in #surveys7 years ago

Author: ohaughey
Date: April 7, 2018

Purpose of Surveys
To get information
To make sales

Types of surveys
Information or opinion gathering
Making sales

Payment for doing surveys on line
Pay cash
Pay credits
Pay gift cards
Pay with discounts on a product
Surveys offering trial periods on a product for free

Purpose of Surveys

To get information:

This is the kind of survey most people think of when they talk about surveys.
You take a survey by answering a list of questions about some product or service and that is it. You get paid for your effort.

There purpose is to get a review of the product or service in question. This information is used for marketing purposes. They are trying to find out how to make their product or device better. And they are willing to pay you for your review and opinion.

To Make Sales:

The other type of survey is really just an advertisement to sell a product or services. They always end up asking you to buy or try a product in order to get paid. So, it amounts to little more than a discount on the product in question when you buy it.

Types of Surveys:

Information Gathering:

This is the simple kind of a survey that simply wants to know what you think of their new product or service. They will ask you a series of questions about the product and may ask you for any ideas to make it better or more appealing to a consumer. They are quick and easy but, they do not pay much. Sometimes as little as 5 cents. 25 cents would be a lot for this kind of survey. But, you can do a lot of them and make some pocket change.

Sales Funnels:

The other type of survey is more sneaky. They often ask you a long boring and tedious list of questions only to lead you to a page where you are asked to select a product to buy or a free trial period to try the product out before you buy it. These are the ones where you see advertised for 25 dollar gift cards up to as much as 100 dollars gift cards. They never offer cash for these.

If you actually want to buy the product the gift card is applied to the purchase price and is little more than a normal discount when buying the product. Unless you want the product you should just ignore these types surveys. You want to make money, not spend it.

However. There is a way to get those gift cards but, it can be dangerous. When they offer a trail period you can sign up for it and then cancel later and still get the gift card. Certain rules do apply which makes this difficult. Never take the 7 day trail as you will usually lose on that deal. You can take the 14 day trail and the 30 day trail and make it work but, it takes a lot of attention and dedication to detail. On the 7 day trail, the first rule is that you have to take the trial for at least 7 days before you can cancel and still get the gift card or other reward offered. Then they say it takes two days to process the cancellation. The you cancel does not count as a processing day. Then they will only pay you if the pay out date is within the 14 days. Weekends are not counted for the processing time but, weekends(and holidays) are counted for the trail period.

For example, say you wait the 7 days and yo send in your cancel request on the 8th day. The processing time would be the 9th and 10th day unless there is a week end in between. Then say the 9th day is a Friday, then the 10th and 11th day will not count for the processing time and the second day of the processing time will be the 12th day. The payout day will be the 13th day. In my opinion, even thought you could cancel on the 9th day and get paid on the 14th day, canceling the on the 8th is the best policy. A;ways cancel on line. Don't try this my us mail, it is to risky.

So, OK, let's say you manage to get a gift card, what do you do with it. Well, of course, you can use it to buy something at the store it is for but, what I so is I sell them on eBay. Most of the time I gt anywhere from $8.00 to $12.00, sometimes a little more. Yeah, well, I don't want to buy anything, I want the cash.

But, this system, if yo can call it that, takes a lot of paying attention to the date and have everything laid out on a calendar, or you will forget and cancel to late or not at all and end up with a charge on your credit card.

Tip. If they are offering a credit card take the card card and when it comes, activate it and then you will get your gift card or other reward. However, do not use it. Just cut it up and throw it away. They will send you all kinds of offers to try and get you to charge something but,just ignore them. You will have your reward.

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