Letter to My Unborn Grandchildren – Number 6 – Don’t Be a Sycophant

in #sycophant6 years ago (edited)

As I eluded in my last letter to you, we have on this planet a tiny group of highly functioning evil sociopaths who feel as though they have a divine right to rule over the population; even to the point of openly talking about genocide as a means to control the allocation of precious resources. When one stops to think about how such a small group of people can control an entire planet, given that the truly good citizens have such an advantage in numbers. They accomplish their goals by controlling each of our thoughts. They own the media that tells us what to think is going on in the world, who to believe, and who to trust. Sadly, we as a human population have been all too compliant.

I do however see an awakening happening, and I can only hope that we are successful. Otherwise, your lives will not be your own. If we are successful, you need to understand the struggles we went through in order to make sure that history does not repeat itself; or even rhyme. Believe me, the black-hearts will try to accomplish their goals inter-generationally. They are a patient evil.

What my generation has come to understand is that centralization leads only to corruption and control over every aspect of our everyday lives. We have given over decision making to those we trusted to embrace our best interest. Light has been shed on our foolishness as we realize how stupid we were to think that any organization that spends tens (if not hundreds) of billions of dollars a year producing news programs would actually have the proletariat’s best interest at heart. How stupid of us! Thank goodness your generation won’t make that same mistake.

For thousands of years the evil element on the planet has been slowly taking over control from us. Once you step back and view history on a longer timeline than that of your own life you get a sense of the truth behind their plan. Viewing history inter-generationally you begin to understand why they “created” religion. Personally, I do not believe there is a singular God in this universe. I believe the universe is too complex; however, I will concede that if there is a singular entity that controls it all, that we are so far away from its awareness that we should better spend our time focusing on the infinite possibilities contained within each of our minds, because if you choose to accept that premise, God is inside our minds. If there is a singular God it (not he/she) is so complex with the infinite possibilities contained within the universe; that once we embrace that concept it becomes clear that the anthropomorphizing of God was meant only to focus our minds on a singular entity which makes the sycophant-ization of the world’s population easy to accomplish by people with black-hearted motives.

To be fair, I do believe that religious texts include a great deal of valuable historical information. However, what is written (what is left in versus what is left out) is done so by humans with only one goal in mind; to control the population. That’s why I feel strongly that US Government funded groups like al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS go into areas in the Middle East and destroy religious artifacts; to keep us from finding out our true history as a human race. If we are unable to know who we truly are, and what our purpose is on the planet, we become subservient to the black-hearts.

By focusing our minds on a singular point of control, the global elite have rendered our intellect useless to anything contrary to their agenda. This phenomenon causes us to look up to and admire evil royal families, corrupt politicians, all the way down to local officials who tack bribes onto guaranteed contracts from overpriced contractors.

Hollywood produces the slick images used to enhance the message from the elite and reinforce it in our minds. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, right? As a kid I would watch each James Bond movie that came out in the theatres and think to myself how silly it is for someone to try to take over the world. After all, that could never be accomplished in someone’s lifetime, so it would be a fool’s bargain. Movie producers have bolstered this belief by making the Bond series a campy representation of world events; which I belief whole-heartedly was contrary to Ian Fleming’s motivation for penning the series of novels. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that Ian Fleming was actually murdered because he saw what movie producers were doing wanted to warn the world that this evil did exist. He held the kind of cache that common people would have listened to what he had to say. As always happens with an untimely death such as Mr. Fleming’s, there was a well-prepared story about the health issues that lead to his demise.

Ah, but as I have aged and seen what really happens in the world it has become clear that the elite do have one advantage over us; they seem to know how to move souls from a dying body into a newborn within the same family. This satanic pursuit is the reason they place such a priority on the managing of their bloodlines. I honestly believe that is the only advantage they have over us; the knowledge of the universe, that they keep from us in order to enslave us for their own benefit.

As my grandchild, please do not allow these evil people to treat you (or any citizen of the planet) like sub-human beings because you’re too lazy to be anything other than a sycophant. This life can be a wonderful experience, but in order for that to happen you must develop a hard-outer shell and be ready to fight for what is right. You must continually educate yourself to how they try to control the world, because those methods will change as time passes, and I cannot anticipate how they’ll do it in order to warn you. The best I can do is to communicate to you how to protect yourself, your family, and by extension, the world.

What you need to understand is that we can fool ourselves into thinking that we are so diverse in our thinking, when in actuality just because you have interests in more than one area doesn’t mean you’re not subjected to their sycophantic oppression. You can visualize this phenomenon by imagining one pyramid that is made up of thousands (or millions, billions, trillions, etc.) of smaller pyramids. The issue is that you have been purposely placed at the bottom of each of these pyramids; all the while thinking you’re a complex human by focusing your attention on a thousand points of light; which are nothing more than pyramidal points. At the apex of each of those pyramids resides centralized control. One way you can realize you’re a sycophant is to ask yourself, ‘Am I relying on someone else to provide my happiness?’ If the answer is, ‘Yes,’ you have to change your life in order to improve it. No one will ever be able to provide happiness in your life. You’ll never be able to offer happiness to anyone you know and love. It comes from within each of us.

The generations alive today have the opportunity to change things for the better. We now have a mechanism to change the world and make all transaction among the people of the world verifiable in a decentralized manner; thereby eliminating the need for governments, and their corrupt monetary systems. It’s called blockchain. We need to educate ourselves and embrace the technology in order to make your lives much better than what we’ve experienced. I’ll offer my sincere apologies in advance if we fail; because if we do, you’re lives will be miserable and controlled by the black-hearts.

I’ve waited five decades for political promises to be kept; for insurance rates to be brought under control; for healthcare costs to decline; for homelessness to be solved; for identity security to be developed to do away with identity theft. Waited? Yes, because I was brought up to be a sycophant by my parents. They continue to believe that someone they don’t know, will magically make their lives better. It’s giving away power. I was taught to graduate from college and get a job; which only made me another “brick in the wall.” No one will make your life as truly fulfilled as you want it to be more-so than you! By succumbing to the global sycophant-ization of the world, you’re applying a binary belief system directed by those at the point of every small pyramid within the larger global pyramid to your detriment. You will hold the belief within that pyramid and anyone who expresses any idea contrary to your own is wrong. The black-hearts have perfected this phenomenon to such a degree that whenever anyone encounters someone who does believe something different they lash out with anger, hatred, and violence. That emotional response keeps us all occupied while the black-hearts continue to rape the planet of its resources. Approaching life in this way does not make you a renaissance man or woman. You’re playing into the complex singularity the global elite have trained your mind to accept; all the while thinking you have a varied intellect because you have the ability to focus on many pyramidal points, but you can’t think beyond that. Change your view to the perspective of the universe, looking down on the most minuscule of specs known as earth. Embrace every single infinite possibility the universe contains; allowing those who believe differently from you to hold tightly to concepts you do not embrace. This will leave the both of you fulfilled. No more anger, hatred, or war. Imagine.

I will say that as we approach the day of reckoning on this planet I can only hope that the people I love can handle the truth about those in whom they placed their trust when they realize what corrupt, murdering rapists these people are. People they “knew” would “save” them from the circumstances created in their own minds by the black-hearted propaganda. Ultimately, when you give away your power to another, and become their sycophant, you end up being the victim of the one to whom you give your power.

Maybe on all of our death-beds we will receive total consciousness and know the truth.

Until we meet.

Love, Papa

Be This Guy! (A Picture is Worth Thousand Words)

Be This Guy.jpg


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Change your view to the perspective of the universe, looking down on the most miniscule of specs known as earth.
It should be minuscule instead of miniscule.