Bloom Where You Are Planted!

in #success6 years ago

Bloom Where You Are Planted!.png

Part of my weekly routine is to spend Saturdays in my home office, without a single piece of technology around me.

No computers.
No cell phones.
No business.

Instead I grab a book and spend the entire day deep in it..

Yesterday was no different...

I was reading a fascinating book by Mitch Kruse called 'Street Smarts from Proverbs', was about a third of the way through it and then this quote jumped out at me...


Let me break down why this quote is so important and impactful for people in today's day and age.

First up, we seem to be in competition...With everyone around us.

We're consistently comparing ourselves to not only our competitors but even people in our own circles...

  • If someone had 5 bucks, we want 6.

  • If someone has a 2000 square foot home, we want the 2100 square feet one.

  • Someone gets a raise from their job, we want a bigger one than them!

It's sadly part of the human experience, and 'wanting more' is not on the surface a bad thing, I believe in getting better and wanting more from ourselves every day. But when we forget how good we have it, and count our blessings daily...Bad things start to pop up.

So this quote reminded me...

Sure you may not have 5000 STEEM Power. You may only have 30 followers. You may just be starting and have a reputation of 25.... BLOOM regardless!

You are dealt a set of cards in life. Some people have a better hand but to excel in any endeavour I think we need to master the cards we are dealt.

I mentioned this in a previous post about finding your 3 vital functions and this quote plays directly to the point I made in the post...

You might have been dealt the hand that allows you to create amazing video content on @dtube - Bloom!

Maybe you have some insane skills at gaming and love to stream - Bloom @dlive !

Perhaps all that technology is above your head and simply LOVE to create content in the form of writing - Bloom here on Steemit!

Not matter where you are planted - Focus and be the BEST you can be at your given circumstances and skill set.

You wanna know why?

The more you focus on what you are amazing at and work on it consistently, you WILL get better! You WILL start to have the universe work in your favor and big things are on your horizon.

Hey I'm no expert so take what I write with a grain of salt...However I think Napoloen Hill said it best...

"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success..."

And when you have the patience, persistence and perspiration focused on where you are...Right now...You will master your craft and get better each and every day!



Such a good quote and such a good post. Too easy to compare notes. We just need to keep on keepin on doing our thing.

Agreed. We start becoming our own worst enemy when we do. Thanks for the comments as always sir, much appreciated!

Thank you for this great advice Jon.Difficult part for me everyday is to find that so-called niche in business.When I'm ready to go on step further,I will be very glad.

Oh for sure...I hear ya. That was my biggest issue getting started so many years ago...What did I absolutely LOVE that I would do for free without a care in the world...Once I found it, the 'money' started to come in. But it wasn't because I was forced into a niche...I was in love with what I did, every day :)

Thanks for the comments!

The more you focus on what you are amazing at and work on it consistently, you WILL get better! You WILL start to have the universe work in your favor and big things are on your horizon.

Couldn't agree more.

Thanks for the comments sir and that extra favor earlier too lol

Yeah man, it's amazing how it works....Things start clicking and making 'cents' after a good amount of time of focusing :)

A great example is right here on Steemit. I mean, I love to write about computer stuff and on top of that, get paid for it. Not a bad gig.

LOL Exactly!!! Best of both worlds for sure.

Amazing post, this really hits home and resonates with me, I have 3 passions which are hobbies but now dreaming up ways to be of service and monetise what I love. My only competition is myself, always trying to improve and be better than I was yesterday. 😀

Thanks man, appreciate the comments. And glad to hear you enjoyed the post :)

I love how you could find the discipline to take a day off technology weekly. I wonder if I could pull this off...

LOL Man, I started doing it about 2 years ago. And I love it. I feel so refreshed on Sundays now...Ready to tackle the new week. It's hard at first but it's so worth it :)

Jon, I am amazing at doing nothing!
Anything for me? :)

Ha ha ha ha ha ha Nothing is something I guess LOL

Socrates, supposed to have said: " εν οίδα ότι ουδέν οίδα!" which translates to " I know just one thing, that I know nothing!"

Great post Jon... always wanting to beat others is actually the feeling of lack. There is abundance in this world... if you believe in the abundance is the key. Just focus on that abundance and bless others... you will feel and receive great abundance as well! So Bloom where you are... do what you do best... stretch yourself... and help others! Your life will blossom.

I agree man. I mean look at Steem right now....Under 1 million accounts!

If that doesn't scream opportunity an d enough for everyone to go around, nothing will....We're here, let's play the cards were dealt and get better everyday!

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Will be hard to do. But definitely sound advice. We get so use to doing things a certain way. Gonna implement it soon. Total Re-Steem material.

Thsnk you sir. Appreciate it! Yeah man....Not the easiest thing to do for sure...But the most rewarding. Stay the course. Focus on the good stuff....Crush it everyday!

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