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RE: Fruit of the Poisonous Tree | Parallel Constructions used to Circumvent US Law

Evidence not that we needed it that governments have completely embraced the fascist model and intend to take it to a level.
They'll keep getting worse and worse as society descends into economic misery over the coming years. It's kinda sad but it's goes to show the importance of online anonymity when airing your views.
What concerns me the most is that so many folks say "If your not a criminal you have nothing to worry about" FOOLS!
It depends on your definition of a criminal, and that they can change anytime they like.
Cheers for the info V, great work.


Haha, that's a great point. They're just going to become more brazen with the dismantling of our human rights. They're barely concealing it at the moment.

I 100% agree with you on the "Nothing to hide" argument and you've identified exactly why it's such a paper thin argument. Laws can be rushed in to place after an 'event' (ex: Patriot Act) that severely infringe on the rights of citizens.

Well said TP!

The 'nothing to hide' argument is a good example of brainwashing the masses in how to respond. They've been programmed to repeat what they have heard without understanding the ramifications of what they are saying.

You've both raised very good points!

The same people who parrot the "If your not a criminal you have nothing to worry about" argument also spend all day telling everyone that the President is a fascistic, unconstitutional racist who will cause a nuclear holocaust.

nice post. i like you post bro

Good post, as always @v4vapid. Slightly off subject but semi-related, I wanted to turn you onto the work of @PatrickLancaster (if you haven't seen it yet). He is under assault from pro Kiev trolls on Steemit for trying to get the truth out about the Ukraine war. Kind regards.

The real question is what can be done about it?

I am not sure online anonymity is even possible with all the data being collected by social media companies like Twitter (see watch Project Veritas video) , Google, and Facebook.

Even if it is possible - it should not be required. It is addressing the symptom, not the problem.

How do we fix the problem?

"'s goes to show the importance of online anonymity when airing your views."

I believe my use of pseudonymous means of posting throughout my life has not only kept me alive, but my children.

John Yee, legal counsel to Bush lite, wrote that the President had the lawful authority to crush the testicles of a child to interrogate the parents. Seymour Hersch, who broke the Abu Ghraib story, said 'The worst thing was the screams of the children being raped while their parents were being interrogated.' He was privy to much more information that was prevented from becoming public by the criminal conspirators that committed such predations in their quest for power.

When such criminal means are used to rule, there can be no justice, only power.

Redundant layers of pseudonymity don't hide me from evil racketeers, they hide the testicles of my children.

Yep, they unleashed the forces of evil when they enabled the patriot act. As soon as they run out of enemies they'll turn on their own, I wouldn't want to be an American citizen when that happens and it WILL happen.
Himmler and Heydrich would thrive perfectly well in the system that have and continue to set up, it's horrendous.

These principles aren't limited to the US. The methods and powers are ubiquitous, wherever blackmail and surveillance are possible - and I submit there is no place they are not - this is happening.

This is globalism.

We can't vote with our feet. We must vote with our wallets, by funding mechanisms that make it impossible to conduct secret surveillance. The only thing necessary to end all this abuse is to make it public.

Blockchain FTW!