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RE: Support minnows , Date 26.6.2018 promote content on Steemit

in #support6 years ago

This is a tradition where I live, usually done by children while taking classes at school. And until now still in preserve, and a joy of this game we can find at the time the event took place.


Hello @yoo1900

I think today is the true my lucky day, such as a post link I skid here :

Beauty Butterfly1-01.jpeg

In order to maintain the security and public order, the Police of the Republic of Indonesia (POLRI) often conduct routine patrols and raid checks of vehicle completeness. Why is this action done? One reason is to provide security and compliance to the public and road users. In addition, to avoid criminal acts that sometimes appear in the community.
razia di Papua.jpg

The fruit season arrives, at our place in Aceh Sumatra when the fruit season arrives so we as sellers are very happy to wait for it, because we can get a lot of profit from fruit selling especially durian fruit which is very popular in Aceh.


Mushrooms that have uniqueness and beauty that is unrivaled, so anyone who sees it will be interested to touch and stroke it, beautiful and amazing.


WHY WE FEEL BORED? All of us have ever felt bored. Some feel it in a short time, but many people who feel it in a long time.

This is a very unique and very beautiful bird, although nowadays it has been lousy to meet but the beauty of this bird bring very beautiful perfection.
