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RE: The Old Dog: Bores You? Another Balcony Shot

in #sunset7 years ago

Hey thanks a lot for the lovely comment! I have hundreds of sky pictures in my files!

When I was a kid we'd lay on the grass and look up at the clouds for hours. There were no cell phones, internet and very little T.V. Times have changed!


You're really welcome, like always!😀
I have a lot too!🙂
You're right about times changed, in my personal experience when I was kid I was like you, the difference was that I had a big TV, but I didn't watch it too much, I was born in early '80.
In the '90 everything changed for me, tecnology arrived and was a revolution, I discoverd videogames & c. but even here I didn't was really addicted about it.
I don't if now is better than before, I think that maybe my immagination was more stimulated and "stress" almost doesn't exist.

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