in #success6 years ago (edited)

Success. That elusive holy Grail that we all dilligently seek but only a few find. Obviously, you have tried many tactics to reach that Holy Grail with differing results, and success to you may mean something different from what success means to me. However, maybe cultivating a successful lifestyle is easier than you think. Here are 7 quirky habits that may surprise you but may be effective.

  1. Be Lazy.
    Now wait a minute. I'm not telling you to sleep in bed all day. All i'm saying is look for ways of simplifying tasks. It is no secret that most of our inventions were bourne from our laziness. All vehicular innovation was borne of our reluctance to simply walk. Bill Gates also said that he would rather employ a lazy person because ideally, such a person would find an easy way of doing things. So work smart, people, not hard.
  2. Go slow.
    Rome was not built in a day. So take your time to build whatever your dream is. Great things take time. Utilise baby steps and complete something small each day that fits into your bigger long term plan. Stay patient. Patience pays. Stay consistent.
  3. Develop a ritual.
    A ritual is something you train yourself to do everyday to the extent that it becomes second nature. Train yourself to do something productive everyday that enhances your productivity and effectiveness. Eminem read the dictionary daily to grow his vocabulary. Most enlightened people meditate on a daily. Find something you can do daily that makes you a better person and do it without fail. That is what is called discpline and it is one of the cornerstones of success.
  4. Do not multitask.
    Multitasking only divides your attention and makes you less effective. Try to focus your energy on one thing at a time. Prioritise tasks. List them from the most important to the least and do them each in its own time. If possible, ignore most tasks and concentrate on only one to three each day that further your goal. Your time is invaluable and of utmost importance.
  5. Look For Opportunities of Rejection.
    Do not fear to go after any opportunity because you fear you will be rejected. Rejection is the staple food of the successful. So learn to ignore fear and jump off any cliff that frightens you. Take any chance of getting rejected so that you build resistance to it then you will be unstoppable.
  6. Eat Your breakfast.
    Your kindergarten teacher was not cracking jokes; breakfast is indeed the most important meal of your day. Never accept to start your day without it. Research shows that a good early breakfast boosts the sharpness of your brain and hence increases your productivity through the day. This goes hand in hand with waking up early enough (the early bird catches the worm )
  7. Work out more.
    Your beautiful brain needs a beautiful healthy body to carry it around, take care of it. Do aerobics like jumping rope which helps energize the heart and helps the brain improve coordination, and jogging which increases stamina. Make working out a ritual. It will help you do your work quicker and easier.
    Bonus: Read voraciously.
    Read like your life depends on it. Read books by inspiring personalities like Barrack Obama and the like. Read books about your field of expertise. Read books about something new you have never thought about. Books widen your exposure to ideas hence making you open minded and more able to think critically. People who have accomplished much condense the skills they have learnt along the way and put them in books. Books are wells of wisdom.