Crypto Is A Sliver Deck

in #synergy5 years ago


Back in olden days when I was actually playing Magic The Gathering, a new type of creature emerged called the Sliver. Slivers are the ultimate synergy card. Each sliver shares its ability with every other sliver on the battlefield. If you could manage to keep a fair share a them alive, winning was very easy, as each new one played gained the abilities of all the others, while all the others gained the ability of the one just played.

Crypto is turning into an army of slivers. While everyone watches and waits for them to devour each other, they keep giving one another new abilities and become stronger than ever.

  • Bitcoin - All blockchains gain Lightning Network.
  • DigiByte - All blockchains gain DigiShield.
  • ZCash - All blockchains gain zk-SNARKs
  • DPOS - All blockchains gain efficiency.
  • Bitcoin - All blockchains gain SegWit
  • Etc. Etc.

This is the nature of open source technology. Cryptocurrency has infinitely more potential than its fiat counterpart. This is where the competition exists: between fiat and blockchain. Venture capitalists have been demanding that 90% of all crypto projects die. Well, spoiler alert, the opposite is going to happen. The number of crypto projects and tokens will x10 in the coming years; each one with the opportunity to add value to the entire space.

When I look at where this is all going and compare it to where most people think it is going it just blows my mind. How can such smart people get it so wrong? How could I possibly be right in the face of this tidal wave of supposed ignorance? It really just comes down to one thing:

Blockchain is something the world has never seen before, but it looks very similar to previous technologies.

Throw liquidity onto an exchange and crypto looks like a stock. Behold the centralized development and a blockchain looks like a corporation. See a bubble in the market and associate it with the previous tech bubble. We keep projecting the past onto the future, but the future will be nothing like the past.

Case in point: look what happened after the bubble popped.

We're all still here. Meanwhile, Dot-Com was an absolute disaster.



Every day I think about how we are stuck in antiquated and stagnant thought patterns. There has been a monopoly on currency for over the last 100 years. That monopoly is about to be broken, and we can't even fathom the consequences because it's all we've known since we were born. Not only that, we have the opportunity to break up all the monopolies present and usher in a completely open source and cooperative economy.

Certainly, we aren't ushering in some kind of grand utopia. People aren't going to stop being greedy. The power grabs will be of legendary proportion. However, the playing field is about to be leveled greatly by this flat architecture. There are going to be amazing opportunities for all of us in the future who are paying attention to the here and now.

Cryptocurrency targets community. Make the choice to be a part of the communities that want to make the world a better place, rather than try to rule it. Your choices will be recorded on the chain forever.


Roads? Where we are going, we don't need roads. - Back to the Future

What most people believe will be the future is more, bigger, better of what we have now.

In fact, it is all they can see.

Most people even lack the ability to listen and visualize what a yard will look like after it is landscaped.

And, in the near future we won't need roads.
But neither will it be filled with flying cars.
Most people will live in small communities that are almost self contained.
They will trade what they cannot produce via automated, self running, single rail trains.

People will get their moving around fix by virtual reality visiting their friends across the net.

In the future, we won't need roads... but not for the reason you think.

and yes, cryptos are very much like Slivers. And the future of smart contracts will make today seem like a couple of programmers trying to make a fire by smashing rocks together.

So much yes!

best comparison ever.

Wow, that Silver looks like this Jackson I just spotted this morning, all pointy tail lizard like!


Oh how I love me some magic, to this day. You ever play wyvern?

back on topic,... I can't wait to see how the future plays out, it's going to be an amazing beautiful wonderful journey, as it always has been, even in the dark times.

The potential of crypto and blockchain is incredible. It’s trying to get more people involved in places like Steem that foster ideas and development that’s important. Lots of people are going into java and that to develop websites. I told a guy about Steem and the potential for blockchain in the future and he said that they briefly learned about it in one of his university classes but when I explained the small amount I currently know he was like wow I want to get involved in that! Still waiting for his account to be created on Steem unfortunately.

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