Empty out the negative. The reason some people don't enjoy their lives because their container which is their heart is contaminated with so many negatives.

in #surpassinggoogle7 years ago (edited)

Image source: teamrivermist.com

It is easy to go through life holding onto things that weigh us down such as guilt, doubt, resentment, jealousy, worry, etc. The problem is, when we allow those things in our heart, they take up the space of good. Things that should be there. Imagine your life like a container, you are created to be filled with joy, peace, love, creativity, etc, but if you allow worry in, it pushes out joy, peace etc. There is no space for both. You can't go above 100℅. You have a limited amount of room. If you allow guilt and worry to take in the space of your heart; that space won't have the confidence you need.

The reason some people don't enjoy their lives is because their container which is their heart is contaminated with so many negatives,: 20℅ worry, stress out of business or job. 20℅ bitterness mad at their neighbor and colleagues. 20℅ guilt: bidding themselves up for past mistakes.
10℅ jealousy at co-worker either more beautiful or more hardworking. They do not realize that 70℅ of their container (heart) is negative.
Image source:Everydayhealth.com

They wonder why they don't have joy, peace, creativity or passion. They only have 30℅ of what they should have. Give no place for worry , give no place for guilt and bitterness.

Instead choose what you allow in your heart by controlling what comes in. We all have negative emotions, negative feelings but you make a choice of nor being negative. Just say "I am not going to give space for bitterness, worry, anger resentment etc.

"I let it go. I am going to protect what I allow in".
When you say and do this, that is power.

Everyday before you sleep empty every negative thoughts and offences and as you wake up, shield your heart. We have to be discipline. Although these offences actually hurt once but do not let them continue to hurt you by holding on to tgem. Being offended is not harming the offenders but harming you.

Many people ruin their health and lives by responding to offences by drinking the poison of bitterness, resentment, unforgiven, worry etc. Which could result in "Bipolar disorder", a disease of the mind which cannot be diagnosed by natural medical science.

You may have heard the saying "refusing to forgive is like drinking poison and hoping it kills the other person". We are not hurting the ones who hurt us by being angry at them.

The truth is that most of the time , people who offend us do not even know how we feel. They go on with their lives while we drink the poison of bitterness. When you forgive those who offend you, you are actually helping yourself .

So I say "Do yourself a favour and let go of resentment, unforgiveness.

Cisse56.. ...say "empty out the negative thoughts".


It's absolutely important to do away with negativity and embrace positivity. Well composed.

not to allow our worry take away of beauty of today. Thanks for your comment

We should do away with negativity

Deep inspiration
Thanks for sharing this

Learning from you. Thanks for your comment

Remember to quote properly, the source of the images

I will work on that. Thanks for comments

I just corrected that now thanks for your help and support.

Great post @cisse56. It's only naturally for negative thoughts to flow in the air, after all the world we live in is not a perfect one-- full of negativities.

You switch on TV or radio to listen to happening around you, and then, you're bombarded with heartbreaking headlines and stories.

Nevertheless, it's our individual responsibility to choose what really take 'solace' in our minds; because the well-being of our lives depends on this.

Thanks for sharing.