The Car that Crypto Bought or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Realized Gains

My truck bit the dust
I was driving around in a '99 Toyota Tacoma and apparently I wasn't doing awesome with maintenance because I was parking at work Sunday night and the ball joint failed and the tire folded at a less than operable angle.
Thank God that it happened when it did. It could have caused some major damage if it had happened on the highway and would have been hell to deal with if it happened on my move out of state through the fucking desert.
It's not that bad, someone with the will to fix it could definitely get a ton of life out of it. As far as I know the engine is doing fine and it's relatively low mileage for something about 20 years old. It's simply not worth it to me to fix it. I've already sunk money into it as it is recently and to get the control arms in safe condition would cost me basically the bluebook value on its BEST day.
Luckily I found a mechanic that was looking to add a truck to his collection and saw 3/4 wheels as glass half full.
Literally ran it into the ground.
On to better things!
I move today, so I needed a car ASAP either renting something or buying. I figured I might as well purchase here and drive my new-used car to my new place.
There's this great dealer near me called Classic Chariots, . I saw that they had two sedans that were about in my price range. I was looking for the lowest mileage I could get for around $10k which turned out to be either a Mitsubishi Lancer or a Ford Focus, both 2016.
I feel I lucked out by having Jack approach me first. We seemed to have a good harmony during the sale. He was confident about their lot and they do have pretty nice cars there.
I think what helped was that he had heard some things about cryptocurrency so when I mentioned that I get most of my assets from that and not so much my day-to-day workplace job Jack was right on board. Some bankers still look at me like I'm a crazy person when I mention crypto as assets, so this was refreshing to be taken seriously.
It felt gangsta as hell to say that I could take or leave the credit depending on the rate, but I was prepared to write a check.
I must be a real gangsta because I can't run fast.
You're not thinking 4th dimensionally!
Seems like 5-7 years ago a Bitcoin was worth around $1. This Thursday I was able to cash out less than a bitcoin to get my new wheels.
I went with the Lancer :D
When Bitcoin hit $1,200 for the first time and then immediately crashed my folks called me some ad hominems like 'stupid' for not cashing out.
Luckily I'm a 5th dimensional being and saw that the path to success was to do nothing but keep my mind limber for six years.
Dear schrosct,
"Literally ran it into the ground." Hahaha, I smiled right there my friend. Sry for that, was quite funny.
Hopefully you are doing good now. But why did you cash out some btc on Thursday? Now is the perfect time to buy, not sell dude.
However, nice post my friend.
Yours truly, Gandalf The White
I needed the money, or rather I didn't want to wait. It's really always the perfect time to buy if you're looking long term enough.
I think it also reinforces any claims that I'm an investor instead of some crazy person.
Word. But I would still always try to sell and buy at the right moments (best moments possible) - but everyone as he likes to. Longterm is good anyway. That is true.
Have a good one.
At this rate I'll be able to replace the missing coin and get another one next year ;)
Also it was pretty hilarious even to me when the wheel dropped.
At first I didn't know what the heck happened, thought maybe my tire had popped or something.
There were two construction guys that happened to be on the sidewalk to witness it and they were cheering, "Woaah! You just got fuuuuucked uuup! I've never seen that shit happen before!" They took video, idk if I'm on worldstar.
I was a yard away from the parking spot, so I put on my hazards and went in to tell my manager that I should probably take care of my truck. He understood and I took two hours to deal with that mess.
When I got outside my only thought was, "Well at least it didn't burst into flames while I was inside."
Hahaha, true that. What a story - you should post this as well. People will have something to laugh about (not of you, just cause of the situation haha). That sounds way too hilarious.
Not too much more to the story :)
It was a bastard to drag that thing onto the tow truck.
I think the only other funny part was how angry the first shop guy got when he realized he wasn't going to be fixing it.
They had to put a lot of effort into moving it into the garage. They were engineering new methods of leverage when I left them to it. I got my $63 out of those guys.
Then they had to drag it back out and onto another tow truck to get it out of there :D
The AAA tow truck guys didn't complain one bit, my hat is off to them. It was obviously not the highlight of their day but they dealt with it.
Yeah haha, but still sounded quite "funny" - at first haha. Not for the first guy.
It is their job, I guess.