Ulog | One day, your life can change

Life has many faces, for a group everything is joy but for others it is so difficult that we can not even imagine the situations that they have to live, with this many young people are tempted by the vices of the street, starting a path through vandalism , drugs and alcohol, individuals who inadvertently enter a world from which it is almost impossible to overcome, however with will can be achieved.

An example of overcoming

The initiative to write these lines was born when I spoke with Jesus Arrieta last week, one of the founders of the Alcatraz and Alcatraz Rugby Club Project in 2003. He was guided to vices from an early age, to the point that from 12 years was a consumer of alcohol and drugs, one day with his brother decided to enter the Hacienda Santa Teresa to steal the gun of the security guard, without success.

Those responsible for the hacienda realized that handing them over to the police would not help to change their attitudes, therefore, they were told to work for a while with them to teach them values ​​and from there the Alcatraz Project was born, with its fun motto "Saca the chest "that has helped so many young people to leave the streets to dedicate themselves to the discipline of Rugby.

Rugby is a game of animals, played by gentlemen
Jesus Arrieta

I have always thought that sport is capable of changing society, until this interview in which I confirmed that belief, Jesus is a person who is full of values, thanks to the discipline that has accompanied him for 15 years; in the middle of the interview I had the doubt that it would have happened if he did not play Rugby, he told me he can not imagine where he would be, but thanks to the change he gave in his life he married, he has three children and has already bought his home ... incredible.

His brother, Gordo Arrieta as he is known in the world of Rugby has also been surpassed, becoming the coach of the team, achieving in three consecutive years the national championship; hand in hand with this sport he transmitted to his son Wilkinson, a lifestyle different from the one he lived, leading him to sign for a team of the professional league of Uruguay.

The change is possible

Talking with people who have had to overcome so many difficulties in their lives is shocking, but more so when you see them and understand that they are an example for all the young people who have suffered, because with values, will and the support of society, They have created a better world, I really appreciate the opportunity to know this story, hoping that many more will come soon.

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