and downs and the biggest of all is, his parents and her parents don't have friendly ties from last dozens of years and it could be a disastrous news for them.

So, next big challenge was fulfilling this gap of being youngest in the family and asking parents to go for 'rishta'.

Now the most heroic person comes into the story, the sister.

He talks to his sister and tells her the whole story and requests him emotionally to help.

Sister talks and convince almost impossible (mother) and then mother talks to boy's father.
There's a storm in the family. Everyone is surprised and shocked. Father has rejected this without taking a second to think.

Typical style 'rishty aa re hn' story begins and the boy gets in deep stress. He has no way around. This badly hurts his studies and other commitments.

He hits upon an idea. He enlists all the relatives whom his strict father respects the most and dont say NO.

On top of the list, there was name of boy's step grandmother. YES, his father respects his step mother more than anyone in this world.

Second name was boy's grandma.

So he goes straight to his step-grandma and briefs her about whole story very reluctantly.

This is when his step grandma takes the responsibility and tells him to worry not.


The boy is jubilant like he has conquered the world without even realising actual story has not begun yet.

It took 2 years for both Grandma's to be able to convince his father partially. The love story has become word of every mouth in whole big family and everyone is trying to get them both married.

The next step is how to minimize the gap between two families that are widened enough that girl's father won't be ready to even listen to this.

Now boy approaches those near to his to-be-father-in-law and convince them that he himself is the best choice for his daughter :p

After struggle of many years, fightings, disappointments, at last they both engaged.

Fireworks 🔥🔥🔥 😁

Wait, the story is not ended but has just begun :p

Girls' father gives two years maximum deadline for marriage. If wedding will not happen in next 2 years the engagement will be officially broken.

Its 2006.

Now boy has some serious responsibility and trouble. He has to get married in next 2 years or otherwise he will lose his love.

He starts planning his life and opt information technology and he got admission luckily in university with the below the average marks in intermediate.

Two years has been passed and there is absolutely no signs of marriage anytime sooner.

Girls father is worried and breaks the engagement and returns the ring and other items and finally engagement is broken.

The boy is worried it again.
He has started off making his career but it's not easy with limited resources. He manages to get EVO wireless internet and starts working online being at home.

Everyone has backed off.

he requests his mother to please stay this engagement alive for few more years until he will arrange money himself and will get married.

I need to write a book to explain what happened during those 6 years from 2006 to 2012. No any love story based movie has covered such painful journey of him.

He stay firmed and didn't lose heart. I need a calculator to count how many times that engagement was broken.

In 2010 fed up of all this girls father visits the boy in his office. Boy shows him his bank account that has now significant amount of money, his online resources including AdSense accounts that has plenty of dollars in it.

But girls father tells him politely that the story has ended. And he has fixed the Rishta of his daughter with someone else and that is final decision so kindly don't do anything that could harm you, your family and us on the day of wedding. He goes away after declaring his decision.

Boy is broken. Since he has been facing all this from last 6 years or so and he has worked a lot and started generating passive income yet he is seeing his love going away.

Boy quits.

On the other hand, rishta is fixed.

Boy understands he won't be living a happy life with this pain.

He recollects himself.

He goes to everyone he knows in the family, calls upon family meeting. He tells everyone if she will be married with someone else, it will be shameful for you all and it will be written in the history of Nandla family.

It worked.

Everyone thought it as their own matter of pride and started doing whatever they could.

Whole family went to girls' house for a last try since there's wedding ceremony preparations going on.

They're trying their best to convince him. Grandma, uncle, mamu, relatives everyone crosses all limits to make her father convinced and showing him consequences.

Finally, her father tells them to call boy's father which didn't go there considering it humiliation. Everyone start calling him but mobile isn't responding.

Boy was walking worried on the road reciting whatever he remembered when he was told about all this. Everyone leaving girls' home one by one...

He lost his hope and smiling on how life has cheated on him. Smiling with tears, soft pain breaking from in and out.

He is thinking how barren his life is going to be . . .

Meanwhile he sees his cousin Ilyas Nandla coming towards him on bicycle shouting oye oye oye !!!

"Your father has come and everything has been settled down. Your nikah has been scheduled next month."

oh man ! ! !

How many U-turns this life is going to take...

Weeping with a smile of a winner on his face B|
Feeling proud of himself.

He is once again undefeated ...

Nikah was scheduled and happened peacefully and they got married a year after nikah.

From loser to a winner, life and luck always standing on his side.
