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RE: Misconceptions in Egyptology

in #suesascience7 years ago

Excellent points. Yes the naming of something and the thinking in "words" is to me part of "living in the echo" as Watts so eloquently puts it. (have you read Alphabet Vs the Goddess by L. Shlain?)

I believe there is another aspect to this though, the material Tree that you describe is still illusionary. We use the word "tree", Nature/God uses a physical tree but both are essentially creating a symbol to understand consciousness in the material realm we occupy.

If energy and information combine to form matter, we have dual aspects of non-material combining to create symbols built in matter. This essentially is the dual aspects conveyed in all ancient belief systems. For instance the holy Trinity which i'm sure you know is Egyptian and maybe even older conveys Osiris as Information, Isis as Energy and the result of their union the physical manifestation of their offspring Horus. Jesus is the same personification of this concept.

Understanding ancient mythology as a science of consciousness , using personifications to explain the non-physical realm into the physical is the reason Jung and other great thinkers studied them in depth. Only a fool would dismiss ancient beliefs as mere bed time stories.


Good to have a dialogue with you.

I haven't known that Trinity is related to the Egyptians but I can follow easily your assumption it is even older. Why not? Many of our knowledge and beliefs can be followed far in history of mankind. The different interpretations resonate with us - with one more, with another one less.

What I always need is to integrate the insights into my daily life - and therefor into what "matters" with me. Without the connection to my physical existence I find it difficult to take in what I have learned or realized. I want to use wisdom - or whatever you may call it.

In almost every case I come to the point that mythology, psychology, sociology etc. for me only makes sense to dig into when what is stated can be connected to ethics. Ethics is an important Noun for me but even more significant is how I live them out in my relations to humans and all other living beings. Not easy.

May I ask for what and how you use your knowledge and insights? I really would like to know.

P.S. haven't read the book you mentioned.

An example of the Egyptian trinity