Stop Waiting For Upvotes & Delegation...Build This Thing Yourself!

STEEM is the blockchain of opportunity!
As a marketer I think this motto hits the nail on the head, perfectly! No other blockchain has so much upside that allows anyone from content creators to entrepreneurs build and grow their passion...With massive support from the most important asset in any project...It's community!
The unique aspect of STEEM is the upvotes, curation and delegation that is built into the blockchain. This allows you to support the content and applications you enjoy, and provides entrepreneurs with very unique business models.
Up until today, a lot of these businesses have been built around delegation and the upvotes...Which is fine, but we are seeing new models like @steemmonsters and @drugwars that remove the need to rely on these forms of funding and support.
Still, the question that comes up the most when I'm hosting the #RoadTo300SP weekly sessions is...

So how does the newer Steemian even get noticed? Attract the upvotes? Build their relationships?
- Use the tools that are there for you!
- Show up everyday!
- Be grateful, remain humble!
I'm going to break down each of these points and some of them may not be the popular opinion. It's important for me to explain WHY I do what I do....But at the end of the day, this is my journey and things that have worked for me...Results may vary ;)
1. Use The Tools That Are There For You - This won't be a popular opinion but let me explain....
Bid bots are NOT the evil enterprises people make them out to be!
They are just tools that were built because of a market demand...
In fact, I have built a decent following and engagement with hundreds of Steemians using these services.
Are they abused?
Sadly, yes. People will abuse anything where they can potentially benefit from it. But what these services provide is...A voice!
I didn't get any upvotes from the whales when I got started, and I didn't expect any. So what could I do to get seen as a valuable contributor to STEEM? I promoted myself...And whether this is a good thing or bad thing, the only way to really promote yourself on the blockchain is by the bid bots.
Again, I'm not saying they are a perfect solution but as a marketer...I know I need to be seen or else I'm out of sight and out of mind. So use the tools that are out there to get your voice seen and heard...
2. Show Up Everyday - This is pretty simple really...And a huge part of the training I created at SteemSavvy centers around this simple truth...You cannot expect to make a million bucks here overnight. But when you show up, every day and deliver value to others journey...Things start to snowball!
Post content, engage in comments, use the dApps, network with others...But do it everyday! It's MASSIVELY important to your journey on STEEM! I know this isn't a sexy answer, and most people will roll their eyes because I talk about this so much...But that's why only 2-3% of people will succeed in any business....They put in the work, DAILY!
(Shameless self promotion...If you come to this blog and engage with me every day, I'll upvote ya and even send you some random @steembasicincome units...It's the least i can do to show you I appreciate your time and engagement!!)
3. Be Grateful, Remain Humble - There is a lot of talk about apps 'owing' people an upvote. Or others demanding delegation from the powers that be...You are promised a few things in life, and an upvote or delegation aren't on that list...
Look, would I love an upvote every day from an app or whale with millions in Steem Power? Sure...I want to make a living from my STEEM journey...But I'm not owed a damn thing! So I will build it myself!
I have put my blood, sweat and tears into my project SteemSavvy and will continue to do so. I am trying to build the easiest to use STEEM training platform online...However 'Mr. Delegation' hasn't shown up yet and more than likely won't...My business and passion for SteemSavvy is NOT relying on delegation. I'm building this with the amazing support of the Savvy community...
But when I do get an upvote or some delegation...I'm so grateful and humble...I'm always thankful for any upvote or delegation I get...And I know I need to KEEP building because tomorrow isn't promised. When you focus on growing your account or project, you are too busy BUILDING to worry about any delegation or upvote drama...
When you concentrate on the journey and deliver value to your followers and community...You WILL attract the right attention!!

(Funny, I found this in my notes this morning...Seemed to be appropriate to the content today...)
I've been on STEEM for 15 months now...And I'm grateful for all the experiences and lessons I've learned...
I encourage you to follow through and keep creating! Keep engaging! And keep showing up every day...Because we will ALL win in the end!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :
Solid writing mate.
Sadly it is really difficult to get noticed as a newcomer - speaking from experience - . Promotion via bots isn't a bad thing (even though I would prefer that they didn't exist in the first place) but looking at the hot and trending page..oh times it's such a mess.
What I really fail to understand at times is why for some people isn't enough to spend let's say 50/60/70 steem for promotion but instead they have to spend 500. In both cases their post will land on the trending. That's the type of abuse I hate. Especially though when it comes from "famous" steemians. Do they ever wonder what example do they set?
yeah it’s most definitely not perfect. and the abuse can be rampant at times. but i know if we are quiet and don’t get seen...we will never attract the right people.
i have a business idea that can solve a lot of these issues. but alas. developer needed lol
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thank you, Jon! You are an example for us, and we all have something to learn from you (not only the new commers).
appreciate the kind words very much. thanks for the support and engagement.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Great information to share for those seeking progress in the ecosystem. While I support the use of bots for their services, I have seen the benefit when I have used them. It would be great to get a sense on how you have used them to market yourself. Thanks for sharing!
Posted using Partiko iOS
appreciate it man. yeah they aren’t perfect for sure. but do serve a purpose...if only created training courses on how to use them ethically and effectively like steemsavvy ;)
Posted using Partiko iOS
Some things that helped me:
Finding your niche(s) Trying to write about what you think other people are interested in when you're not in it - that won't work and will lead to bad posts. Write about what you're interested in - if that is crypto-stuff, then write about crypto-stuff (clearly not my nice). But we all have more than one interest, write about those, find others who do, join their community or build one. My main niches are needlework (knitting etc.) and table-top roleplaying, I'm interested in bread baking and gardening, too, and read and write about that. You love carrier pigeons or collect subway tickets? Write about it! Even if you don't find other people who share that interest you get yourself noticed. Being the "carrier pigeon guy" is better than being one of thousands other unnoticed writers :)
Engage in your local community That's especially important for those non-native English speakers. The German community gave me a lot of help and information, through posts and Discord.
Discord Yes, a social media app that helps you on a blockchain. Sounds absurd, but it works really well. Fast answers to problems, working on building your community or simple smalltalk - it can be place for everything you want it to be.
I'm still small-fry but I made it to 350 rewarded SP in not yet 250 days and am more than content with it :)
one thing i thought i should do more is local based engagement and events. meet ups etc.
thanks for this. gave me some ideas on how to look into that.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Awesome @jongolson. Showing up every day is paramount to success, it's why I do my Daily Blogpost and I check @patriko first thing in the morning, even before getting out of bed.
Posted using Partiko Android
for sure. thanks man. yeah i am literally still in bed on partiko responding to this lol i’m addicted.
Posted using Partiko iOS
I just kicked off something to try and get some more people up to minnow level. Too much of the rewards is going to people who already have a lot of Steem.
I have made my position on bid bots clear many times. I think they are mostly abused and are thus harmful to Steem. I will not use them and am less likely to vote on posts using them. I am pissing in the wind with this, but it is a point of principle for me :)
nah. you are right. they are abused. but they are also very valuable for people to promote themselves on steem.
let’s be honest. a new steemian coming in here can play by the rules and show up everyday. but will wait a long long time to get noticed by the powers that be.
i see the value in promoting yourself and attracting the right audience. and right now the only way to do that on steem is the bots.
i’m not loyal to them. i just use the tools that are there.
Posted using Partiko iOS
People say it's for promotion, but you can see a post with $50 in paid votes and zero human comments, so it doesn't really work unless you pay enough to get onto trending. It's a broken system that gets abused for greed and that just encourages it.
Those of us with a big following can promote new users for free with a re-steem. We need more of that sort of altruism and less 'dash for cash'.
This is why I am looking at ways to boost new users who are doing good stuff. The 'powers that be' need to nurture new talent if they want Steem to keep going.
i was on here for months before anyone even commented much less upvotes and shared my content.
wasn’t until i started spending that i got noticed.
bots exist because there was a need for people to not rely on others to build their name here.
and i use bots but somehow get dozens of comments every time i post. because i care about the engagement first. my entire purpose for being here in 2018 was to build relationships with people. the bots allowed my voice to be heard.
it’s not perfect. but it’s all we’ve got. i hear your concerns man. i really do. but i think it’s not the bots that are the problem more of the reasons people use them.
Posted using Partiko iOS
There's no perfect system, but it is up to the users to dissuade behaviour that is counterproductive. I see the bots as mostly harmful, but I can see you think otherwise :)
yeah but i do agree with you big time. they are abused and if there was a better system in place for quality content to be promoted and encourage engaging.....i’d be all over it lol
i have some great ideas on how to do it. but alas. i’m but a simple content creator. not much of a developer lol
Posted using Partiko iOS
This is the mentality. I can't wait for the day that everyone is trying to get my upvote lolol
Posted using Partiko Android
ha ha ha oh i’m no dummy. i won’t turn them down lol
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hello Jon! I am connected with you on your training site Steem Savvy! I also love cryptocurrencies! I am also a member of your site Bitcoin Bully. that was the first training that got me involved with cryptos! So I owe a big THANK YOU to you because now that I am free falling into the rabbit hole I am never coming back out!
Looking forward to building a great friendship with you, and I spend a lot of time creating videos and websites myself. So as I learn Steem etiquette I will be sharing more here!
Quick question for you, I noticed you had your other social profile links up top, how did you add them? I couldn't find that option in my profile section.
Thanks talk soon!
awesome to hear that. it’s great to read this cause sometimes i feel like i’m putting in all this work and it’s not helping lol
appreciate the kind words.
how are viewing this post? on steemit? if so you can change all the header information up too by clicking on ‘settings’
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thanks for the support ......
thank you. i appreciate the engagement.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Being a newbie on Steem can be very challenging.Who doesn't remember his early days and how difgicult it was to get your post noticed.
Well written post my friend.A must-read for every new person in here.
Engage is the most important tool we can use in my opinion.
appreciate that. oh wow. was it ever.
i get lost in the sea of steem when i first joined. kinda what inspired me to create steem savvy. so others didn’t have such a huge learning curve.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Good to see people like you in this ecosystem bro.
Trying my best to unite all skaters too in here with @steemskate so I get what you mean.
If everyone was trying to provide even a little bit of help to some other and not just steem for the money,we would have been drinkng beers on the moon already.
Posted using Partiko Android
appreciate that. yea man. i think that’s what sets steem apart from other blockchains. the fact that anyone can join this thing, find a community and grow with it matter what the niche or background there is something for everyone.
and when we support each other in those communities. wow.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Glad ta do this chat with you man.
Just followed you and I'm gonna check out your project later for sure.
I'm at work now so...fuck fiat.Hehe.
Much love brother.
Love it Jon, I wish more people would see things this way! Even if I haven't used bidbots, I understand their usefulness.
yeah man. their usefulness depends on who is using them. use them to get noticed and promote yourself...they are quite valuable.
use them to promote crap posts and well. we can see how it can be abused.
Posted using Partiko iOS