Sunday Scent Experience - The Fragrant Brugmansia

I am loving this wonderful Brugmansia that my neighbor has growing in her garden. The scent is permeating my yard this evening as a light rain begins to fall..... so heavenly.

Thank you @dutchess for initiating the 'Sunday Scent Experience' to assist us in sharing some of natures beauty with others. So come and join us everyone and let your imagination run wild and enter into the magic of the moment.

Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you enjoyed it.
Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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I have been reading about this since posted it! I cannot believe you varry it in and out, every year!

Can you bottle it and send me some?? 😁

Upped and steemed

I love it, would you believe I used to do about 6 every year. I had pink, yellow, white, tall white and double pink. I was a lunatic when it came to brug's. Now, I watch my neighbor do it, as I got her totally hooked. lol

:) Hook and run!!!

beautiful day it looks like .. I like the shadows on the white of the flowers

It was a nice sunny day, before the rain came once again. ;-)

Beautifully captured flowers. Lovely! Rstmd

Thank you so much @chelsea88 they are beautiful flowers for sure.

Very beautiful my friend Up&Resteem

Nice photo. Upvoted

Beautifully done! I just photographed these last week too, in two colors. Thank you for your lovely scentful entry and excuse my late reaction; due to hardware troubles i was unable to login last week!