
That's why I need to get out of Nevada and back to the green. Lol. Can't grow anything here unless you do it inside. Haha

Oh! Yeah! That makes sense.

Yeah. The desert kind of sucks. Lol

Water's pretty necessary huh! Haha where in NM are you? There's some not as deserty places near Colorado isn't there?

I live in Nevada; about an hour North of Vegas and just South of Death Valley! Lol. Not much water here. There is a natural spring in the mountains nearby, but if that won't be a target for everyone than I just don't know. Haha. But I'm closest to Utah. I'm not sure what it's like there though. I've never been.

Oh! my bad. I somehow get mixed up by those two states ( :
Pretty dry in Utah too but it starts to green up a bit.
Nevada is true desert, that's gotta be tough!

Lol. It's Ok. Nevada can be pretty rough. As for the mental side of it; I've been to Afghanistan so its about the same. Haha! My wife hates it though. We are from NY originally and we're moving back next week. So back to the green for us! : )

Oh wow! Well congrats on the move, we just moved back home after a year on the road. Moving is a lot of work! Don't think I'll ever be visiting Afghanistan!