Super Robot Wars OG II Episode 36

in #superrobot3 years ago (edited)


Rio: What about the remaining 2 seasons?
Lin: I ride in 008L. I'll leave it to you to cross the AM.
Rio: Yes, four!
Lynn: Come on, hurry up to work! They must appear here! Schutzwald...? Is it Radha!?
Radha: ......
Lin: How are you there? I should have told you to evacuate with the boss.
Radha: I'm sorry, boss. Let's use the gas alone. aphorism later.
Lin: Wait, that aircraft...
Radha: Are you going to destroy it here? However, there are still unfinished roles in this aircraft.
Lin: What...!?
Radha: As the name Schutzwald suggests, the forest that blocks the wind of the enemy... And it will be a shield to protect the transport plane.
Lin: Did you show up too!
Radha: Boss, I'll buy you some time. Get ready to launch the transport plane quickly!
Lin: Only one person...! Are you going to die, Radha?
Radha: Don't worry. I don't think so. Besides, the boss is noticing, right? Why are they here...
Lin: ...we'll be leaving soon. Until then, hold on
Radha: I see.
Lin: Let's go, Rio!
Rio: Yes!
Radha: (...I can't die here, even to confirm his... Quelvo's will.)


Radha: (The enemy doesn't try to attack Maosa... After all, their purpose is...) The mass-produced MK-II...! who is this!?
Arad: Fold me. Mr. Radha.
Radha: Arad...! you why!? Besides, that body...?
Marion: I prepared something specially for you.
Radha: Dr. Radom...!
Marion: Arad Baranga, I have chosen an armament that suits you. Where do you write well?
Arad: Assault machine guns and knives... are definitely my favourites. But the mace, anyway, isn't this going too far?
Marion: Excuse me. It's definitely improvised, but it can be used about 3 or 4 times. And... to you who fought such a fight with a Falken, there's no reason to hear that.
Arad: That... that's right.
Radha: But you...!
Arad: It's okay. After all, first of all, I'm from school, me. Besides, there is something called grace, which Maosa has been very indebted to... and there are things that we have to protect in various ways.
Radha: ...I see. I will borrow your power.
Arad: Old!
Radha: !! Arad, the enemy reinforcements are coming! Be careful!
Arad: Yes? Yes!? ...I'm really here!!
Radha: You seem to have noticed this movement, but...!
Lin: Su radius appropriate value, black hole engine output stability... Start!
Arad: Whoa, the original Heukebine!
Lin: Rio, how about crossing the AM?
Rio: The G-Impact Cannon can only use one shot, but it can fight.
Rin: Ryouto, aren't there any staff left in the company?
Ryouto: Yes, yes. We are the last.


Lin: Dr. Hermill, what about processing the source data?
Kirk: I replaced them all with the dummy Dr. Radom had written down. The master is over here.
Marion: As a bonus, the pile is infected with a special virus.
Lin: Heh... it would be a good present.
Kirk: Ah. This will keep the factory line out of operation for a while.
Lin: Then Rio and I will make a breakthrough in the front.
Arad: Me, the front!?
Lin: Yes. If you go the other way, Celebis and the Lunar Facility will be caught up in battle.
Arad: That's right...!
Lin: Are you scared, Arad Baranga?
Arad: No! Frontal breakthrough, what I was hoping for!
Marion: (Whoa, that’s a good attitude.)
Lin: Alright... Everyone else get out of this area with a transport plane. All right, I have to somehow get the transport plane to reach that line safely.
Radha: I see.
Rio: ...Ryouto-kun, we will deal with the enemies. you ask for a transport
Ryouto: Uh... huh. Please be careful, Rio.
Rio: Yeah, leave the battle to me!
Ryouto: ......
Lin: (All that's left is the Federal Army... it would be nice if I could somehow contact Hiryugae... It's a Heukebine that goes, and a Hewkebine that blocks it... It really deserves to be called an aircraft with karma. But for those who control it. I'll teach you... the power of bad luck... what it is!! Our Heukewein never disappears or never!!)
Ryouto: Hey, this!?
Rio: Why, Ryouto-kun!?
Ryouto: Ki, the heat source reaction that looks like a mobile weapon is this way!!
Rio: !!


Ryouto: Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Arad: You got hit, the transport plane!!
Mekiboss: ...Oh my, is this like this again? Also, it was a bit heavy for the dolls. If I was wrong, I could have missed it.
Lin: Everyone, protect the transport plane!!
Mekibos: Huh? That body... Really. is that help I've heard of it, but it's well implied in that size. Even if you're an uncharted savage, you're great for that kind of thing.
Rio: Ryouto-kun! Run away quickly!!
Ryouto: !!
Mekiboss: No, it's not like that.
Ryouto: Whoa, whoa!
Rio: Ryo, Ryouto-kun!!
Ryouto: Uh-huh...!
Rio: Ryouto-kun! Dr. Hermill! Dr. Radom!!
Mekibos: ...well, don't be so fussy. I was just aiming for the slaster.
Rio: !?
Radha: Sat, communication...!?
Lin: What kind of person are you!
Mekiboss: My name is Mekiboss. It's not Jobo... it's [Inspector].
Lin: Inspector...!?
Mekiboss: Yeah, you can call me [Guest]. for now.
Lin: What!? Then you...!?
Kirk: it the opposite sex?
Mekibos: Ah, from your point of view, it will be like that.
Rio: Hey, Seongin Lee...! How is it different from an aerogator!?
Lin: Yeah...
Mekiboss: As it was related to the development of the original Heukebine, it seems that there is something to be said about it?


Lin: ......
Meki Boss: Didn't she say that it was a big deal in many ways, that guy's half maneuver experiment. Well, she should be lucky enough that she blew up a base.
Kirk: (After all, that accident...?)
Marion: ...what do you mean by that? Dr. Hermill.
Kirk: ......
Mekibos: Then, shall we receive the contents of the transport plane?
Rio: !!
Arad: So, are you the one who captured the Federation Forces unit!?
Mekibos: Ah, yes.
Rio: For what the hell!?
Mekiboss: Well, you'll find out sooner or later. More than that... If you gently hand over your aircraft, you might be able to save your life, right? As for this one too, it's a car that needs a developer of excellent weaponry.
Rio: Eh...!?
Ryouto: ...!
Mekiboss: How about it, isn't that a bad thing?
Lin: ...I refuse. I have no intention of handing over our aircraft to you.
Mekibos: Is that so? Then, I will force you to take it with you.
Rin: Everyone, give him a concentrated attack and get him off the transport plane!!
Rio: Yes, yes!
Rin: Ryouto! Escape the transport with Dr. Hermill and Dr. Radom!
Ryouto: Ha, but what about MK-III and Bilger!?
Lin: I'll retrieve the whole transport later! You guys evacuate to Cerevis!
Ryouto: Oh, that can't be...!
Rio: Hurry up, Ryouto-kun! I will definitely protect MK-III!
Ryouto: Lee, Rio...!
Mekiboss: Alright, the warm-up is over. Would you like to go out in earnest?


Arad: Kek! I really!?
Mekiboss: Well, don't worry too much. I'll let you play for a while.
Rio: Whoops, that's funny!!
Radha: Boss...!
Lin: The Federal Army must have noticed the situation here... It's unlikely that reinforcements will come, but for now, we have no choice but to hang on there...! Everyone, focus on the bandit's drivetrain! You're buying time by stopping his movements!
Radha: Yes, four!
Rio: (Ryouto-kun, what are you doing!? Get out of the transport plane quickly!)
Marion: ...both of you, ready to escape.
Ryouto: ......
Kirk: Why?
Ryouto: I... I'll stay.
Marion: Are you crazy? What are you going to do by staying here?
Ryouto: ...I will activate the MK-III.
Marion: In an emergency like this? The current Type L is... if the T-LINK system is not stable...
Ryouto: I'm going to shut down the system temporarily. If you do that, you will be able to do an arc.
Marion: What an idiot. Are you saying it's okay to lose the MK-III here?
Ryouto: But if you can't save everyone, you'll lose something more precious than that!
Marion: ......
Kirk: ...(The aircraft will move depending on the power adjustment. Besides, Ryouto also has the talents of a qualified person... What's left is whether the same case as in the SRX will happen... It's dangerous, but is it worth a walk? )
Ryouto: I will do anything for the next day. You two, go to Cerevis.
Kirk: ...If you're going to fight with the current Type L, it's better to run the T-LINK system as a sub and change the OS.


Marion: I can't take it off... this is it. But that method will take time.
Kirk: If I go into support, I can shorten it.
Ryouto: Dr. Hermill...!
Kirk: I can't even hand over the MK-III to them... Marie, you go first.
Marion: As I said, there's no reason to be called that by you anymore.
Kirk: ...I did.
Marion: But three is better than two. I'll try to help too.
Ryouto: Yes...!?
Kirk: ...are you okay?
Marion: I have no intention of handing over spare parts for Bilger, Alt, and Vice to them just like you.
Ryouto: Dr. Radom...
Marion: Now, you quickly get on the MK-III. Prepare on the spot.
Ryouto: Yes, yes!
Mekibos: There's nothing to look at in the old fashioned way. please die
Radha: It can't be...! I will protect the transport plane!!
Mekiboss: Even if you beg for your life, it's already too late!
Rio: Who would do such a thing! I won't hand over the MK-III to you!
Mekiboss: The mass-produced Heukebine is full. you die there
Arad: No! I haven't done it yet!!?
Lin: There's no way that your purpose is to be a new machine... You're going to get our company's factory too, right?
Mekibos: Yes. I mean, just taking your gas isn't the right number. From now on, the factory will mass-produce it in one shot.
Lin: Is that your way...!
Mekibos: There are more. Sow seeds and harvest... although some of them seem to have noticed.


Mekiboss: ...I'm slowly getting tired of it. will it end
Arad: Kek!! Joe, why don't you go play some more!?
Mekibos: That's why you're waiting for the Salvation Army to come, aren't you?
Arad: Oh, as expected?
Kirk: ...Ryouto, the work here is finished. However, it is presumed that there will be some backflow from the system. Be prepared.
Ryouto: I know.
Kirk: ...Dr. Radom, what about fire control?
Marion: It's over. Basic equipment will be usable.
Kirk: Okay, I'll open the hatch, Lyouto.
Ryouto: Yes. Hukebine MK-III, maneuver!
Rio: ! The hatch of the transport plane...!!
Mekibos: Huh? That's...
Ryouto: Tronium engine quarter drive... fire control, all green.
Radha: M, MK-III...!!
Lin: Who's riding!?
Rio: Come on, Ryouto-kun!? Are you Ryouto-kun!?
Ryouto: Yes, Rio.
Rio: Uh, why!? you now...
Ryouto: ...Target, rock. Multi-Trace Missile, Fire!
Mekiboss: !? What a silly thing to do!
Ryouto: Let's go on! ...awesome!!
Rio: Ryouto-kun!?
Radha: Come on, the T-LINK system!?
Ryouto: Whoops! uh uh uh...!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Wave, Pang Slasher!! Go!
Mekiboss: ! That gas...!? Apparently it's the latest Huke Vine.
Arad: Oh, that... battles were still unreasonable...?
Rio: Ryo, Ryouto-kun!


Ryouto: Uh-huh...! W, the reflux of salt...
Marion: Dr. Hermill...! Does that mean a little bit?
Kirk: ......
Rio: Reckless, Ryouto-kun! run away!!
Ryouto: Shi, I hate it...!
Rio: !?
Ryouto: I can't run away alone, leaving everyone behind. I too have things I have to protect... And, if I don't fight here, I'm not a man...!!
Rio: Ryo, Ryouto-kun...!
Mekiboss: Whoa, that's pretty cool, kid. But yes! You guys can't beat me! I'll give you my thanks!!
Ryouto: Ki, gas! Wow!!
Rio: Ryouto-kun!!
Ryouto: Uh-huh...! Gas...!! The aircraft doesn't move...!
Mekiboss: I'm sorry, I don't remember hitting that hard up to that point... Is it a problem with the control system?
Ryouto: My, damn it!
Mekiboss: Well, anyway, it's just fine. Take that gas.
Lin: Do you think it will be like that? Rio, help!
Rio: Yes, yes!
Mekibos: No, I can't interfere.
Rio: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!
Ryouto: Lee, Rio!!
Mekibos: Don't worry. I'm thinking of taking the gas over there as well. it won't break Of course, the person inside cannot guarantee it.
Ryouto: !!
Mekiboss: Come on, don't be hasty either. your life is worth it
Ryouto: My... Damn it!! Move, move, MK-III! please move!!
