Time to 'LEARN' New Skills for Survival...???

in #survival4 years ago (edited)

Hey all... I'm just popping in to waste a little time by blogging, while on break from SHTF prep... :>)

I know that 'most' people won't understand what SHTF prep. even means and many that 'do' (perhaps most) think people like us are whacko...

Granted...with this "scamdemic" farce implemented by the 'Over-Lords' gripping the masses in fear, fortunately 'more' individuals are waking up to the real truth, that at any time... those 'evil' scum from the shadows, can pull the plug on us.

Anyway... 'HELLO' my newly 'awakened' friends...welcome to the 'real' world. It is a world which you've been in denial about for 'too' long. Now that you're more awakened...don't just sit there in fear, moaning about it...Hit that Internet and start learning some survival skills that are widely available.

Perhaps you don't know, but for 'years', there have been an enormous community of folk who make videos, filled with valuable information for you to watch and learn from.

In your 'searching'...use key words such as: #Survival #SurvivalTraining #Off-Grid #Preppers #Prepping #Camping #StealthCamping #FoodForaging #WildFoods #WildHerbs #EdibleWeeds #WoodsmanSkills #WildernessSkills #WildernessTraining #VegetableGardening #OffGridLiving … (Just to name a few)

You might be the type who has, until recently, been under the false premise that 'all' will be okay for you and your family, should anything bad happen in society. You may have been under the illusion that 'Government' is fully prepared to 'help' you in whatever way needed, they 'want' to help you...they 'care' about your basic welfare and all that other 'bullshit' programmed into your little head. NOW, you are beginning to awaken to the truth.

WELCOME to REALITY my friend...

That's all I have to say for now... Get your ass moving and begin preparing for the worse, which may be on the way.


@AngryMan May 2, 2020


Yup.. you're definitely a whacko 😂

Oh...!!! So someone FINALLY noticed... My quest has not been in vain :>)

WELCOME to REALITY my friend...

5 little words that are guaranteed to lose all your friends ....lol

:>) 'FRIENDS!?!?!!? I have no friends left to lose...Why else would I be 'here' blogging, attempting to gain a friend or two rather than frolicking in the woods naked as a jaybird - 'alone'...???

Good point, sir, good point.

And now we find out that the sun micronovas every 12k years and it has been ~11,950!
All hail, @jang!

Maybe that's why the Feds are printing endless amounts of money, because they know what's coming down the pike?

I'm gonna hide under my desk....

Scuttlebutt is that the dumpster fire folded the fed into the treasury and seized 400+b ounces of gold.
They are nationalizing the debt by having the fed buy all the toxic 'assets' and will declare bankruptcy to screw the 'unnamed shareholders' of the fed.

Won't that be fun?