Summer Guests

in #summer3 years ago

The ants had already come out of their nests this time last year, they were busy working. As I watched them, I was freed from my monotony, my strength to live was strengthened from within, and I became four corners of joy. Indispensable passion, like love. Enjoying life is equal to working, as if they were presenting the equation.

This love would last until he left the house. At the same time, the rivers of the tiles in the kitchen, the cracks in the wall would not be covered. It happened that way, family members followed the decision. Nisan made a joke and showed themselves because we came, they wandered fast. Yet today is the eleven of April. They still do not exist. No lies, I miss you. They are my life potion. "No stopping, keep working" I seemed to hear this slogan from each and every one of them. The story of the cicada and the ants is always in my memory. You should live freely, with dignity, and of your own will, without submitting to anyone, the ants say. I blow and blow.

Where are you, my little friends. The weather is not getting warmer. While the sun is smiling, the frosty shaking our body is penetrating our bones. I'm sad because I can't get rid of some of the flowers on my balcony. Fortunately, the cats of the neighborhood, who are swarming with the chicken bones I left on the balcony, have set up their headquarters on the balcony. While I joke with them and wait for the weather to get warmer, I look forward to my true friends, ants coming out of their nests as soon as possible. I miss you so much.